2025-2026 House Government/Executive Bills

HB1 (HD1) - An Act making appropriations for fiscal year 2026
Sponsor: Governor Maura Healey (D)
Summary: Submits the Governor’s fiscal year 2026 budget recommendations — appropriates roughly $62 billion, including roughly $7.32 billion for Chapter 70 aid to school districts, $1.34 billion in unrestricted local aid, $1.66 billion for the University of Massachusetts, state universities and community colleges, $2.25 billion for the Commonwealth's debt service, $2.4 billion for the Commonwealth's share of group insurance, $617.6 million for MassDOT, and $687 million for the MBTA. This proposal also accounts for a total of $1.95 billion in spending financed by expected “fair share” revenue, including a $765 million transfer to the Commonwealth Transportation Fund, $275 million for grants to childcare providers, $225 million for Student Opportunity Act expansion, $170 million for universal free school meals, $94 million for a free community college program, and several other items.  The outside sections would authorize automated traffic enforcement through the use of speed cameras; impose penalties on drug manufacturers for excessive price increases; provide for broker's fees to be paid by the party that originally engaged the broker for residential rental transactions; impose an assessment on pharmacies operating in Massachusetts; facilitate the closure of the Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children; and make a variety of tax changes, including the elimination of a sales tax exemption for candy.
HB7 (HD7) - An Act improving the internal controls within state agencies
Sponsor: Auditor Diana DiZoglio (D)
Summary: Clarifies the roles of the Office of the Comptroller and the Office of the State Auditor with regard to mandated internal control plans for state agencies; provides that the Comptroller (in consultation with the State Auditor) publish regulations to establish reporting requirements as well as internal control standards which are to define the minimum level of quality acceptable for internal control systems in operation throughout the various state agencies; within each agency there is to be an official, equivalent in title or rank to an assistant or deputy to the department head, whose responsibility will be to ensure the agency's compliance with its internal control systems.Requires the Attorney General to report all all unaccounted for variances, losses, shortages, intentional violation of financial system operations and controls, or thefts of funds or property to the State Auditor's office for review.
HB10 (HD10) - An Act relative to nondisclosure agreements
Sponsor: Auditor Diana DiZoglio (D)
Summary: Amends GL 151B (Anti-discrimination) to prohibit settlement agreements that prevent the disclosure of information related to a claim filed in a civil action or a complaint filed in an administrative action, regarding any of a list of claims of harassment, discrimination or retaliation; permits provisions that shield the identity of the claimant/victim; provides for sanctions of attorneys in violation of requirements; requires that settlement agreements be posted on Comptroller's website and be processed in conformity with state regulations; adds new section to GL 6 (State administration) to prohibit governmental entities from including a nondisclosure, non-disparagement or other similar clause as a condition of employment or in a settlement agreement between the governmental entity and an employee or a student; permits provisions shielding the identity of the employee or student. [NOTE: as drafted the bill requires all settlement agreements to be posted on the Comptroller's website, regardless of whether a state governmental entity is a party.]
HB16 (HD16) - An Act relative to county land disposition
Sponsor: Office of the Inspector General
Summary: No summary available yet.
HB19 (HD19) - An Act relative to pension forfeiture
Sponsor: Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission
Summary: Amends GL 32:5 (Public Retirement) to exempt from the formula for calculating the average annual rate of regular compensation members who have a final separate period of creditable service of thirty-six consecutive months or sixty consecutive months, and which period was last immediately preceded by a period of creditable service that concluded more than twenty years prior to the start of the final period of creditable service.
HB25 (HD25) - An Act relative to the enabling statute of the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission
Sponsor: Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission
Summary: No summary available yet.
HB28 (HD28) - An Act relative to pension forfeiture
Sponsor: Mass. Teachers' Retirement System
Summary: Amends GL 32:15 relative to 'dereliction of duty' by members of the state retirement system and the procedure for forfeiting a pension by rewriting the section completely. The legislation would, among other things, redefine the phrase "criminal offense involving violation of the laws applicable to his office or position' in the case of a member whose primary job responsibilities involve contact with children or any member of the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System or a teacher who is a member of the Boston Retirement System to include possession of child pornography under GL 272:29C, as well as other sex offenses involving children; restrict forfeitures to felony convictions; allow for an "innocent beneficiary" named as an Option C beneficiary to collect the Option C survivor benefit notwithstanding the member's forfeited benefit; continues to allow total forfeiture, but also allows retirement boards the option of a tiered reduction in pension benefits depending on the severity of the crime; and make a large number of other technical changes. NOTE: Same as HB17, recommended by the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System.
HB38 (HD38) - An Act relative to Treasury operations
Sponsor: Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HB43 (HD43) - An Act relative to the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority Employees' Retirement System
Sponsor: Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg (D)
Summary: Makes a number of amendments to GL Chapter 32 (State Pensions) with respect to non-governmental units that are part of the retirement system, and in particular, relative to former employee of the Turnpike. In particular: Adds a definition of “non-commonwealth governmental unit”; Establishes that “regular interest” will be established equal to the increase of the most recent Consumer Price Index for New England issued by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics; Amends provisions relative to acceptance by local agencies of retirement provisions to change the formula for how the state board of retirement gets reimbursed for its costs;  Authorizes the State Retirement Board to charge 10% for delinquent contributions; Substitutes reference to Massachusetts Department of Transportation for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority in a 2009 session law dealing with the retirement rights of members of the Authority.
HB47 (HD47) - An Act establishing an Office of Economic Empowerment
Sponsor: Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 79 to GL Chapter 10, establishing an office of economic empowerment within the office of the state treasurer to ensure equitable access to opportunities and resources through equity-centered programs, policies, and partnerships promoting economic mobility and independence. 
HB48 (HD48) - An Act establishing a Massachusetts Baby Bonds program
Sponsor: Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg (D)
Summary: Adds new Section 79 to GL Chapter 10 establishing a Baby Bonds Trust fund administered by the Treasurer to support beneficiaries in pursuing education, housing, or entrepreneurship; sets out eligibility criteria to include individuals born on or after July 1, 2026, and who received assistance under TAFDC or who have been in the care or custody of DCF within the first year of their life; establishes a Baby Bonds Trust Fund Advisory Board and a Massachusetts Baby Bonds Community Advisory Committee to assist in the management of the program; allows beneficiaries to claim their distribution from the fund after turning 18, provided that said distribution will be applied towards an eligible expenditure.
HD70 - An Act to provide an option to opt out of free school lunch
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: Adds a new §1C¼ to GL 69 (Powers and Duties of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) permitting school districts to opt out of state non-income-based free lunch programs, including those mandated by existing laws. If a district opts out, it can reallocate the previously designated funds for alternative purposes. For districts that choose to participate, parents or guardians can still opt their children out of the program. In such cases, students may buy lunch at a district-set price, and the district cannot include these students in free lunch program funding calculations. Subsequently, funds associated with these opted-out students can also be redirected for other uses at the discretion of the relevant board.
HD75 - An Act relative to American Sign Language training
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: Amends various provisions of General Law to require that both fire service personnel and EMTs have training and on-going education courses that allow for basic understanding of American Sign Language.
HD78 - An Act relative to public information requests
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: Amends GL 51:55, 54:91, and 54:91A to require registrars of voters to provide the Secretary of State with copies of voting lists, absentee voting lists and specially qualified voting lists; provides that the registration of a voter in the Commonwealth's electronic registration system shall be sufficient to carry out this requirement; makes such lists subject to the Public Records Law.
HD83 - An Act relative to requiring trauma kits in public buildings
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: Adds new Section 237 to GL Chapter 111 (Public Health) to require all public buildings as well as any buildings required by statute to house an AED to have clearly visible, centrally located and easily accessible trauma kits ready for use at all times by an appropriately qualified trauma kit designee; provides that the number of trauma kits required per building shall be determined by a formula to be promulgated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services; immunizes a person who, in good faith, attempts to render emergency aid without compensation; amends GL 69:8A to require schools to include the availability and location of trauma kits and those personnel designated as trauma kit designees in their medical emergency response plans; authorizes expenditures from municipal Community Preservation Funds for the procurement of trauma kits and trauma kit designees in a town or city owned building or a public school facility; defines trauma kit, trauma kit designee and public building.
HD86 - An Act authorizing the release of a certain sewer easement in the town of Norfolk
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: Authorizes DCAMM to release portions of a sewer easement in Norfolk, Massachusetts, originally established by the Department of Correction in 1930 for sewage disposal. In particular: The affected properties, located on Main Street, Seekonk Street, King Philip Trail, Campbell Street, and Lincoln Road, will benefit various property owners, including both private individuals and the town. The release process requires property owners to bear associated costs such as surveys, appraisals, and recording fees, with the final easement boundaries established by a precise survey. The consideration for the release is based on the full and fair market value of the easement portions, as determined by an independent professional appraisal. This appraisal must be reviewed by the inspector general, whose comments, along with the appraisal, must be submitted to designated legislative committees for review before the commissioner can finalize the easement release.  
HD90 - An Act relative to equity and inclusion in education
Sponsor: Rep. Kelly Pease (R)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL Chapter 69, governing DESE, such that assessments of school performance measure 'authentic' student growth in English, math, science, and social studies, through mechanisms such as computer-adaptive assessment, effective July 1, 2021; further directs the board of elementary and secondary education to establish regulations requiring leveled education options for students in K-12 according to their demonstrated achievement; requires the use of computer-adaptive assessments to determine appropriate instruction levels; prohibits discrimination against students according to age.
HD91 - An Act concerning equitable state summative assessments of students
Sponsor: Rep. Kelly Pease (R)
Summary: Amends GL 69:1 (Public Education) to expand definition of measurement system from "an effective system for monitoring progress" to "an effective mechanism in the form of a computer-adaptive assessment with a high enough ceiling and low enough floor to monitor the actual achievement and progress of individual students’ mastery through the various K-12 learning standards in English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies."
HD92 - An Act relative to equitable accelerated learning opportunities for public school students
Sponsor: Rep. Kelly Pease (R)
Summary: Amends GL 69:1B to direct the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop regulations for accelerated learning opportunities for K-12 public school students; requires the evaluation of all students to determine the need for acceleration accommodations, and districts to provide associated professional development for teachers; outlines potential acceleration strategies including concurrent enrollment, early college, multi-age combined classes, online courses, and more.    
HD94 - An Act relative to educational equity for gifted and beyond grade-level children
Sponsor: Rep. Kelly Pease (R)
Summary: Directs the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to promulgate regulations regarding educational programs and learning opportunities for gifted and talented children, beyond grade-level children, twice-exceptional children, and highly or profoundly gifted children; requires the regulations to include a comprehensive definition of each term, defined responsibilities at the state, district and school level, and providing low-incident populations of gifted children with in-district in special education collaboratives of the Commonwealth, state-level schools, or private placements; requires districts to pay for special education personnel, materials and equipment, tuition, room and board, transportation, rent and consultant services; establishes annual reporting requirements by districts on gifted education and by DESE; establishes an office of beyond grade-level and gifted and talented education within DESE; directs DESE to establish a professional development program in gifted and talented education to provide educators with fifteen hours of professional development in the specific field of the education of gifted and talented students; creates additional training requirements for teachers and school administrators in the area of gifted education. 
HD99 - An Act to require equitable payment from the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Adam Scanlon (D)
Summary: Amends GL 6A:16 (Agencies within Executive Office of Health and Human Services) by requiring compensation of network hospitals at their full negotiated rate for behavioral health services provided to MassHealth patients when such patients are also clients of other agencies within the executive office of health and human services when no other appropriate alternative placement is available.
HD136 - An Act relative to Massachusetts joining the nursing licensure compact
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: Directs the executive director of the Board of Regulations in Nursing to administer the nurse licensure compact; authorizes the board to impose a penalty up to $2,000 on licensed nurses who violate regulations related the practice and registration of nursing.  Adds a new GL Chapter 112A, a Nurse Licensure Compact, as adopted by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing in its final version (dated May 4, 2015) and representing the National Council's best efforts at creating a standardized interstate compact. The Massachusetts board of registration in nursing will be required to adopt regulations in the same manner as all other with states legally joining in the Compact. The Compact acknowledges that the expanded mobility of nurses and the use of advanced communication technologies as part of our nation's health care delivery system require greater coordination and cooperation among states in the areas of nurse licensure and regulation; the current system of duplicative licensure for nurses practicing in multiple states is cumbersome and redundant for both nurses and states; and uniformity of nurse licensure requirements throughout the states promotes public safety and public health benefits. The Compact goes on to set forth a detailed plan of interstate licensing of nurses.
HD138 - An Act to advance health equity
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: Establishes a new Chapter 6F in the General Laws, Executive Office of Equity. “Equity” is defined for these purposes as the “consistent and systematic fair, just, and impartial treatment of all individuals, including individuals who belong to underserved communities” and “Health equity” is defined as the “fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.”  The new Equity Office is, among other things, tasked to develop multi-year strategic plans to advance equity within each executive office of the Commonwealth; develop standards for the collection, analysis, and public reporting of disaggregated data by race, ethnicity, language, and other socio-demographic factors; and create and publish data dashboards stratified and disaggregated by race, ethnicity, language, and other socio-demographic factors.  The new Chapter also establishes an Advisory Board, and issue an annual report.  Finally, the bill makes a number of technical changes that make reference to the Equity Office in other parts of the General Laws, and requires the Center for Health Information and Analysis to gather and publish certain health equity information.
HD139 - An Act to improve sickle cell care
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: Makes a number of amendments and additions to existing law to enhance detection of and treatment of sickle cell disease (an inherited blood disorder marked by defective hemoglobin, often found in minority populations). In particular:   Defines terms like “iatrogenic infertility” (which is medically induced infertility, when a person becomes infertile due to a medical procedure done to treat another problem, most often chemotherapy or radiation for cancer) and outlines coverage criteria based on evidence-based standards of care.  Directs the Division of Medical Assistance to apply for a Medicaid waiver to implement coverage for fertility preservation services before January 1, 2024, subject to approval;  Mandates that health insurance policies subject to specific chapters must cover medically necessary expenses for standard fertility preservation services when medical treatment may cause iatrogenic infertility;  Prohibits discrimination in health insurance coverage based on various factors, including age, sex, sexual orientation, or marital status;   Establishes a Statewide Steering Committee on Sickle Cell Disease within DPH, and requires the committee to study and make recommendations on enhancing access to services, establishing a sickle cell disease registry, coordinating healthcare services for pediatric to adult transitions, and engaging with communities through outreach and education;  Directs DPH to provide certain information on the sickle cell trait to individuals and families, including its health impacts, mode of transmission, and implications for pregnancy;   Establishes a program within DPH to promote screening and detection of sickle cell disease, especially among underserved populations;  Includes a statewide education and outreach campaign, grants to approved organizations for screening services, data compilation, and healthcare professional education programs;  Establishes a system for reporting information on sickle cell disease and its variants, including a central registry;  Mandates reporting of certain information by healthcare facilities, laboratories, and healthcare providers; Requires notification and counseling for parents when sickle cell trait is detected in newborn screening;  Establishes a central registry for sickle cell trait patients, with follow-up consultations recommended at specific intervals;  Requires the implementation of a sickle cell disease quality strategy, including measurable goals, provider network capacity, care coordination, provider training, and exceptions to prior authorization for pain medications;  Requires an annual sickle cell disease management and accountability report to legislative committees.
HD140 - An Act relative to missing Black women and girls in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD198 - An Act to protect taxpayer confidentiality
Sponsor: Rep. Hannah Kane (R)
Summary: Amends GL 200A:12 (Disposition of Unclaimed Property) by exempting the identity of persons subject to audit to ensure legal compliance, from disclosure under the public records laws; applies confidentiality to all records of any taxpayer disclosed to the treasurer.
HD212 - An Act maintaining the integrity of sex offender classifications
Sponsor: Rep. Patrick Kearney (D)
Summary: Amends GL 6:178L (Classification of Sex Offenders) to, for offender-initiated motions for reclassification, place the burden of proof on the sex offender to show by clear and convincing evidence that his or her risk of re-offense and degree of dangerousness posed to the public have decreased following his or her final classification.
HD227 - An Act to procure public products or services from Massachusetts or the United States
Sponsor: Rep. Patrick Kearney (D)
Summary: Amends GL 7:22O relative to the preference for procurement of products or services by establishing that products or services manufactured or provided in the Commonwealth are to be preferred over U.S. made products if at least 10% cheaper, and U.S. made products are to be preferred over international products if at least 10% cheaper.
HD233 - An Act relative to tuition-free universal full-day kindergarten
Sponsor: Rep. Patrick Kearney (D)
Summary: Establishes and regulates the use of the universal full-day kindergarten trust fund; requires use of the fund for providing financial aid to school districts to implement and maintain tuition-free universal full-day kindergarten programs; allows use of the fund without further appropriation by the board of elementary and secondary education; amends the definition of foundation enrollment to include the full enrollment for preschool and kindergarten; repeals inclusion of bilingual education from the definition of foundation enrollment; authorizes all school districts to offer a tuition-free universal full-day kindergarten program; prohibits any district from charging a fee for full-day kindergarten; allows districts to apply for reimbursement from the fund; requires all districts without a universal full-day kindergarten to report necessary funds for implementation.
HD234 - An Act relative to a marine special activity license program
Sponsor: Rep. Patrick Kearney (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 107 to GL Chapter 130 (Marine Fisheries) to authorize the director of the Division of Marine Fisheries to grant special activity licenses for oceanic scientific research, including but not limited to aquaculture or mariculture; scientific, environmental and biological collection and study, assessment or experimentation; collection and possession for education purposes; specifies requirements for such licensing.
HD250 - An Act to provide retirement incentives in public higher education
Sponsor: Rep. Carmine Gentile (D)
Summary: Directs the State Board of Retirement to establish a retirement incentive for employees of state universities, to be known as the state universities retirement incentive program; specifies eligibility for and terms of incentive program.
HD269 - An Act supporting economic growth of downtowns and main streets
Sponsor: Rep. Adam Scanlon (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD326 - An Act to modernize funding for community media programming
Sponsor: Rep. Joan Meschino (D)
Summary: Establishes a framework for a comprehensive statewide policy on recovering municipal costs for digital infrastructure in public rights of way, including regulation of use of such digital infrastructure by streaming entertainment services; directs the commonwealth to regulate the commercial sale of streaming digital entertainment services, and recover municipal costs of use of public rights of way by such services; requires such services to pay a cost recovery assessment of five percent of gross revenues to the commonwealth; regulates submission of bi-annual financial statements, and calculation of penalties for failure to submit the calculated assessment; establishes and regulates the use of the streaming entertainment fund for deposit of such assessments; requires distribution of 1/5 of the fund to the general fund, 2/5 to municipalities and 2/5 to community media centers; authorizes municipalities to establish separate accounts for the deposit of such funds. 
HD336 - An Act relative to a temporary possession ban of animals for animal abusers
Sponsor: Rep. Tram Nguyen (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD343 - An Act designating Veterans Suicide Awareness and Remembrance Day
Sponsor: Rep. Joan Meschino (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD346 - An Act to advance fairness, integrity, and excellence in higher education admissions
Sponsor: Rep. Simon Cataldo (D)
Summary: Adds new Section 5B to GL Chapter 15A further regulating college and university admissions procedures; requires colleges and universities to report annually to the attorney general and department of higher education on preference shown to legacy students, or those applying early action or early decision, and on the percentage of students receiving Pell Grants or Stafford Loans; additionally requires these reports on admissions practices to be broken down by demographic category, including racial subgroups; imposes a public service fee on any college or university which preferences legacy or early decision applicants, equalling up to .2% of the institution’s endowment; and provides for any fees collected pursuant to this section to be deposited into a new Higher Educational Opportunity Trust Fund tasked with supporting certificate and degree attainment at public community colleges. 
HD378 - An Act relative to increasing professional licensure opportunities
Sponsor: Rep. David LeBoeuf (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD413 - An Act relative to updating the licensure of optometrists
Sponsor: Rep. Tackey Chan (D)
Summary: The bill amends various provisions amendments primarily focus on licensing requirements, qualifications, and regulations related to optometry practice in Massachusetts. Current law makes various distinctions as to whether pharmacists are licensed to prescribe therapeutic pharmaceutical agents and diagnostic pharmaceutical agents, and this bill introduces additional distinctions. In particular the bill: Completely rewrites and streamlines the definition of the “practice of optometry”;  Adds a requirement that optometrists licensed before January 1, 1984, and who haven't taken the board-approved testing by January 1, 2022, must retake and pass an applicable licensing examination for the use of diagnostic pharmaceutical agents; Adds a requirement that optometrists licensed before January 1, 1994, must retake and pass an applicable licensing examination for the use of therapeutic pharmaceutical agents, including glaucoma and oral medications if they haven't taken the board-approved testing by January 1, 2022; Adds a requirement that optometrists licensed before January 1, 2021, must take and pass an applicable licensing examination for the use of therapeutic pharmaceutical agents if they haven't taken the board-approved testing by January 1, 2025; Specifies the requirements for recording certificates of registration, displaying them, and providing purchase information to customers. Replaces “habitual drunkenness” with “substance misuse” in provisions related to character; Authorizes optometrists to practice and advertise under a trade or service name (but requiring prominent display of the optometrist's name at practice locations and in advertisements); Sets penalties for unauthorized practice of optometry and deceptive advertising; Regulates advertising of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and eyeglass frames and specifying permissible terms for optometrist advertising.
HD438 - An Act relative to LGBTQ+ Veterans Day
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD449 - An Act relative to transparency and accountability in procurement
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Worrell (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD467 - An Act establishing an Office of Economic Empowerment
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Ultrino (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 79 to GL Chapter 10, establishing an office of economic empowerment within the office of the state treasurer to ensure equitable access to opportunities and resources through equity-centered programs, policies, and partnerships promoting economic mobility and independence. 
HD485 - An Act relative to the training, assessment, and assignment of qualified school interpreters in educational settings
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: Directs the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to develop and administer a system for training, assessing and determining qualifications for interpreters in educational settings; requires use of tier 3 interpreters for all specialized meetings, tier 2 or tier 3 interpreters for all standard meetings and tier 1 interpreters during spontaneous, unannounced meetings or communications when tier 2 or tier 3 interpreters are unavailable; requires DESE to develop and make available educational coursework and field experience to ensure an interpreters competency and knowledge, as well as publicly available methods for identifying tier 3 interpreters; additionally requires DESE to adopt regulations to administer a system for training, assessing, and determining qualifications of interpreters in school settings; rquires the system to include language proficiency assessments, required hours of supervised field experience for tier 3 interpreters, and implementation of the publicly accessible mechanism for identifying and securing tier 3 interpreters.
HD490 - An Act relative to student safety in interscholastic athletic activities
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD492 - An Act allowing certain minors to consent to supportive services
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Ultrino (D)
Summary: Adds new provisions to GL Chapter 6A (Executive Offices) establishing supportive services to unaccompanied minors, and particularly mature children. In particular: A service provider is defined as a public or private nonprofit organization offering supportive services to unaccompanied minors requiring shelter; Supportive services are various interventions aiding minors in obtaining or maintaining stable housing, connections, financial stability, education, employment, and social and emotional wellbeing; Mature child is defined as a minor, typically 15 or older, capable of understanding and participating in decision-making regarding their situation without excessive anxiety or fear; Mature children can consent to supportive services if they understand the benefits, risks, and requirements, and if such services are deemed necessary for their safety and wellbeing; Mature children who are parents can consent to services for their own children; Providers funded the Homeless Youth Services Division of EOHHS may offer services to mature children with their informed written consent, which includes age, guardianship status, and living situation; Providers cannot offer services if a mature child provides false information or doesn't meet the definition of a mature child; and Providers offering services as per these regulations are immune from civil or criminal liability unless gross negligence or willful acts occur.
HD494 - An Act further regulating access to public records
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: Amends various laws related to the classification and maintenance of public records, including GL Chapter 66; eliminates the Secretary of State's authority to appoint a supervisor of public records; establishes a Public Records Division in the Secretary of State's office, governed by a Commission of Public Records; regulates the membership of the 5 person commission; prohibits commission members from serving in public office during their term of for one year beyond; requires the commission to hire a supervisor of public records; requires the supervisor of public records to ensure the keeping and preservation of records of the Commonwealth, municipalities, counties and religious organizations as required by law; allows public records requests to be submitted electronically if a secure system for receiving requests exists; regulates compliance actions for orders directing custodians to produce records; establishes and regulates the membership and operation of the division of public records appeals in the division of administrative law appeals, for the purpose of hearing appeals related to the release or withholding of public records; imposes fines between $500 and $5,000, up to one year imprisonment or both for the removal, alteration, defacing, mutilation or destruction of public records; imposes a fine up to $500 for public officers who refuse to perform duties related to public records.
HD503 - An Act relative to a loan repayment program for human services workers
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey N. Roy (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD520 - An Act to promote American manufacturing
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey N. Roy (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapters 7 and 30B (Bidding on Public Contracts) to require that contracts for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, improvement or maintenance of a public building or public works made by a public agency to contain a provision that the iron, steel, fabricated steel, and manufactured goods used pursuant to the contract shall be manufactured in the United States.
HD523 - An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium
Sponsor: Rep. Chynah Tyler (D)
Summary: Prohibits any state agency or public agency from undertaking the listed activities related to increasing the number of or capacity of correctional facilities in the commonwealth; specifically bans studies, plans, designs, acquisitions, leases, site searches or construction of new correctional facilities, or expanding the capacity of existing facilities; includes conversions and renovations within the ban; provides for the expiration of the moratorium 5 years after passage.
HD527 - An Act to ensure senior home safety and security
Sponsor: Rep. Chynah Tyler (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 18AA to GL Chapter 6A requiring every senior housing facility to employ security guards at all times, as well as train all personnel on safety and security protocols; authorizes the Secretary of Public Safety to promulgate regulations implementing these requirements.   
HD530 - An Act establishing the psychology interjurisdictional compact
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: Enacts a new Chapter 112B into the General Laws, known as the "Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact Act." This act allows for the establishment of a compact between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and other U.S. states, the purpose of which is to regulate the practice of psychology across state boundaries, specifically in the areas of telepsychology (providing psychological services through telecommunications) and temporary in-person, face-to-face psychology practice.
HD533 - An Act to create and expand student pathways to success
Sponsor: Rep. Chynah Tyler (D)
Summary: Establishes a number of initiatives essentially intended to align learning in secondary schools with the workforce skills actually needed in the economy of the Commonwealth. In particular: Establishes and regulates a "Workforce Skills Cabinet" within the Office of the Governor, with the duties to facilitate alignment, collaboration, strategic planning, and joint execution among participating state agencies, offices, and other stakeholders around the development of workforce development strategies for the Commonwealth, among other enumerated responsibilities;  Requires the the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to pay each school district a certification award of $1,000 for each student in the district who earns an industry-recognized certification for an occupation that has high employment value, and $800 for each student in the district who earns an industry-recognized certification that meets regional demands identified by the local MassHire workforce board; Requires all public school districts to ensure that all high school students, beginning in the ninth grade, have developed an individual learning plan; Requires all public high schools in Massachusetts to offer at least one foundational computer science course that includes rigorous mathematical or scientific concepts; Requires the workforce skills cabinet to develop a set of strategic goals regarding the expansion of the college and career pathway programs, with the goal being the achievement of universal access for all of the state’s high school students early college programs, vocational/technical education programs, innovation pathway programs, STEM tech career academies, and other similar programs and courses of study; Requires the workforce skills cabinet and DESE to conduct a study of the barriers that exist to creating greater student access to meaningful work-based learning opportunities in the state’s public schools; Requires every public school district to create a plan for implementing the MassCore curriculum as a requirement for graduation.
HD534 - An Act to create equitable approaches to public health
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: Requires the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to establish the Alternatives for Community Emergency Services Grant Program to increase the availability of non-law-enforcement, unarmed community-based response options for calls to 911; provides that grants be awarded for the development of local systems for protecting the mental and physical well-being of residents, preventing violence, de-escalating volatile situations, ensuring access to human services, and reducing government use of force; specifies membership of grand-awarding board, eligibility for grants, application procedures and reporting requirements on grantees.
HD567 - An Act to overcome coastal and environmental acidification and nutrient pollution
Sponsor: Rep. Michelle Badger (D)
Summary: Directs the Governor to proclaim the third week of August as Ocean Acidification Awareness Week; establishes the Ocean Acidification Council and directs the council to implement an acidification monitoring system; adds ocean acidification to the statewide adaptation strategy and to state agency environmental impact reviews.
HD576 - An Act relative to supporting veterans organizations
Sponsor: Rep. Michelle Badger (D)
Summary: Adds new section 20A to GL Chapter 23K to allow the commission to issue a limited video gaming terminal (VGT) to eligible veterans’ organizations; prohibits video gaming machine licenses from being transferred and asserts they may be suspended or revoked at any time and must be renewed every five years; outlines VGT limitations; and directs the commission to promulgate regulations for the implementation, administration, and enforcement of this section. 
HD581 - An Act relative to patient care access
Sponsor: Rep. William C. Galvin (D)
Summary: Amends GL 111:1 (Public Health) to clarify definition of "Medical peer review committee"; amends GL 112:5C (Medical Malpractice) to provide that the offering of expert testimony in a medical malpractice action constitutes the practice of medicine; adds a new Section 193V to GL Chapter 175 (Insurance), which requires insurers and risk management organizations that provide malpractice and liability insurance to physicians to annually submit reports to the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction; articulates mandatory components of these reports, including, but not limited to identifying the top ten losses and claims for damage for personal injuries allegedly caused by error, omission, or negligence; amends GL 231:60G (Judgments) to permit award reductions when damages are replaceable, compensable or indemnifiable by a third party; amends GL Chapter 231 to establish two new sections: 60M, which defines procedures for periodic payments over time when malpractice judgments exceed $50,000, and 60N, which sets post-judgment interest rate at weekly average one year constant maturity Treasury yield.
HD587 - An Act establishing a public safety building authority and assistance program
Sponsor: Rep. Margaret Scarsdale (D)
Summary: Adds new GL 22F establishing the Massachusetts Public Safety Building Authority responsible for overseeing a public facilities building program and providing assistance for the construction or renovation of police stations, fire stations, and other public safety facilities; additionally, creates a Municipal Building Modernization and Reconstruction Trust Fund financed with a portion of sales and use tax revenue collected under GLs 64H and 64I. 
HD588 - An Act establishing a municipal building assistance program and building authority
Sponsor: Rep. Margaret Scarsdale (D)
Summary: Adds new GL 40X establishing the Massachusetts Municipal Building Authority responsible for supporting the planning and construction of municipal facility space; additionally, creates a Municipal Building Modernization and Reconstruction Trust Fund financed with a portion of sales and use tax revenue collected under GLs 64H and 64I.   
HD590 - An Act to allow individual donations to countries vulnerable to climate change
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: Establishes a new 10:35EE, creating and regulating the use of the Massachusetts Fund for Vulnerable Countries Most Affected by Climate Change; requires use of the fund to further the mission of the United Nations Least Developed Countries Fund; authorizes a tax return-enabled contribution option for income taxes under GL 62, allowing those filing individual and joint income tax returns to voluntarily contribute all or part of a refund to the MFVC.Additionally creates a new GL 62:6P regulating the placement of tax return-enabled contributions on the personal income tax return; requires legislative authorization of any questions included on the return, and the removal of any questions which fail result in sufficient contributions; establishes financial thresholds for inclusion on the return in subsequent years; limits the number of tax return-enabled contributions on a personal tax return to between 3 and 9 options; requires clear identification of the beneficiary of such contributions; requires entities that receive such contributions to comply with annual reporting requirements detailing expenditures and disbursements; directs the state auditor to audit accounts or funds associated with tax-return enabled contributions at least once every 5 years. 
HD594 - An Act to support rural job creation and business expansion
Sponsor: Rep. Margaret Scarsdale (D)
Summary: Amends GL 6A:16G (Executive Ofice of Housing and Urban Development) to require the EOHUD to, in consultation with the Rural Policy Advisory Commission, establish a rural development initiative to be administered through a contract with the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency; directs the initiative to provide technical assistance to spur direct investment in rural communities to create jobs and expand businesses, identify cross-sector partnerships, accelerate the engagement of community members in actionable planning, and implement local economic development initiatives.
HD605 - An Act relative to a commission to study the intentional misrepresentation of a service animal
Sponsor: Rep. Kimberly Ferguson (R)
Summary: Establishes and regulates a special legislative commission to study the use of service animals in Massachusetts; directs the commission to investigate the prevalence and consequences of fraud, misrepresentation and misuse of service animals; directs the commission to identify training and education opportunities regarding the use of service animals and potentially recommend changes to Massachusetts law governing service animals; sets a deadline of April 1, 2025 for the commission to file its report with the legislature.  New draft of HB1480. The new draft makes a large number of grammatical and technical corrections to the previous bill.
HD608 - An Act ensuring high quality pre-kindergarten education
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 15D (Early Education and Care) to add provisions to require the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to develop and administer the High Quality Pre-Kindergarten Education grant program for high quality pre-kindergarten programs for children between the ages of 9 months to 2 years. The grants are to be used to invest in a high quality, mixed delivery early education system in order to reduce the achievement gap and improve third grade reading scores. Grants are to be awarded in the first year to districts designated as underperforming or chronically underperforming. In the second year, grants may be awarded to districts designated as 'Level 3' pursuant to DESE's accountability rankings and with 3rd grade proficiency scores of 25 through 46 inclusive. In the third year, grants may be awarded to districts with an accountability ranking of Level 3 or Level 2 and a 3rd grade reading proficiency score of 47 through 54. In subsequent years, the criteria for grant awards become progressively less strict.
HD628 - An Act establishing Indigenous Peoples Day
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: Repeals GL 6:12V, which sets apart the second Monday in October as Columbus Day, and directs the Governor to designate that date instead as Indigenous Peoples Day; further directs the Govenor to recommend that it be observed by the people, with appropriate exercises in the schools and otherwise, to acknowledge the history of genocide and discrimination against Indigenous peoples, and to recognize and celebrate the thriving cultures and continued resistance and resilience of Indigenous peoples and their tribal nations.
HD629 - An Act providing for consumer protection in a digital economy
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian (D)
Summary: Requires the Office of the State Treasurer to develop and periodically update a digital module on cryptocurrencies and digital assets, in order to support Massachusetts residents with overseeing their finances, understanding money management strategies, and protecting their security.
HD633 - An Act supporting seniors' financial stability
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 79 to GL Chapter 10, directing the office of the State Treasurer to periodically review and update model curriculum to support seniors' financial literacy and stability. 
HD636 - An Act relative to the protection of vulnerable adults from sexual assault committed by mandated reporters, persons in a position of trust, and providers of transportation
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas M. Stanley (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 22D to GL Chapter 265, mandating punishment of any mandated reporter, individual with supervisory authority or disciplinary authority over vulnerable adults or individuals responsible for transporting vulnerable adults for sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual intercourse with, or commits indecent assault and battery upon any vulnerable adult; imposes a term of imprisonment up to 20 years for initial cases of sexual intercourse with a vulnerable adult; imposes a term of imprisonment for an indeterminate number of years for second and subsequent offenses; imposes a term of imprisonment up to ten years for assault and battery on a vulnerable adult, and a term of imprisonment up to twenty years for second and subsequent offenses; prohibits consent of the vulnerable adult to sexual intercourse as a defense; defines vulnerable adults as individuals fourteen years of age or older who are admitted to a mental health facility or to a community based or residential facility, who are receiving community based services through the Department of Developmental Services or the Department of Mental Health or the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, or are residents of a long-term care facilities; defines sexual assault of vulnerable adults as offenses subject to the sex offender registration.
HD646 - An Act relative to the primary care workforce development and loan repayment grant program at community health centers
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas M. Stanley (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 16GG to GL Chapter 6A to establish a primary care workforce development and loan forgiveness grant program at community health centers to improve recruitment and retention of primary care physicians and other employees; prioritizes culturally, ethically, and linguistically diverse workforce; and outlines eligibility for loan repayment assistance. 
HD665 - An Act establishing an office of restorative justice
Sponsor: Rep. Simon Cataldo (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD691 - An Act to overcome coastal and environmental acidification and nutrient pollution
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Moakley (D)
Summary: Directs the Governor to proclaim the third week of August as Ocean Acidification Awareness Week; establishes the Ocean Acidification Council and directs the council to implement an acidification monitoring system; adds ocean acidification to the statewide adaptation strategy and to state agency environmental impact reviews.
HD697 - An Act establishing the Dukes County Sheriff's regional lockup fund
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Moakley (D)
Summary: Establishes the Dukes County Sheriff Regional Lockup Fund to support a regional lockup service to facilitate the detention of individuals arrested in the towns of Dukes County. 
HD714 - An Act relative to creating a voluntary do-not-sell list
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD724 - An Act relative to Treasury operations
Sponsor: Rep. David LeBoeuf (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD726 - An Act relative to the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority Employees’ Retirement System
Sponsor: Rep. David LeBoeuf (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD761 - An Act establishing a designation of a state protection and advocacy system
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: Establishes a protection and advocacy system for the purpose of investigating abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of persons with disabilities occurring in the Commonwealth and advocating for the civil and human rights of such persons; provides that system shall be an independent private nonprofit corporation which has been designated as the protection and advocacy system for the commonwealth under the federal law.
HD766 - An Act providing for the creation of a permanent commission relative to the education of American Indian and Alaska Native residents of the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Sam Montaño (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 159A to GL Chapter 6 to establish a 17-member permanent commission on American Indian and Alaska Native education; articulates the qualifications and terms of commission members; directs the commission to investigate the use of resources from both the public and private sectors to enhance and improve the ability of state agencies to provide educational opportunities and improve educational outcomes for all American Indian and Alaska Native students in order to further tribal self-determination and to help ensure that students have an opportunity to learn their heritage languages and histories and to receive complete and competitive educations that prepare them for college, careers, and productive satisfying lives; requires the commission to file an annual report with the legislature.
HD767 - An Act designating September as PCOS Awareness Month
Sponsor: Rep. Sam Montaño (D)
Summary: No summary necessary.
HD773 - An Act relative to changing the minimum age requirement for kindergarten
Sponsor: Rep. Brian M. Ashe (D)
Summary: Amends GL 69:1B to require kindergarten students to attain the age of five in the calendar year in which the school year begins.
HD776 - An Act ensuring language readiness in deaf, deafblind, and hard-of-hearing children entering kindergarten
Sponsor: Rep. Brian M. Ashe (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 1U to GL Chapter 69 (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) to require DESE — with cooperation from Commission of the Deaf and Hard of  and the Department of Public Health — to select language development milestones from existing standardized norms for those students whose primary language is American Sign Language.  DESE is also tasked with developing a resource for parents to monitor and assess their children's language acquisition and developmental stages towards English literacy, regardless of the services received. The parent resource, to be made available in any language, should include selected language developmental milestones and be suitable for use with deaf, deafblind, and hard-of-hearing children from birth to age 6. It should present milestones based on typical development, align with existing guidelines and assessment instruments, provide information about available services, and clarify that it is not a formal assessment.  DPH and DESE should select appropriate tools or assessments for educators to track the language and literacy development of deaf, deafblind, and hard-of-hearing children. These tools should show stages of language development, be used alongside federal assessments, and align with instruments used for all children from birth to age 6. Finally, establishes and regulates a committee on kindergarten readiness, consisting of experts and stakeholders in deaf education, to support the language and education needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing children. The committee will recommend language developmental milestones, review annual reports, and address systemic processes and gaps. The committee will also advise on the content and administration of existing assessment instruments.  
HD786 - An Act relative to the licensing of limited registration dentists
Sponsor: Rep. Dan Sena (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD794 - An Act to implement the recommendations of the special commission on facial recognition technology
Sponsor: Rep. Orlando Ramos (D)
Summary: Amends GL 6:220 (Facial Recognition Searches) to implement the recommendations of the special commission on facial recognition technology. As rewritten the section now provides that it is unlawful — absent express authorization — for a law enforcement agency or officer to acquire, possess, access, use, assist with the use of or provide resources for the development or use of any biometric surveillance technology. No information obtained in violation of this section will be admissible in any criminal, civil, administrative or other proceeding. in addition, it will be unlawful for a law enforcement agency of officer to use a biometric surveillance system to infer a person’s emotions or affect, or to use a biometric surveillance system to analyze moving images or video data. However, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles may acquire, possess, or use facial recognition technology to verify an individual’s identity when issuing licenses, permits or other documents; in addition, the Department of State Police may perform a facial recognition search for four enumerated purposes. These exceptions include: to execute a warrant duly authorized by a judge based on probable cause that an unidentified or unconfirmed individual in an image has committed a felony; upon reasonable belief that an emergency involving immediate danger of death or serious physical injury to any individual or group of people requires the performance of a facial recognition search without delay; to identify a deceased person; or on behalf of another law enforcement agency or a federal agency All persons charged with a crime who were identified using a facial recognition search must be provided notice thereof; law enforcement agencies and district attorneys must make readily available to defendants and their attorneys in criminal prosecutions all records and information pertaining to any facial recognition searches performed or requested during the course of the investigation. Each non-law enforcement public agency shall document, as a public record, each facial recognition search requested and each facial recognition search performed by its public officials and report this information quarterly to the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. 
HD811 - An Act relative to responsibly reducing emissions in the transportation sector
Sponsor: Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD836 - An Act relative to residential assistance for families in transition (RAFT)
Sponsor: Rep. Priscila Sousa (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 31 to GL Chapter 23B, codifying the program of Rental Assistance for Families in Transition in new section 31 of GL23B; specifies eligibility standards and funding priorities for program; establishes annual reporting requirements for DHCD; provides that records of assistance provided are public records with the exception of the identities of tenants and subtenants.
HD840 - An Act designating Domestic Workers' Rights Day
Sponsor: Rep. Priscila Sousa (D)
Summary: Directs the Governor to annually issue a proclamation setting apart the sixteenth day of June as Domestic Workers' Rights Day.
HD842 - An Act relative to student and educator data privacy
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian (D)
Summary: Adds new Sections 34I-34L to GL Chapter 71, regulating the privacy of student and educator information as it relates to a specific student, teacher, principal, or administrator that enable identification of that individual; prohibits operators of Internet websites, online services, online applications, or mobile applications used for K-12 school purposes from engaging in targeted advertising, using information from the site or platform to create user profiles, or selling or disclosing user information; requires such operators to implement and maintain security procedures and practices to protect user information; authorizes and regulates access to such information by law enforcement; establishes private rights of action for violation of such privacy rights; require contracts for such sites and platforms to include language pertaining to privacy protections; directs the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish regulations pertaining to data security and privacy responsibilities of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and educational, including minimum required security standards for operators.
HD849 - An Act to improve access, opportunity, and capacity in Massachusetts vocational-technical education
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: Authorizes $3 billion in bonds for capital investments for vocational-technical education programs and regional vocational-technical schools; increases project reimbursement rates for regional vocational-technical high school and county, regional and independent agricultural high school construction by 20 percentage points, with funding to come from Millionaires tax revenues; establishes an office of vocational-technical education in the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; adds 2 members to School Building Advisory Board; establishes program of expansion grants for vocational and technical schools.
HD851 - An Act relative to community corrections
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: Replaces GL Chapter 211F (Office of Community Corrections) in its entirety and establishes in its place an Office of Community Justice Programs; designates programmatic 'tracks' for pretrial services, reentry services, and intensive supervision with treatment; establishes conditions for court orders of pretrial services and intensive supervision; directs the office to develop a contracting process for community justice plans for the different programs; grants the executive director authority to suspend funding or assume administrative responsibility for any program 'not in compliance with standards' or a threat to public safety; directs the Commissioner of Probation to report annually on the community justice programs to the Governor and Legislature; amends provisions of GL Chapter 276 relative to bail and conditions of release to make a request for pretrial services inadmissible.
HD865 - An Act establishing Indigenous Peoples Day
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey Turco (D)
Summary: Repeals GL 6:12V, which sets apart the second Monday in October as Columbus Day, and directs the Governor to designate that date instead as Indigenous Peoples Day; further directs the Govenor to recommend that it be observed by the people, with appropriate exercises in the schools and otherwise, to acknowledge the history of genocide and discrimination against Indigenous peoples, and to recognize and celebrate the thriving cultures and continued resistance and resilience of Indigenous peoples and their tribal nations.
HD868 - An Act relative to the Head Injury Treatment Services Trust Fund
Sponsor: Rep. Kimberly Ferguson (R)
Summary: Amends various sections of GL Chapter 90 (Motor vehicles) to increase the amount of money collected from motor vehicle fine collections to be deposited into the head injury treatment services trust fund.
HD871 - An Act relative to maintaining equal access to public education for all children in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD874 - An Act to increase student access to career technical education schools and programs which are aligned with regional labor market needs
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian (D)
Summary: Establishes and regulates the operation of an office of career technical education within the department of elementary and secondary education, and under the supervision and management of the deputy commissioner of career technical education; directs the commissioner of DESE to appoint the deputy commissioner; directs the deputy commissioner to improve and maximize career technical education throughout the commonwealth, including ensuring the enforcement of regulations relative to certificates of occupational proficiency; further directs the office to develop credentials for graduating career technical education (CTE) students that measure career readiness through skill assessments; requires the office to work with regional workforce boards to determine labor market needs in their region and actively promote and facilitate the introduction of CTE programs that align with regional demand; directs DESE to establish a 2 year pilot program to incentivize collaboration between schools with vocational programs (GL Chapter 74) and those without, to ensure access for all students; establishes and regulates the membership and operation of the CTE Funding Commission, to study funding options for career technical education programs. 
HD875 - An Act advancing equity for rural communities receiving state grants
Sponsor: Rep. Leigh Davis (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 64 to GL Chapter 7 directing the Secretary of Administration and Finance to require that all departments, commissions, offices, boards, divisions, institutions or other agencies administering grant programs give preference to rural communities, particularly those that intend to use funds to regionalize or share services, and to grant applicants that serve rural communities; further directs said Secretary to require all such agencies to identify and inform rural communities of any discretionary grant programs and incentives for which such communities wishing to regionalize or share services could benefit from preferences under this section; defines rural communities as those with population densities of less than 500 persons per square mile.
HD880 - An Act regulating sex offender registration in the 21st century
Sponsor: Rep. Tackey Chan (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL Chapter 6, relative to the Sex Offender Registry statute, to make sure that information related to any electronic mail, website registrations, messaging and chat service aliases, websites and domains of a sex offender be included in the information that the sex offender has to provide with registration.
HD913 - An Act relative to full funding of regional school district transportation
Sponsor: Rep. Margaret Scarsdale (D)
Summary: Amends GL 71:16C relative to regional school districts and school transportation to make the Commonwealth’s reimbursement of regional school districts for their transportation costs mandatory, and not subject to appropriation, as the law currently provides. The Commonwealth must now provide a monthly allotment that is not less than 1/12th of the regional school district’s transportation expenditure for the previous year.
HD915 - An Act to improve sickle cell care
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: Makes a number of amendments and additions to existing law to enhance detection of and treatment of sickle cell disease (an inherited blood disorder marked by defective hemoglobin, often found in minority populations). In particular:   Defines terms like “iatrogenic infertility” (which is medically induced infertility, when a person becomes infertile due to a medical procedure done to treat another problem, most often chemotherapy or radiation for cancer) and outlines coverage criteria based on evidence-based standards of care.  Directs the Division of Medical Assistance to apply for a Medicaid waiver to implement coverage for fertility preservation services before January 1, 2024, subject to approval;  Mandates that health insurance policies subject to specific chapters must cover medically necessary expenses for standard fertility preservation services when medical treatment may cause iatrogenic infertility;  Prohibits discrimination in health insurance coverage based on various factors, including age, sex, sexual orientation, or marital status;   Establishes a Statewide Steering Committee on Sickle Cell Disease within DPH, and requires the committee to study and make recommendations on enhancing access to services, establishing a sickle cell disease registry, coordinating healthcare services for pediatric to adult transitions, and engaging with communities through outreach and education;  Directs DPH to provide certain information on the sickle cell trait to individuals and families, including its health impacts, mode of transmission, and implications for pregnancy;   Establishes a program within DPH to promote screening and detection of sickle cell disease, especially among underserved populations;  Includes a statewide education and outreach campaign, grants to approved organizations for screening services, data compilation, and healthcare professional education programs;  Establishes a system for reporting information on sickle cell disease and its variants, including a central registry;  Mandates reporting of certain information by healthcare facilities, laboratories, and healthcare providers; Requires notification and counseling for parents when sickle cell trait is detected in newborn screening;  Establishes a central registry for sickle cell trait patients, with follow-up consultations recommended at specific intervals;  Requires the implementation of a sickle cell disease quality strategy, including measurable goals, provider network capacity, care coordination, provider training, and exceptions to prior authorization for pain medications;  Requires an annual sickle cell disease management and accountability report to legislative committees.
HD918 - An Act relative to educational freedom
Sponsor: Rep. William C. Galvin (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 15 (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) to add eight new sections (§§67-74) that establish a program of “promise scholarships” for eligible students of private schools.  A student is to qualify for a promise scholarship account if: (1) the student's parent or parents currently reside within the commonwealth; (2) the student was enrolled in and attended a public school in the Commonwealth for at least 6 weeks during the school year immediately preceding such student's initial or resumed participation in the program; (3) the student's parent signs an agreement making certain promises; (4) the student is not receiving special education in a private school paid for by a school committee pursuant to chapter 71B, and (5) the student's parent submits an application within DESE guidelines. Schools will be eligible to participate if they meet the following requirements: (1) they demonstrate fiscal soundness by having been in operation for 1 school year or by submitting a financial information report; (2) they comply with the antidiscrimination provisions of 42 U.S.C. §2000d; (3) they comply with all health and safety laws or codes that apply to private schools; (4) they comply with GL 76:1 and any other state law applicable to private schools; and (5) they employ or contract with teachers who hold a bachelor's degree or higher degree or have at least 3 years of experience in education. Subject to appropriation, the account funds granted to a participating student is to be $9,500 per school year.
HD922 - An Act designating Diwali Day as a state holiday
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD933 - An Act to promote high value and evidence-based behavioral health care
Sponsor: Rep. James Arciero (D)
Summary: Requires EOHHS to establish a special commission charged with expanding access to specialty behavioral health care inpatient beds for adults and youth; requires EOHHS to coordinate an interagency statewide planning committee to annually study the need for behavioral health care services across the commonwealth, beginning with inpatient psychiatric units and department of mental health beds; requires the Health Policy Commission to develop guidelines for the delivery of evidence-based delivery of behavioral health services, and to conduct a study on the variation of the practice of behavioral health providers in the Commonwealth; requires the Department of Elder Affairs  to establish clinical competencies and additional operational standards for care and treatment of patients admitted to facilities licensed pursuant to 104 CMR 27.00; and makes other technical changes relative to determination of need and behavioral health.
HD935 - An Act relative to preventing fraud and establishing regulations on certain virtual currencies
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD947 - An Act relative to healthy youth
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 32B to GL Chapter 71 requiring that any district or charter school offering sexual health education provide it in a medically accurate, age appropriate, and comprehensive fashion; outlines the components of such a curriculum, including instruction on human development, anatomy, and reproduction, the benefits of abstinence, the prevention of STIs and unintended pregnancy, how to effectively discuss safe sex and consent, healthy relationships, and recognizing and preventing dating violence; requires instruction to include age-appropriate information regarding gender identity and sexual orientation; provides for the Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework to be reviewed and updated every 10 years; and authorizes DESE to issue rules implementing these provisions, and to set minimum education and training qualifications for sexual health education instructors. Additionally, further outlines requirements regarding parental rights as it relates to sexual health instruction; requires schools to notify parents of the curriculum offered by the school, and allows parents to inspect instruction materials; and authorizes parents to withdraw students from all or part of the instruction.    Adds a new Section 1E½ to GL Chapter 69 to require school districts to file a biennial report with DESE regarding their sexual health education policy, including a description of any relevant curriculum offered, time spent on sexual health instruction, and numbers of students who participated or withdrew; and provides for this data to be submitted to DPH and made publicly available.
HD961 - An Act to create and expand student pathways to success
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian (D)
Summary: Establishes a number of initiatives essentially intended to align learning in secondary schools with the workforce skills actually needed in the economy of the Commonwealth. In particular: Establishes and regulates a "Workforce Skills Cabinet" within the Office of the Governor, with the duties to facilitate alignment, collaboration, strategic planning, and joint execution among participating state agencies, offices, and other stakeholders around the development of workforce development strategies for the Commonwealth, among other enumerated responsibilities;  Requires the the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to pay each school district a certification award of $1,000 for each student in the district who earns an industry-recognized certification for an occupation that has high employment value, and $800 for each student in the district who earns an industry-recognized certification that meets regional demands identified by the local MassHire workforce board; Requires all public school districts to ensure that all high school students, beginning in the ninth grade, have developed an individual learning plan; Requires all public high schools in Massachusetts to offer at least one foundational computer science course that includes rigorous mathematical or scientific concepts; Requires the workforce skills cabinet to develop a set of strategic goals regarding the expansion of the college and career pathway programs, with the goal being the achievement of universal access for all of the state’s high school students early college programs, vocational/technical education programs, innovation pathway programs, STEM tech career academies, and other similar programs and courses of study; Requires the workforce skills cabinet and DESE to conduct a study of the barriers that exist to creating greater student access to meaningful work-based learning opportunities in the state’s public schools; Requires every public school district to create a plan for implementing the MassCore curriculum as a requirement for graduation.
HD973 - An Act designating Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution
Sponsor: Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD996 - An Act designating Diwali Day as a state holiday
Sponsor: Rep. Rodney Elliott (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1015 - An Act relative to autism education reform
Sponsor: Rep. Alan Silvia (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 116I½ to GL Chapter 6 directing the Municipal Police Training Committee to establish a training curriculum instructing law enforcement officers on appropriate interactions with persons on the autism spectrum; amends several sections of GL Chapter 90 creating a process whereby individuals on the autism spectrum, or with other conditions or disabilities which may impede effective communication with law enforcement officers, can request license plates, driver’s licenses, learning permits, or identification cards that indicate a communication impediment. Provides for the Board of Education to issue endorsements in autism for paraprofessionals and teacher assistants with at least two years of relevant coursework and field experience; establishes an  independent review panel of 3 educators tasked with reviewing the Individualized Education Programs of students on the autism spectrum; requires students on the autism spectrum to be placed in a special education program, provided it is the least restrictive environment for that student; requires all teachers, paraprofessionals and teacher assistants assigned to classrooms with students on the autism spectrum to have an endorsement in autism from the Board of Education; requires video cameras to be installed in all classrooms or quiet rooms where students on the autism spectrum are taught.
HD1017 - An Act relative to recovery housing in environmental justice communities
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Worrell (D)
Summary: Repeals GL 17:18A relative to voluntary training and accreditation program for operators of alcohol and drug free housing within DPH. In it's place, enacts a new §18B, establishing regulating recovery housing (or “sober homes”) under which DPH is to determine the regional need for recovery housing throughout the Commonwealth. DPH may issue a “determination of need” permit to operate recovery housing to various applicants, so long as the homes don't all end up in an “impacted community,” which are essentially poor communities disproportionately impact by addiction.
HD1018 - An Act relative to college tuition and admissions
Sponsor: Rep. Alan Silvia (D)
Summary: Requires public institutions of higher education, including colleges, universities, community colleges or junior colleges, to give priority to students or prospective students whose biological parents are deceased or who had their parental rights terminated, and who were subsequently legally adopted by an eligible blood relative or assigned a permanent legal guardian, when making decisions related to admissions, scholarships and grants.
HD1033 - An Act authorizing the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to convey certain parcels of land to the city of Framingham
Sponsor: Rep. Priscila Sousa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1037 - An Act to require producer responsibility for collection, reuse and recycling of discarded electronic products
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Owens (D)
Summary: Adds a new GL Chapter 21P, regulating the recycling of discarded electronic products; requires any producer of covered electronics, including televisions and computers, to register with the department of environmental protection; requires the registration to include the brand names of covered electronic products, methods of sale in the commonwealth, existing and future efforts for collection, recovery, reuse or recycling of such products; imposes financial responsibility for collection, transportation, and reuse or recycling on producers, either through reimbursement of collectors or direct collection efforts; regulates implementation of direct collection programs; requires electronics collectors and processors to register with the Department of Environmental Protection; prohibits collectors from charging fees to individuals for the collection of electronic products; allows collectors to use parts from collected computers in making repairs; establishes and regulates the membership and operation of an advisory committee within DEP for electronic waste; requires the committee to make recommendations on implementing electronics products recycling programs.
HD1043 - An Act establishing the Massachusetts farm to school program
Sponsor: Rep. Patricia Duffy (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1060 - An Act relative to the sex offender registry
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Hunt (D)
Summary: Amends GLs 6:178D, 178J and 178K to require that a current color photograph of a sex offender be included in: (1) the Sex Offender Registry database of Level 2 and 3 sex offenders, available to the public; the information that police may disseminate to individuals who make a sex offender inquiry and who are eligible to receive such information; and (3) in a Level 3 community notification plan.
HD1067 - An Act relative to the state property zoning exemption
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Hunt (D)
Summary: Amends GL 7C:4 (Jurisdiction of Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance over capital facility projects) to establish that the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance is prohibited from approving any building project which is also a public-private agreement, unless that project is subject to local zoning ordinances. Furthermore, DCAMM is prohibited from approving any building project which is also a public-private agreement if such project will result in the issuance of a bond.
HD1070 - An Act to explore alternative funding sources to ensure safe and reliable transportation
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas M. Stanley (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1080 - An Act establishing Building Trades Recovery Week
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Hunt (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 15JJJJJJ to GL Chapter 6, directing the Governor to annually issue a proclamation setting apart the last full week in April as Building Trades Recovery Week, for the Buildings Trades Employers Association to promote awareness of the dangers of opioids and substance misuse among workers in the construction industry and to facilitate discussions and events to combat the opioid epidemic and promote mental health in the Commonwealth's building construction industry.
HD1090 - An Act to improve oral health for all Massachusetts residents
Sponsor: Rep. Patricia Duffy (D)
Summary: Modifies numerous provisions of the general laws to promote improved oral health for all residents of the commonwealth; requires public schools to notify parents and guardians of the importance of public health on a form developed by the department of public health; allows a licensed dental therapist under the supervision of a practitioner to possess and distribute controlled substances.Establishes a comprehensive system for the licensing of dental therapists under GL Chapter 112; requires applicants to have a master's degree in dental therapy program that includes both dental therapy and dental hygiene, to pass a comprehensive examination in dental therapy approved by the board of registration in dentistry, and to have liability insurance; requires applicants to have practiced under the direct supervision of a supervising dentist for at least two years or 2,500 hours before practicing under general supervision under a collaborative management agreement; directs the board to approve the exam by January 1, 2020; regulates the licensure process, including for individuals licensed in other states.Defines the scope of practice for licensed dental therapists; allows licensed dental therapists to perform all acts of a public health dental hygienist and those in the commission on dental accreditation dental therapy standards, including performing oral evaluations, assessments of disease, development of treatment plans, and dispensing non-narcotic analgesics, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics; prohibits dental therapists from supervising more than two dental hygienists and two dental assistance; prohibits them from overseeing other dental therapists; regulates the scope of their practice; allows performance of advanced procedures after completing 2,500 hours and under the direct supervision of a supervising dentist, including simple extractions, fabrication and placement of crowns and pulp capping.Directs the Department of Public Health to evaluate the impact of dental therapists practicing under general supervision, and to make recommendations on whether they should be able to perform advanced procedures under general supervision; requires the board of registration in dentistry to establish regulations that implement the relevant scope of practice and working conditions recommended by DPH for dental therapists; regulates the permissible patient panel of a dental therapist; defines areas of consideration for DPH in its study of the impact of dental therapists; requires completion of the study within three years of the first graduating class of dental therapists.
HD1142 - An Act to form a special commission to conduct an audit on all abandoned state properties and determine the feasibility of repurposing them into drug addiction treatment facilities
Sponsor: Rep. Bruce J. Ayers (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1158 - An Act relative to corporate filing requirements
Sponsor: Rep. Steven S. Howitt (R)
Summary: Amends GL 7:3B relative to provisions that allow the Secretary for Administration and Finance to determine the amount to be charged for any other service, registration, regulation, license, fee, permit or other public function, by adding a proviso that no additional surcharge may be assessed due to payment method where such method, whether by check, credit card, electronic means or other instrument, is approved for use; applies the same restrictions on no additional surcharges to GL 109:63 relative to the annual reports of limited partnerships, and the annual report that business corporations must file with the Secretary of State under GL 156D:16.22.
HD1178 - An Act relative to telemarketer disclosures
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: Amends GL 68:23 (Solicitation Disclosures) by requiring professional solicitors or commercial co-venturers to disclosure to disclose the percentage share of a contribution that will be received a charitable organization.
HD1180 - An Act establishing a primary seat belt law
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey N. Roy (D)
Summary: Amends GL 90:13A (Seat Belt Use Required), by increasing fines for not wearing a seat belt from 25 dollars to 50 dollars; allows police officers to cite automobile passengers for failure to wear a seat belt; eliminates the requirement that seat belt citations may only be issued if a car is stopped for violation of other motor vehicle laws; prohibits imposing motor vehicle insurance premium surcharges for violations of seat belt requirements; prohibits motor vehicle searches or inspections solely because of not wearing a seat belt.
HD1205 - An Act relative to the Massachusetts Fire Training Council
Sponsor: Rep. Meghan Kilcoyne (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1206 - An Act relative to science curriculum standards
Sponsor: Rep. Kenneth I. Gordon (D)
Summary: Amends GL 69:1D by requiring science curriculum standards to include only peer-reviewed and age-appropriate subject matter; defines peer-reviewed subject matter as conducted in compliance with accepted scientific methods; defines age-appropriate as those topics, messages, and teaching methods suitable to particular ages or age groups of children and adolescents, based on developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for the age or age group.
HD1207 - An Act relative to funeral homes and charitable foundations
Sponsor: Rep. Steven S. Howitt (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 36 to GL Chapter 68 to prohibit a licensed funeral establishment from concurrently operating a 501(c)(3) organization.
HD1214 - An Act regulating lottery funding
Sponsor: Rep. Steven S. Howitt (R)
Summary: Amends GL 10:35 to prohibit distribution of lottery funds to any city or town that has the ability to provide the opportunity for lottery sales but elects not to. 
HD1226 - An Act relative to domestic violence (Kianna's Law)
Sponsor: Rep. David T. Vieira (R)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 209A (Restraining Orders) to provide that a restraining order lasts for a period of one year, rather than a period up to one year; requires law enforcement agencies to give notice to the victim and, where appropriate, the victim’s family members when notice of a temporary restraining order or other abuse prevention order: (i) has been successfully served; (ii) has not been successfully served, and the effect of non-service on the restraining order’s validity; or (iii) has expired or otherwise become ineffective; requires law enforcement agencies to provide notice of the the defendant’s information and the notice materials to the department of criminal justice information services; amends GL Chapter 258B (Victim and witness assistance board) to provide notice to the victim, family members and witnesses when notice of a temporary restraining order or other abuse prevention order: (i) has been successfully served; (ii) has not been successfully served, and the effect of non-service on the restraining order’s validity; or (iii) has expired or otherwise become ineffective, and requires the board to conduct a study of victim and witness services in law enforcement agencies.
HD1228 - An Act establishing Medicare for All in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: Adds a new Chapter 175N to the General Laws, to create a single-payer system for health care in Massachusetts; establishes the Massachusetts Health Care Trust, which will be the single-payer body responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds required to provide health care services for every resident of the Commonwealth; establishes a 29 member board to include representatives nominated by health care professionals, labor, senior citizens, single-payer advocates, people with disabilities and caregivers, children's advocates, providers of legal services for people of low-income; 8 people elected by the citizens of Massachusetts; and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Administration and Finance, and the Commissioner of Public Health; creates a position of Executive Director and a number of offices to administer the trust. Guarantees health care access to all residents without regard to citizenship status, incarceration, financial or employment status, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, previous health problems, or geographic location; directs the trust to pay for care sought by Massachusetts residents in bordering states; directs the trust to control costs by establishing a global budget; by capital budgeting and limiting duplicative expenditures for construction and major equipment; by negotiating statewide wholesale prices for pharmaceuticals and medical supplies; and by more efficient use of health care facilities.  Establishes eligibility criteria for both participants and health care providers, the enumeration of covered benefits, provisions relative to wraparound coverage for federal health programs, and the establishment of a Health Care Trust Fund to finance the operation, with a dedicated health care tax imposed on employers, workers, and citizens.  Establishes an employer payroll tax of 7.5%, exempting the first $20,000 of payroll per establishment; an additional employer payroll tax of 0.5% on establishments with 100 or more employees; a payroll tax of 2.5% on employees, exempting the first $20,000 of income; a payroll tax on the self-employed of 10%, exempting the first $20,000 of payroll per self-employed resident; and a 10% tax on unearned income (including dividends, capital gains, rents, and profits) excluding the first $20,000, as well as social security, unemployment benefits, workers compensation, sick pay, paid family and medical leave, and pensions.     
HD1234 - An Act relative to compensation for victims of wrongful conviction
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey N. Roy (D)
Summary: Makes various changes to GL Chapter 258D regarding claims against the commonwealth for erroneous felony convictions; defines grounds for relief that remain unaddressed in prior court proceedings, and which are consistent with innocence, to assert them in claims against the commonwealth for wrongful conviction; changes the burden of proof from clear and convincing evidence of wrongful conviction to preponderance of the evidence; entitles claimants to preliminary relief upon a showing of eligibility; requires the fast tracking of such cases; exempts transitional assistance grants or awards of services, tuition or fees or any award of reasonable attorney fees and costs of litigation from the $1,000,000 on awards in such cases; entitles successful claimants to a transitional assistance grant of $15,000; entitles successful claimants to a judicial statement of exoneration, in addition to expungement or sealing of records; entitles erroneously convicted persons to $5,000 in transitional financial assistance and an offer of assistance and services from the department of probation. 
HD1251 - An Act relative to advancing the profession of commercial interior design
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: Adds several new sections to GL Chapter 112 setting out procedures for the licensure of commercial interior designers; delimits work that would and would not fall under the licensure; requires each licensee to pass an exam set by the National Council for Interior Design Qualification; establishes a continuing education requirement; prohibits the usage of the term 'registered' in conjunction with terms like 'commercial interior designer' except by licensees; directs the board of registration of commercial interior designers to approve a seal for use by licensees on plans and specifications; creates the designation 'commercial interior designer emeritus' for those licensee who retire after ten years of practice, allowing for expedited re-licensure but prohibiting practice in while so designated; amends GL Chapter 13 to establish a board of registration of commercial interior designers, specifying membership qualification, required meetings, and procedure; and provides for 3 registered commerical interior designers to be appointed to the Designer Selection Board which overseesprocurement of design services for state building projects. 
HD1255 - An Act to close the achievement gap by addressing disparities in children's vision
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: Adds new Sections 238 and 238A to GL Chapter 111 (Public Health) to establish and regulate a children’s vision and eye health advisory council within the Department of Public Health.
HD1258 - An Act relative to compulsory full-day kindergarten
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: Requires the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish, within the permissible and mandatory ages for school attendance, that each child be required to attend a full-day educational program at kindergarten age.
HD1263 - An Act to require school attendance up to age 18 or until graduation
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: Repeals provisions authorizing the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to determine mandatory ages for school attendance; requires school attendance between the ages of 6 and 18, or twelfth grade completion, whichever comes first; prohibits criminal penalties for students over the age of 16 who do not attend school; establishes and regulates the membership and operation of the Commission to Study Barriers to High School Graduation; requires the commission to study barriers to high school graduation, and make recommendations that keep at risk students from dropping out; requires said commission to submit their findings by December 31, 2019; requires the findings to consider the listed issues, including patterns that might indicate a student is at risk, how to identify students at risk of dropping out and how to track them once identified, benchmarks for student progress, methods to reengage students who left school and emotional supports for at risk students.
HD1271 - An Act authorizing the commissioner of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to grant certain easements to the town of Bourne
Sponsor: Rep. David T. Vieira (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1276 - An Act relative to Machado-Joseph Disease Awareness Day
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1284 - An Act to establish a Massachusetts children's cabinet
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: Adds new provisions to GL Chapter 6A (Executive Offices) to establish and regulate a "Children's Cabinet." The cabinet is to include several secretaries and commissioners, and is, among other things,  intended to develop and implement a shared and cohesive vision using integrated services to improve child, youth, and family outcomes, including issues relating to child poverty, educational preparedness, mental health, homelessness, foster care, juvenile justice, and the health, safety and welfare of children. In addition, the Governor is to appoint an advisory committee that will meet not less six times a year. The Children’s Cabinet is to provide an annual report concerning its activities, by November 1 of each year.
HD1293 - An Act banning the use of tear gas by law enforcement
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Connolly (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 116L to GL Chapter 6, prohibiting the use of tear gas or other chemical weapons by law enforcement in all circumstances; imposes a fine of $5,000 for violations of the ban. 
HD1296 - An Act to establish a prepaid wireless E911 surcharge
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Chaisson (R)
Summary: Amends GL 6A:18H, the statute governing wireless enhanced 911 service surcharge, to give further direction with regard to the collection of the surcharge; directs retailers to collect the surcharge from the end user at the point of sale and remit it to the Department of Revenue; directs DOR to promulgate rules and regulations within 60 days to effectuate this change, to take effect July 1, 2023.
HD1297 - An Act ensuring access to behavioral health services for children involved with state agencies
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Amends GL 19:21 to specify the Department of Mental Health’s responsibilities for individuals requiring specialized mental health services to include inpatient services, community-based services, mobile crisis intervention, intensive residential programs, and crisis stabilization services; amends GL Chapter 119 to direct the Department of Children and Families to develop an emergency response plan for medical and behavioral health crises in congregate care settings, which includes de-escalation strategies, suicide prevention, and peer support; mandates that congregate care programs implement emergency response plans; allows for children in the department’s care or custody to return to their congregate care program following a leave of absence if it is deemed appropriate by department’s emergency team; orders the department to create a plan addressing the access to mental and behavioral health services for children in state custody or care; outlines plan requirements; establishes a special commission to study children and adolescents with behavioral health needs whose needs are not adequately met through the department’s inpatient hospitalizations, community-based treatment, or residential treatment; lists commission membership requirements and directs their findings to be submitted by January 1, 2024. 
HD1318 - An Act relative to automatic re-enrollment in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: Amends law on common portal for government benefits to provide that agencies shall ensure that individuals and households who apply and receive fuel assistance through the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program will be automatically re-enrolled for such benefits for the following heating season, so long as such persons or households continue to meet the federal and state eligibility requirements.
HD1329 - An Act relative to the release of sex offender information to victims
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1334 - An Act removing state funded counsel for sex offender classification hearings
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1339 - An Act relative to CORI fees
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: Amends GL 6:172A, the statute governing fees for CORI checks, to provide that a parent or guardian shall not pay a fee when requesting a CORI check on a child care provider that may come into contact with their child.
HD1341 - An Act establishing statewide standards for sexual assault and domestic violence service providers
Sponsor: Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 76 to GL Chapter 3, establishing permanent commission on sexual assault and domestic violence service providers, with mission   to study the practices and service standards currently in place for sexual assault and domestic violence service providers, including any organization, board or program that provides specialized programs, support, residential programs or intervention services for victims of sexual assault or domestic violence and to put forth recommendations for uniform minimum service standards for sexual assault and domestic violence programs throughout the commonwealth; specifies membership of commission.
HD1349 - An Act concerning nondisclosure agreements relative to sexual harassment and discrimination
Sponsor: Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 11 to GL Chapter 151B (Prohibition against discrimination) to prohibit a settlement agreement or a provision within a settlement agreement that prevents the disclosure of information related to certain enumerated legal claims filed in a civil action or a complaint filed in an administrative action.
HD1358 - An Act relative to pharmacy benefit managers
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1368 - An Act relative to emergency stock supply of epinephrine in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Kenneth I. Gordon (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 71 (Public Schools) to require every school to  maintain a stock supply of non-patient specific epinephrine available to all students, including students with individualized health care plans prescribing epinephrine injections, to be administered in the event of an anaphylactic emergency; directs DPH to promulgate regulations requiring school districts to adopt and implement policies pursuant to this Act; identifies several areas to be covered by said regulations; indemnifies a school nurse or other authorized individual who provides, administers, or assists in the administration of epinephrine to a student believed in good faith to be having an anaphylactic reaction from any civil damages for negligence in acts or omissions resulting from the rendering of such treatment; provides that  the cost of supplying nonpatient specific epinephrine to schools pursuant shall be assessed on surcharge payers as defined in GL Chapter 118E (Division of Medical Assistance).
HD1405 - An Act relative to national criminal background checks for Section 12 and 15 licenses
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 172P to GL Chapter 6 permitting the alcoholic beverages control commission to obtain available criminal offender record information for every applicant pursuing a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages under GL 138:12 and GL 138:15 and share said information with the local licensing authority. 
HD1435 - An Act relative to high school professional development programs
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Ultrino (D)
Summary: Adds two new sections to GL c.69 (Powers and Duties of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) to establish that DESE is to establish program standards for a high school professional development program providing rigorous, ongoing professional development to high school students, which must six enumerated components; amends GL 76:1 (School Attendance) by establishing that schools may excuse 1 absence for a supervised professional development day each school year for high school students.
HD1437 - An Act to regulate the use of mobile communication devices in educational institutions
Sponsor: Rep. David DeCoste (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1447 - An Act authorizing Massachusetts entry into the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Amends GL 112 (Public health) to provide that Massachusetts shall join the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, established in order to develop a comprehensive process that complements the existing licensing and regulatory authority of state medical boards, provides a streamlined process that allows physicians to become licensed in multiple states, thereby enhancing the portability of a medical license and ensuring the safety of patients.
HD1449 - An Act to improve Massachusetts home care
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas M. Stanley (D)
Summary: Enacts three new sections into GL Chapter 111 (Public Health) to require licensure for home care agencies; requires certain measures be included in regulations, including background checks, wage and labor compliance, and training requirements; allows for fines for the operation of an unlicensed home care agency or violations of regulations; establishes a home care worker and consumer abuse stakeholder advisory committee and a home care oversight advisory council; articulates the qualifications for members; requires each to review and report on the home care industry and status of home care licensure; applies employer non-discrimination statutes to individuals using a personal care attendant.
HD1469 - An Act relative to the well-being of law enforcement officers after involvement in a critical incident
Sponsor: Rep. Kathleen LaNatra (D)
Summary: Requires all law enforcement agencies to develop and maintain policies or programs for supporting law enforcement officers involved in a critical incident; defines critical incidents as those that may cause powerful emotions, including line of duty deaths of other officers, officer suicide, and life-threatening injuries or deaths of family members or significant others of officers; details program components, including pre-incident preparation, physical and psychological safety protections, post incident services, and appropriate leave accommodations; provides examples of services including peer-to-peer support and mental health services.
HD1480 - An Act relative to transcript notations
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Higgins (D)
Summary: Adds new section 168F to GL Chapter 6 to direct institutions of higher education to develop and make publicly available policies on academic transcript notations and appeals relating to sexual misconduct and include a temporary notation on academic transcripts of students alleged to have committed a crime of violence until a resolution is reached, and once it is, to provide a permanent notation on said academic transcripts; provides guidelines on notations; and requires institutions to submit an annual report on the total number of temporary and permanent notations by December 1 of each year. 
HD1484 - An Act implementing an elementary and secondary interdisciplinary climate education curriculum in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Dan Sena (D)
Summary: Amends GL 69 to incorporate an understanding of climate change into DESE curriculum standards. 
HD1488 - An Act relative to more accessible 911 disability indicator forms
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Higgins (D)
Summary: Requires the state 911 Department to create, in consultation with organizations representing the mobility, hearing, speech and sight impaired communities, and publish on its website a statewide disability indicator form which a person may complete and submit to the department to notify primary and regional 911 call sites of certain disabilities; provides that disability indicator form shall be available to subscribers of a wireless carrier, a wireline carrier or a prepaid wireless telephone service.
HD1523 - An Act relative to railroad crew transportation
Sponsor: Rep. Kathleen LaNatra (D)
Summary: Adds significant new responsibilities to the MassDOT Rail and Transit Division relative to regulating railroad crew transportation, insurance requirements for railroads, employee rights, safety investiations and enforcement, revocation of the ability to provide crew transport, and data collection; establishes standards for disqualification from operating crew transports. 
HD1563 - An Act authorizing the University of Massachusetts Building Authority to purchase and construct a hospital in the town of Norwood to be operated by UMass Memorial Health Care, Inc
Sponsor: Rep. John H. Rogers (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1568 - An Act relative to the position of poet laureate for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Hadley Luddy (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 38A to GL Chapter 6, the statute governing Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth, creating the honorary position of Poet Laureate of the Commonwealth, to be appointed biennially by the Governor; sets forth duties and responsibilities of the Poet Laureate; creates a Poet Laureate Nominating Committee; sets forth the Committee's membership and procedures.
HD1593 - An Act requiring opioid use disorder education
Sponsor: Rep. Michelle Ciccolo (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1596 - An Act implementing elementary and secondary interdisciplinary climate literacy education
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1603 - An Act relative to an emergency preparedness instructional awareness program
Sponsor: Rep. Paul K. Frost (R)
Summary: Adds new Section 1R to GL Chapter 69 (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) to direct the Department, in conjunction with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, to create a minimum of a 1 hour per school year instructional awareness program to educate students and faculty on emergency preparedness, planning, and management of situations, including weather, natural disasters, viruses and human made disasters.
HD1629 - An Act promoting governmental efficiency
Sponsor: Rep. David Paul Linsky (D)
Summary: Amends GL 30A:23 (Enforcement of open meeting law; complaints; hearing; civil action); requires submission of the complaint with the public body allegedly responsible for the violation as well as the electronic and postal mail contact information of the complainant; requires the complaint to be signed in ink or electronically; defines a complaint as received by electronic mail on the day it was sent if submitted by 4 PM; defines a complaint as received by first class postal mail three days after mailing; requires the public body to acknowledge receipt of the complaint and address any necessary remedial actions within 14 days; establishes a process through which public bodies can petition the Attorney General to be relieved from unduly burdensome requests; repeals language requiring public records requests to be for the broad dissemination of information to the public about actual or alleged government activity.
HD1658 - An Act relative to the closing of hospital essential services
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Kushmerek (D)
Summary: Amends GL 111:51G relative to the licensing of acute care hospitals; requires hospitals to provide at least one year's notice to the Department of Public Health of a proposed closure or discontinuation of service and at least 30 days notice of the proposed closure or discontinuance of an essential health service; requires hospitals to inform its patient and family council, each staff member, every labor organization that represents the hospital's workforce, the members of the General Court who represent the district in which the hospital is located, as well as certain local officials; additionally requires the hospital to notify DPH of any community engagement and planning which has already occurred; requires initial notice to include evidence of support or non-opposition to the proposed change from each municipality to which it provides the service as a health care resource, directs DPH to determine whether any such discontinued services are necessary for preserving access and health status in the hospital's service area, in which case the hospital must submit a service plan to DPH; instructs the Attorney General is to seek an injunction in cases where hospital executes a plan to discontinue an essential health service without DPH approval. 
HD1673 - An Act relative to veteran health, opportunity, notification, observance and respect
Sponsor: Rep. Steven S. Howitt (R)
Summary: Directs the Commissioner of Public Health to develop information to advise veterans exposed to open burn pits; directs the Commissioner of Veterans' Services to contact any known veteran who may be eligible to participate in the federal Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry; establishes the National Guard family education program to allow for National Guard members to share tuition credits with dependents; declares state holidays for the anniversaries of the founding of the United States Army, Air Force, National Guard, and Coast Guard; prohibits the publication by municipalities of identifying information for veterans owing taxes; requires funeral director provide information to veterans on funeral and burial benefits available to them; authorizes veterans' organizations to hold limits slot machine licenses; regulates the operation of those slot machines; directs UMass Medical School to develop continuing education for counselors on mental health needs specific to service members and veterans; establishes a special commission for the commemoration of Deborah Samson; establishes a veteran equality review board to award veterans benefits to veterans discharged under Don't Ask, Don't Tell. 
HD1680 - An Act creating an independent correctional oversight office to facilitate the recommendations of the Special Legislative Commission on Structural Racism in Correctional Facilities of the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Russell E. Holmes (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1681 - An Act providing for greater police transparency
Sponsor: Rep. Russell E. Holmes (D)
Summary: This substantial legislation, comprising 20 sections, proposes multiple amendments to various chapters of the General Laws that in general are intended to provide greater transparency in policing, and substantially increased collection of demographic data in the criminal justice system overall. In particular, the bill: Establishes news standards for “noncustodial questioning,” requiring police officers, inter alia, (i) identify themselves, (ii) provide an explanation of the stop, and (iii) offer a business card to the person at the conclusion of the stop, with limited exceptions; Establishes a permanent task force to investigate demographic statistics of state, county, municipal, and public departments; Mandates diversity in committee-certified academies' staff; Adds implicit bias and inclusion training to law enforcement officer requirements; Requires state, county, municipal, and public departments to have staff reflecting the demographic composition of the Commonwealth; Requires law enforcement agencies to provide various data on publicly accessible websites; Imposes civil liability on anyone for intentionally summoning a law enforcement officer without a valid reason and based on discriminatory beliefs; Introduces proportional placement of non-veteran community members on eligible lists for each veteran placed; Requires police officers and firefighters to complete 10 hours of community service per month within the community; Requires schools to provide student discipline data on publicly accessible websites; Requires the RMV to collect and report data on traffic stops, including racial and gender information; Requires the DOC to provide demographic information on prisoner attendance and correctional officer grievances on publicly accessible websites; Mandates the use of body-worn cameras by officers responding to emergencies, incidents, or altercations within correctional facilities; Expands the authority of the judiciary to collect and review demographic data related to criminal proceedings; Develops a uniform protocol for law enforcement officers to record the race and sex of each officer issuing citations.
HD1687 - An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
Sponsor: Rep. Russell E. Holmes (D)
Summary: Amends GL 7C:6, GL 149:44F and GL 149A:8 to authorize sub-bidders to subcontract out portions of their work in order to meet goals pertaining to the hiring of minority and women-owned businesses on projects with DCAMM, MassPort and the UMass and Massachusetts State College Building Authorities. 
HD1688 - An Act establishing the Executive Office of Structural Racism
Sponsor: Rep. Russell E. Holmes (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 105 to GL Chapter 6A, establishing an Executive office of Structural Racism, under the supervision and control of a secretary of structural racism to be appointed by the governor; specifies powers and duties of office.
HD1689 - An Act to return DOC and Parole to Health and Human Services
Sponsor: Rep. Russell E. Holmes (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1705 - An Act relative to the size of the forensic science oversight board
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: Amends GL 6:184A to add two members to the Forensic Sciences Oversight Board, including members nominated by the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers and Scientists and the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association respectively. 
HD1731 - An Act to ensure that all students are prepared for future success
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Hawkins (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1746 - An Act designating June 7 as Tourette Syndrome Awareness Day
Sponsor: Rep. Michelle Ciccolo (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1752 - An Act creating an independent correctional oversight office to facilitate the recommendations of the Special Legislative Commission on Structural Racism in Correctional Facilities of the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Russell E. Holmes (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1753 - An Act establishing a commission to study reparations in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Russell E. Holmes (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1759 - An Act to protect the independence of clinical decision making
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1768 - An Act establishing the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial Fund
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Walsh (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 35CC to GL Chapter 10 (Department of the State Treasurer) establishing the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial Fund to be used by the Department of Public Safety for the purpose of making annual payments to the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial to honor law enforcement personnel killed in the line of duty; credits revenues received by the Commonwealth from the sale of low-speed vehicle registration plates to the Fund.
HD1770 - An Act relative to implementing a blue alert system in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Walsh (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1784 - An Act establishing the fourth Thursday in march as Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day
Sponsor: Rep. Michelle Ciccolo (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1788 - An Act requiring clean slate automated record sealing
Sponsor: Rep. Mary Keefe (D)
Summary: Amends GL 276:100A (Sealing of criminal records) and GL276:100B (Sealing of delinquency records) to eliminate current procedure of petition to court to request sealing and instead providing that certain records shall be sealed automatically after the statutory waiting period (7 years for criminal felonies; 3 years for criminal misdemeanors and delinquency records) provided that no new offenses have occurred; exempts certain offenses from automatic sealing process; directs commissioner of probation and commissioner of public safety to develop and implement computer systems for sealing; provides effective date of 18 months after passage.
HD1804 - An Act criminalizing sexual assault of a passenger by a rideshare operator
Sponsor: Rep. William C. Galvin (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1836 - An Act relative to regulation of privatization contracts
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Donahue (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL 7:53 relative to the 'Pacheco' privatization contracts by taking out of the definition of privatization contracts the existing exemption for planning, engineering or design services. In effect, planning, engineering or design services would be subject to the 'Pacheco law.'
HD1852 - An Act designating Diwali Day as a state holiday
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1871 - An Act relative to unborn victims of violence
Sponsor: Rep. David DeCoste (R)
Summary: Adds a new GL Chapter 265A, the 'Unborn Victims of Violence Act'; defines unborn child; establishes a schedule of crimes and punishments for murder, manslaughter, assault, and battery upon an unborn child; excludes instances as the result of legal abortions and medical care.
HD1893 - An Act relative to responsibly reducing emissions in the transportation sector
Sponsor: Rep. Steven S. Howitt (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1916 - An Act relative to celebrating and teaching Native American culture and history
Sponsor: Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis (D)
Summary: Amends GL 69:1D (Academic Standards) to require the Department of Early and Secondary Education to develop standards that will provide for instruction in: (i) tribal history and current issues of the Aquinnah Wampanoag, Mashpee Wampanoag and other Wampanoag tribes, the Massachuset, the Nipmuc and other Native American tribes that exist within Massachusetts; (ii) information about tribes and confederacies that have historic ties to Massachusetts, such as the Wabanaki Confederacy; (iii) tribal history of Native Americans throughout the United States; (iv) tribal sovereignty and governance, treaty rights, genocide, Native American cultures, languages and socioeconomic experiences; and (v) ongoing issues common to contemporary Native Americans throughout Massachusetts; further directs the DESE Board to consult with tribal nations in developing these standards.
HD1917 - An Act expanding the availability of adaptable housing for people with disabilities and seniors
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL 22:13A relative to Architectural Access Board and its standards for making public buildings accessible to, functional for, and safe for use by persons with disabilities, by establishing the following: In any building constructed before March 13, 1991, standards and procedures for dwelling units are to apply only to units within any non-residential building undergoing a gut rehabilitation as part of a change in use into a multiple dwelling facility, or any residential building which is vacant undergoing a gut rehabilitation; Otherwise, 5% of the units in lodging or residential facilities for hire, rent or lease, containing 20 or more units, are to meet these requirements, with certain exceptions; Includes a large number of sections that expands references to “building” to include “facility”; Expands the definition of “public building” to include “places of public accommodation” as defined in GL 272:92A and 42 U.S.C. section 12181(7).
HD2012 - An Act making technical changes to the Betsy Lehman Center for patient safety and medical error reduction enabling statute
Sponsor: Rep. Greg Schwartz (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2022 - An Act relative to reimbursing traveling expenses of governor’s council members
Sponsor: Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2031 - An Act establishing a Massachusetts Baby Bonds program
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: Adds new Section 79 to GL Chapter 10 establishing a Baby Bonds Trust fund administered by the Treasurer to support beneficiaries in pursuing education, housing, or entrepreneurship; sets out eligibility criteria to include individuals born on or after July 1, 2024, and who received assistance under TAFDC or who have been in the care or custody of DCF within the first year of their life; establishes a Baby Bonds Trust Fund Advisory Board and a Massachusetts Baby Bonds Community Advisory Committee to assist in the management of the program; allows beneficiaries to claim their distribution from the fund after turning 18, provided that said distribution will be applied towards an eligible expenditure.
HD2032 - An Act maximizing participation in federal nutrition programs and improving customer service
Sponsor: Rep. James Arena-DeRosa (D)
Summary: Directs EOHHS to file a report to the Legislature concerning the resources DTA would need to improve access to SNAP benefits and customer service.
HD2073 - An Act relative to public health volunteer responders
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: Adds a new section to GL c.111 (Public Health) which requires DPH to establish a registry of volunteer personnel (“the volunteer registry”), comprised of people who are available to provide health and medical services to the public during certain enumerated situations. These include: During a state of emergency or an emergency detrimental to the public health declared by the governor; During a public health incident that the commissioner determines demands an urgent response; Pursuant to a request from a local public health authority, healthcare facility, when local or regional resources have been or are expected to be exhausted; To conduct training and or exercises approved by the Commissioner. DPH is to establish a process to identify and credential personnel in the volunteer registry, which may include a requirement for photographic identification and Criminal Offender Record Information. While activated, the members of the registry are to receive protections under the Tort Claims Act as well as to be eligible for worker's compensation.
HD2091 - An Act enhancing the safety of high-rise buildings
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Amends GL 148:26A½ (Automatic sprinklers in older high rise buildings) to strike language exempting certain high rise buildings which began construction prior to 1975 from a requirement to install automatic sprinklers, instead requiring said previously exempt buildings to complete sprinkler installation by March 30, 2033.   
HD2100 - An Act to promote food literacy
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: Adds new Section 1U to GL Chapter 69 establishing food literacy educational standards for public schools in the commonwealth; provides for these standards to address nutrition and personal health, culinary skills, food production, the food system and the environment, hunger, food justice, racial inequities, and potential careers in the food system; directs DESE to make educational resources available to schools, and report annually on the implementation of the standards; and establishes a Food Literacy Trust Fund to support the implementation of food literacy programs in schools.   
HD2103 - An Act assuring that polling places are accessible to elderly and physically challenged voters
Sponsor: Rep. Bruce J. Ayers (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 35W to GL Chapter 10 establishing the Polling Location Accessibility Fund to promote improved involvement in the electoral process by physically challenged and elderly individuals; directs the state secretary of establish a grant program financed by the Fund to assist cities and towns with local initiatives to make polling locations more accommodating to elderly and physically challenged voters.
HD2109 - An Act banning hostile architecture targeting unhoused individuals
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Connolly (D)
Summary: Defines hostile architecture as designs intended to prevent people sitting or laying down; prohibits municipalities, DCAMM, the MBTA, and private properties from installing hostile architecture and levies a daily $500 fine for the construction on publicly accessible property. 
HD2113 - An Act relative to municipal lobbying
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Donaghue (D)
Summary: Amends GL 3 (Legislative and Executive lobbying) to make agents who lobby covered municipal officials subject to state lobbying laws; defines "covered municipal official" as a mayor, city manager, city councilor, member of the board of alderman, school committee member or municipal department head in a city having more than 150,000 inhabitants as of the most recent federal census.
HD2132 - An Act advancing Massachusetts from STEM to STEAM
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2144 - An Act relative to affirming and maintaining equal access to public education for all children
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2153 - An Act providing for a donation check-off box on state tax returns for the Massachusetts Youth & Government program
Sponsor: Rep. Bruce J. Ayers (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 35BBB to GL Chapter 10, the statute governing the State Treasurer, to establish the YMCA's Youth & Government Fund; authorizes the state treasurer to expend monies in said Fund for the purposes of the YMCA's Youth & Government Program; adds a new Section 6O to GL Chapter 62, the statute governing the Taxation of Incomes, to add a voluntary check-off box on a taxpayer's tax return, enabling him to make a contribution to said Fund.
HD2155 - An Act designating the month of October as adopt a shelter dog month
Sponsor: Rep. Bruce J. Ayers (D)
Summary: Directs the Governor to annually declare October as adopt a shelter dog month, to increase public awareness of encourage the adoption of shelter and rescue dogs.
HD2173 - An Act establishing the human service transportation (HST) consumer advisory board
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: Establishes within the executive office of health and human services the human service transportation (HST) consumer advisory board to advance the quality of nonemergency transportation to medical, community and other health and human services for persons with disabilities and to identify challenges and solutions to address the experience and concerns of consumers using this service; specifies membership and duties of board.
HD2192 - An Act reducing the cost of attending college
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: Amends provisions on public education to establish and regulate the Open Educational Resource Trust Fund, to support the development and distribution of open educational resources for university and early college course textbooks.  The fund aims to reduce the cost of college education, alleviate financial hardships, and promote college affordability. The fund will be administered by the Commissioner of Higher Education, and revenue from appropriations, public and private sources, and interest will be credited to the fund. Amounts in the fund will not revert to the General Fund at the end of a fiscal year.
HD2219 - An Act relative to the blue economy
Sponsor: Rep. Kathleen LaNatra (D)
Summary: Directs the Department of Environmental Protection, the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish funds to keep keeps material, products, and services in circulation for as long as possible, to improve ocean health and the responsible use of the ocean, and to expand ocean sector jobs in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.
HD2221 - An Act to promote comprehensive and inclusive curriculum in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Tram Nguyen (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2271 - An Act to promote comprehensive and inclusive curriculum in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Tram Nguyen (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2277 - An Act establishing a program for local art and community engagement
Sponsor: Rep. Mary Keefe (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2288 - An Act establishing statewide standards for sexual assault and domestic violence service providers
Sponsor: Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 76 to GL Chapter 3, establishing permanent commission on sexual assault and domestic violence service providers, with mission   to study the practices and service standards currently in place for sexual assault and domestic violence service providers, including any organization, board or program that provides specialized programs, support, residential programs or intervention services for victims of sexual assault or domestic violence and to put forth recommendations for uniform minimum service standards for sexual assault and domestic violence programs throughout the commonwealth; specifies membership of commission.
HD2297 - An Act concerning nondisclosure agreements relative to sexual harassment and discrimination
Sponsor: Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 11 to GL Chapter 151B (Prohibition against discrimination) to prohibit a settlement agreement or a provision within a settlement agreement that prevents the disclosure of information related to certain enumerated legal claims filed in a civil action or a complaint filed in an administrative action.
HD2299 - An Act prohibiting name-changing for registered sex offenders
Sponsor: Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida (R)
Summary: Amends GL 6:178E (transmission of registration data to criminal history systems board, police departments, and FBI), by prohibiting anyone required to register with the sex offender registry board from using any other name except the one under which they are registered; defines using alternative names as subject to fines and/or imprisonment under GL 6:178H (failure to register, verify information or provide notice of change of address; providing false information; penalties); additionally prohibits sex offenders from adopting a surname pursuant to marriage under GL 46:1D or changing their name under GL 210:12.
HD2318 - An Act to encourage retirement planning
Sponsor: Rep. Paul J. Donato (D)
Summary: Adds a new section in GL c. 10 (Department of the State Treasurer) that establishes and regulates the Massachusetts Secure Choice Savings Program Act, with both a savings fund and an administrative fund. In particular: Requires the savings fund to be administered and controlled by a seven person board; Establishes and regulates the membership and operation of the board; Directs the board to ensure that the program focuses on participation, savings, sound investment practices, ease of use, efficient enrollment and portability; Regulates investment option under the program; Directs the board to evaluate different investment options and hire qualified parties, including investment managers, financial institutions and auditors, to run the program and fund; Requires the Board to distribute information about the program to eligible employers; Requires employers to establish a payroll system for employee contributions and to automatically enroll employees who do not opt out of the program; Regulates employee options for participation; Requires annual audited financial reports by the board; Imposes penalties on employers who fail to enroll employees in the program; and Details administrative requirements for implementation of the program. Please note that this substantive bill is substantially similar to but not identical to HB996.
HD2329 - An Act to promote high-quality early literacy instruction and improve student outcomes
Sponsor: Rep. Dan Sena (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2344 - An Act to increase access to menstrual products in public buildings
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2347 - An Act relative to preventing the sexual abuse of children and youth
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2367 - An Act promoting a just transition and clean energy workforce standards
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2371 - An Act relative to third party delivery data reporting
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2385 - An Act relative to assisted living and the frail elder waiver
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas M. Stanley (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2389 - An Act to ensure LLC transparency
Sponsor: Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL c.156C (Limited Liability Company Act) in a fashion that is intended to enhance transparency and accountability by ensuring the disclosure of beneficial ownership information for limited liability companies and foreign limited liability companies.  In particular the bill adds provisions that mandates limited liability companies to disclose their beneficial owners to the Secretary of State. The disclosure should include information on each intermediary linking the beneficial owner to the company.  Disclosure requirements will only apply to beneficial owners if indirect beneficial ownership is exercised through a publicly traded entity, a REIT, a UPREIT or a mutual fund sand the beneficial owner is holding or controlling 25% or more of the equity in such LLC. Under those circumstances, the LLC must identify as a beneficial owner each person serving as: A trustee of the trust, a trust protector or any other individual with authority, directly or indirectly, to dispose of trust income, assets or principal; A trust beneficiary with the right, directly or indirectly, to receive, demand or withdraw any trust income, assets or principal; and A grantor or settlor with the right, directly or indirectly, to revoke the trust or to receive, demand or withdraw trust income, assets or principal. The bill also requires submission of federal registration information to satisfy disclosure requirements. The total number of properties owned by each beneficial owner in the Commonwealth must also be identified. Similar requirements are specified for foreign limited liability companies. The disclosed information is considered public record subject to Chapter 66. Finally, the bill includes a number of technical amendments consistent with the general thrust of the proposed legislation.
HD2390 - An Act relative to campaign finance reform
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2403 - An Act providing for the observance of election worker appreciation day
Sponsor: Rep. David Muradian (R)
Summary: No summary necessary.
HD2412 - An Act relative to felony threshold for multiple theft offenses
Sponsor: Rep. David Muradian (R)
Summary: Allows the aggregation of criminal instances of larceny, shoplifting, misuse of credit cards, fraudulent use of credit cards to obtain money, or buying or receiving stolen goods under GL Chapter 266 that occur within 180 days into a single count, to determine whether the aggregated value results in a misdemeanor or a felony charge. 
HD2450 - An Act relative to dropout prevention and student recovery
Sponsor: Rep. Priscila Sousa (D)
Summary: Repeals SES 1965:741 which requires school attendance for children up to the age of sixteen, instead requiring attendance up to the age of 18 for children who have not graduated highschool; directs DESE to establish a 3-year pilot to support dropout prevention and recovery programs in highschools with above average dropout rates; requires these programs to utilize alternative education, graduation coaches, or supports for students raising or expecting children; requires DESE to establish guidelines to review the progress of districts participating in the program, and to submit its findings to the legislature.       
HD2453 - An Act regarding families and children in need of assistance
Sponsor: Rep. Rita Mendes (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2455 - An Act related to local and regional cultural council membership
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Ouellette (D)
Summary: Amends GL 10:58 (Local and regional cultural councils) to authorize three consecutive terms for members of  local and regional cultural councils representing a population of 15,000 or less; current law provides for only two such terms.
HD2474 - An Act elevating the National Guard to a cabinet level position
Sponsor: Rep. James M. Murphy (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2489 - An Act to establish an integrated cultural studies curriculum in our schools
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Rogers (D)
Summary: Directs the Commissioner of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish an Integrated Cultural Studies Advisory Council to develop a model curriculum and framework in Integrated Cultural Studies for grades K-12; defines integrated cultural studies as the interdisciplinary study of race and ethnicity as understood by underrepresented racial groups; regulates the membership and operation of such council; requires the council to conduct an initial survey of all public school districts’ existing curricula to assess the inclusion of cultural studies; requires subsequent annual surveys; further requires the council to recommend a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses all core subjects; requires the commissioner to update all core subjects to include integrated cultural studies, and for districts to include the recommendations; mandates DESE review of district implementation; instructs DESE to develop an online portal to support the curriculum for use by students, teachers and parents.
HD2491 - An Act relative to a motorcycle safety fund
Sponsor: Rep. Todd M. Smola (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2499 - An Act designating April 5 as Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome Awareness Day
Sponsor: Rep. Kristin Kassner (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2514 - An Act relative to sex offenders
Sponsor: Rep. Paul K. Frost (R)
Summary: Amends GL 6:178K (Sex Offender Registry) to prohibit Level 2 or Level 3 offenders from living or being employed within 500 feet of the property on which any public or private school, licensed day care center or any other child care facility is located.
HD2541 - An Act to establish a Massachusetts public bank
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Connolly (D)
Summary: Adds a new GL Chapter 10A, creating the Massachusetts Public Bank; requires the bank to provide a safe depository for a portion of the public funds in the Commonwealth and to support the economic well-being of the Commonwealth, its cities and towns, its residents, its businesses and its state and municipal institutions; defines duties of the bank, including creating access to affordable financing, enabling the commonwealth to obtain benefits from the federal reserve, financing economic activity, strengthening state-chartered banks, supporting public and quasi-public institutions, supporting small and medium size businesses, increasing affordable housing and more; regulates the operations, governance and powers and duties of the bank, including acceptance and use of deposits; guarantees deposits with the full faith and credit of the Commonwealth.
HD2570 - An Act relative to expedited referrals by legislators
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: Adds a new §219 to GL c.6 (The Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Council, Certain Officers Under the Governor and Council, and State Library) requiring that a state agency disclose to a state legislator personal information of a constituent to the extent necessary for the state legislator or authorized staff to provide assistance to a constituent who has requested such; the state agency will not require an authorization for release of information from the constituent or state legislator unless otherwise required by federal law.
HD2571 - An Act relative to state engagement in the education of gifted and talented students
Sponsor: Rep. Meghan Kilcoyne (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2611 - An Act relative to fire protection systems for buildings and structures
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 6, Chapter 143 and Chapter 148 in several sections to rename the automatic sprinkler appeals board the fire protection and life safety systems board; provides that the provisions of the fire safety code apply to all buildings and structures in the Commonwealth, except the State House; exempts buildings for which a building permit was issued before January 1, 2012 from the provisions of this Act; adds new definitions of 'Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems' and 'Fire Safety Code' to the statute; transfers regulation and inspection of fire safety code matters from the Board of State Building Regulations to the Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems Board.
HD2615 - An Act establishing a holiday known as "John F. Kennedy Day" to promote civic engagement and voter participation in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: Makes John F. Kennedy Day a legal holiday; creates a new alternating date for the day, to be on Election Day in even years; creates an 11 person commission to recommend to the legislature civic and voter engagement activities for the day.
HD2619 - An Act adding an Indigenous member to the Massachusetts Historical Commission
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Moakley (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2620 - An Act relative to modernizing licensure of dietitians and nutritionists
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2621 - An Act relative to the dental licensure compact in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2623 - An Act to mandate the review of climate risk in order to protect public pension beneficiaries and taxpayers
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: Establishes a Climate Risk Investment Review Committee to study and recommend divestment of public pension funds from fossil fuels and actively managed investment funds with fossil fuel investments; prohibits the acquisition of such investments directly or indirectly through actively managed funds.
HD2627 - An Act to improve outcomes for sudden cardiac arrest
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2644 - An Act relative to the position of poet laureate for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 38A to GL Chapter 6, the statute governing Executive and Administrative Officers of the Commonwealth, creating the honorary position of Poet Laureate of the Commonwealth, to be appointed biennially by the Governor; sets forth duties and responsibilities of the Poet Laureate; creates a Poet Laureate Nominating Committee; sets forth the Committee's membership and procedures.
HD2660 - An Act regarding the use of aversive therapy
Sponsor: Rep. Danielle W. Gregoire (D)
Summary: Amends provisions related to Executive Office of Health & Human Services agencies to prohibit the use of aversive therapies among the agencies; aversive therapies includes any procedure which causes obvious signs of physical pain, including, but not limited to, hitting, pinching, and electric shock for the purposes of changing behavior; any form of physical contact or punishment would be prohibited by law if used on a non-disabled person; and no deprivation of reasonable sleep, food, shelter, bedding, bathroom facilities, or any other aspect expected of a humane existence.
HD2663 - An Act relative to school bullying
Sponsor: Rep. Danielle W. Gregoire (D)
Summary: Makes amendments to GL c.69 (Powers and Duties of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) and c.71 (Public Schools) that do as follows: Requires that all schools provide the Board of Education with with a copy of their updated plan to address bullying prevention and intervention, and makes provisions for non-compliance; Requires that the bullying prevention and intervention plan in schools be posted publicly, including on a school's website; Requires that there be a pubic comment period before a bullying prevention and intervention is finalized; Requites that incidents resulting in students being suspended or expelled be included in certain reports; Requires that certain alleged incidents of bullying be investigated within a 2 year period of the alleged incidents.
HD2681 - An Act relative to geography education
Sponsor: Rep. Todd M. Smola (R)
Summary: Directs the Governor to annually issue a proclamation setting apart the first week of April as Massachusetts Geography Education Week; establishes an eight member Commission on Geography Education; articulates the qualifications of the Commission members; sets forth several areas of investigation for the Commission; directs the Commission to report its findings to the legislature.
HD2684 - An Act establishing uniform enforcement and confidentiality provisions relative to certain licensees under the jurisdiction of the Division of Banks
Sponsor: Rep. James M. Murphy (D)
Summary: Establishes uniform confidentiality and enforcement provisions relative to certain licensees under the jurisdiction of the Division of Banks, including check cashers & money order agents, institutions engaging in foreign deposit transmissions, insurance premium finance agencies, mortgage lenders, institutions engaging in motor vehicle installment sales or retail installment sales and services, institutions engaging in small loans business, and third party loan servicers. For all of these kinds of institutions the bill enacts relatively parallel provisions, to establish, for example, that each day that a license violation occurs or continues will be deemed to be a separate offense; That the Commissioner of Banks has the power to investigate complaints, but that the Commissioner will be required to preserve a full record of each examination of a licensee, including a statement of its condition; That records of investigations and reports of examinations are to be confidential and privileged communications, not subject to subpoena, and not designated a public record; That the Commissioner has the power to issue summons as part of an investigation; That the refusal to appear, without justifiable cause, to cooperate with a summons may subject a person to a misdemeanor fine of up to $1,000 or by imprisonment for up to year; That the Commissioner of Banks to issue a cease and desist order when he or she concludes, after a hearing, that a licensee has engaged in or is about to engage in an unlawful act or practice; That the Commissioner is to suspend or revoke a license if the Commissioner finds violations of law or finds that any fact or condition exists which, if it had existed at the time of the original application for the license, would have warranted the Commissioner in refusing to issue the license; That no revocation, suspension or surrender of a license will impair the obligation of any pre-existing lawful contract. Also strikes certain parallel provisions, including those that require that a copy of a license be prominently displayed in the place of business; That a license is only valid for one year; That a license may not be transferred or assigned; That certain financial institutions must deposit a surety bond, cash or securities of $100,000 with the State Treasurer. Clarifies that certain types of financial institutions, such as a sales finance company, also includes a national banking association, federal savings bank, federal savings and loan association, federal credit union, or any bank, trust company, savings bank, savings and loan association or credit union organized under the laws of any other state of the United States, or any subsidiary of the above.
HD2692 - An Act relative to home investments
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Cahill (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2694 - An Act to promote victim service funding
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2696 - An Act relative to LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Higgins (D)
Summary: Amends the statewide education goals in GL 69:1D to add education on the history and contributions of LGBTQ+ people in the US and Massachusetts.
HD2707 - An Act providing nature for all
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Blais (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2721 - An Act relative to emergency response in an active shooter or hostile event situation
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Xiarhos (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 18W to GL Chapter 6A instructing the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security to adopt the National Fire Protection Association’s NFPA 3000 as the standard guide for active shooter or hostile event situations; additionally requires EOPSS to develop and implement standard training requirements to achieve an integrated preparedness, response, and recovery for active shooter or hostile event situations across state, county, municipal and regional public safety agencies, as well as to act as the lead agency in such situations; establishes and regulates the membership and operation of an Active Shooter or Hostile Event Situation (ASHER) Executive Council within EOPSS to coordinate emergency response efforts in active shooter or hostile events.
HD2724 - An Act creating a municipal and public safety building authority
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Blais (D)
Summary: Adds a new GL Chapter 40X to establish a new independent state authority, the Massachusetts Municipal and Public Safety Building Authority, to be chaired by state treasurer; specifies membership and operating rules for authority; establishes a separate Municipal and Public Safety Building Modernization and Reconstruction Trust Fund financed with cannabis sales tax revenue to assist municipalities with the construction of or improvements to public safety or municipal office buildings.   
HD2759 - An Act relative to growing resources to optimize the utilization of group therapeutic care
Sponsor: Rep. Jessica Giannino (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2762 - An Act updating terminology and investigative practices related to the protection of persons with disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2773 - An Act relative to the Quabbin watershed and regional equity
Sponsor: Rep. Aaron Saunders (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2775 - An Act relative to the Massachusetts School Building Authority
Sponsor: Rep. Aaron Saunders (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2795 - An Act relating to public access to historical records
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2812 - An Act relating to embodied carbon emission reductions in state-funded projects
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2821 - An Act to authorize firefighter motorcycle license plates
Sponsor: Rep. Todd M. Smola (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 6D to GL Chapter 90 to direct the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to furnish special distinctive firefighter motorcycle license plates to members or retired members of any municipal fire department; establishes an additional fee of $10 for such plates to be paid to the Massachusetts Firefighters Academy Trust Fund.
HD2828 - An Act responding to the threat of invasive species
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Rogers (D)
Summary: Submits a framework for the control and mitigation of invasive species in the commonwealth; establishes and regulate the use of the Invasive Species Trust Fund, for use by the newly created invasive species committee; establishes and regulates the membership and operation of the comprehensive invasive species office within the executive office of energy and environmental affairs; charges the office with controlling invasive species and coordinating land and waterway management efforts across the state; regulates the contents of the statewide strategic management plan relating to early detection and rapid response, control, enforcement, and education of the public with respect to all taxa of invasive species; establishes and regulates the membership and operation of the invasive species advisory committee to provide information, advice and guidance to the invasive species office; directs the committee to undertake the listed responsibilities, including maintain oversight of invasive species, recommend legislation and administrative policies, prioritize remediation activities, and identify and establish new revenue sources for the trust fund.
HD2837 - An Act to strengthen justice and support for sex trade survivors
Sponsor: Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2842 - An Act promoting and enhancing the sustainability of birth centers and the midwifery workforce
Sponsor: Rep. Manny Cruz (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2848 - An Act modernizing the governance of Port Authority parks in East Boston
Sponsor: Rep. Adrian Madaro (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of a 1986 act (An Act Providing for the Development of Facilities Within Boston Harbor for the Lobster Fishing Industry and Further Providing for the Revitalization of the East Boston Peers Property). Some of these are technical changes, such as updating references to the Metropolitan District Commission to the Department of Conservation and Recreation or the Division of Capital Planning and Operations to the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance, but others are more substantive, including contracting the project from Piers 1-5 in East Boston to Piers 1-4, and dividing the plan into three phases.  The legislation also makes changes to the membership and governance of the Project Advisory Committee; establishes that any construction of a park under the act is considered a public works project, and prevailing wage laws apply; includes an exception for Phase III park if leased to a nonprofit corporation for conservation purposes; removes references to a lobster facility; establishes that MassPort is responsible for funding the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the parks, with the exception of Phase III, which requires bonds to be issued by the Commonwealth for construction. The Authority must enter into a contract with the PAC regarding the operation, security, and maintenance of the parks, with penalties for non-compliance.
HD2868 - An Act incentivizing the awarding of industry-recognized credentials
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey N. Roy (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2873 - An Act relative to the Affordable Homes Act
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2877 - An Act to establish a perinatal behavioral health care workforce trust fund
Sponsor: Rep. Brandy Fluker-Reid (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2882 - An Act relative to athletic training
Sponsor: Rep. Sally Kerans (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2891 - An Act to facilitate student financial assistance
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: Amends GL 69:1D relative to statewide educational goals and academic standards to add provisions to promote the maximization of federal and state postsecondary financial aid options for graduating students. In particular, it requires students to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) before graduating from high school, with exemptions available if the parent or guardian authorizes the student to decline, or if the student is 18 years old or older or legally emancipated.  DESE will be required to develop two forms, one to be signed by a parent, guardian or the student and the other to be filed by the school district on behalf of students under 18. School districts must ensure compliance and provide support to students. The commissioner will provide guidance, and districts must report annually on FAFSA completion and exemptions. In addition, establishes and regulates the FAFSA Trust Fund, which will be administered by the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, which may be used for implementation and execution of training, workshops, collaboration with stakeholders, and community organizations.
HD2899 - An Act relative to personal financial literacy
Sponsor: Rep. Ryan Hamilton (D)
Summary: Amends GL 69:1R and creates new GL 71:100 to overhaul financial literacy curriculum standards, and require high school students to take at least 1 standalone personal financial literacy course prior to graduation; and establishes a Financial Literacy Trust Fund to support the implementation of these provisions.  
HD2933 - An Act to ensure equitable access to education, including special education services, for all students in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Directs the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to annually analyze and publish information pertaining to school performance, corporal punishment of students, student punishments, school bullying, activities of school resource officers, charter school operations, school census data, standardized testing results, student class assignments, reports of superintendents and more. Requires school performance data collected and provided by school districts to include measurements on children receiving special education, including their demographic breakdown, services provided, use of assistive technology, behavioral supports and interventions, and transition services; defines statistically significant increases in the rates of students with disabilities assigned to substantially separate classrooms for any racial or ethnic group as prima facie denial of equal educational opportunities.
HD2934 - An Act to modernize funding for community media programming
Sponsor: Rep. David T. Vieira (R)
Summary: Establishes a framework for a comprehensive statewide policy on recovering municipal costs for digital infrastructure in public rights of way, including regulation of use of such digital infrastructure by streaming entertainment services; directs the commonwealth to regulate the commercial sale of streaming digital entertainment services, and recover municipal costs of use of public rights of way by such services; requires such services to pay a cost recovery assessment of five percent of gross revenues to the commonwealth; regulates submission of bi-annual financial statements, and calculation of penalties for failure to submit the calculated assessment; establishes and regulates the use of the streaming entertainment fund for deposit of such assessments; requires distribution of 1/5 of the fund to the general fund, 2/5 to municipalities and 2/5 to community media centers; authorizes municipalities to establish separate accounts for the deposit of such funds.  
HD2952 - An Act establishing a livable home modification grant program
Sponsor: Rep. Carol Doherty (D)
Summary: Establishes a new grant program in seven new sections to GL Chapter 23B (Department of Housing and Community Development) of up to $5,000 for the installation or retrofit of home accessibility features.
HD2960 - An Act relative to student access and return on investment of college and career pathways programs
Sponsor: Rep. Chynah Tyler (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2964 - An Act relative to the Massachusetts Credit Union Share Insurance Corporation
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Cahill (D)
Summary: This bill is a complete rewrite of the 1961 session law that created the Massachusetts Credit Union Share Insurance Corporation (SL 1961:294). The bill amends the constitution of the Corporation, the purpose of which is to create and maintain a fund for the insurance of shares and deposits of members of the Central Credit Union Fund, Inc. and credit unions established under specific laws. In particular: Establishes that an "Excess member" as an inactive member, federally chartered credit union, or state-chartered credit union whose excess shares and deposits become insured by the corporation; Removes the requirement that the credit union should be located within the commonwealth; Specifies that an excess member can only have its excess shares and deposits insured up to the maximum limitations applicable to Massachusetts state-chartered credit unions; Specifies additional requirements and provisions for excess members, including the submission of examination reports and other information, supervision and examination by the commissioner, approval for mergers, consolidations, and branch office establishment, and the existence of agreements with primary insurers and other regulators; Mandates that the board of directors of the corporation must meet at least quarterly, and a majority of the directors present will constitute a quorum; Grants the corporation the authority, through a vote of the board of directors, to borrow money and pledge its assets as security from members and others; Declares that the corporation will be considered an organization member of credit unions within the meaning of GL c.171; Allows the corporation, with a 2/3 vote of its board of directors and proper risk management policies and procedures in place, to apply to the commissioner for permission to make investments not specifically mentioned in the section; Specifies the maximum percentage of assets the corporation can invest in such investments and allows the use of investment advisers; Gives the commissioner the authority to impose conditions, limitations, and modify the corporation's investment authority; States that one or more mutual banks or subsidiary banking institutions, along with one or more credit unions, can merge or consolidate into a single credit union upon approval by the boards and written approval from the commissioner; Makes additional changes to the existing law regulating the Massachusetts Credit Union Share Insurance Corporation.
HD2966 - An Act replacing archaic and stigmatizing language for substance use
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2987 - An Act to secure housing for returning citizens
Sponsor: Rep. Sam Montaño (D)
Summary: Establishes a Reentry and Formerly Incarcerated Persons Program administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development for the purpose of helping incarcerated persons attain short-term and permanent housing after release; allows for funds from the Housing and Economic Development Trust Fund to be expended for costs associated with the program; directs DHCD to submit and annual review of the program to the legislature. Empowers the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency and the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation to assist in providing housing opportunities for formerly incarcerated persons; requires a portion of housing units assisted by either the Urban Center Housing Tax Increment Financing Zone program, the Workforce Housing Special Tax Assessment Plan, the Housing Development Incentive Program, Smart Growth/Starter Home Zoning Districts, and other tax credits and incentives to be prioritized for formerly incarcerated persons; amends GL Chapter 40B to include reentry housing for formerly incarcerated persons in assessments of regional needs for affordable housing.  
HD3011 - An Act authorizing the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to dispose of certain parcels of land in the town of Bolton
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Hogan (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3034 - An Act relative to police interactions with persons on the autism spectrum
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Rogers (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 116I½ to GL Chapter 6 to require the municipal police training committee to establish an in-service training curriculum, on or before January 1, 2024, for the training of law enforcement officers and correction officers in appropriate interactions with persons on the autism spectrum and persons with other intellectual and developmental disabilities; provided, that this training shall not increase the currently required hours of in-service training; lists topics, procedures and techniques to be included in said training; also requires in-service training for law enforcement officers and correction officers to include not less than 2 hours of instruction in such procedures and techniques. 
HD3035 - An Act reducing non-ionizing radiation in early to higher education
Sponsor: Rep. Patricia Duffy (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3053 - An Act relative to traffic regulation using road safety cameras
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Owens (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3059 - An Act relative to student heart health
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3069 - An Act relative to the registration of irrigation contractors
Sponsor: Rep. David T. Vieira (R)
Summary: Adds a new section to GL Chapter 13 (Division and Boards of Registration) that establishes a new Board of Registration for Irrigation Contractors. In particular: Regulates the certification and registration of irrigation contractors; Prohibits work on irrigation systems without a certificate, except in enumerated cases such as homeowners, farmers, and employees of contractors; Requires registrants to re-register every two years; Establishes a penalty of at least $1,500 or a year in prison for first violations, and $2,500 or two years or both for subsequent offenses.
HD3070 - An Act promoting safe technology use and distraction-free education for youth
Sponsor: Rep. Alice Hanlon Peisch (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3090 - An Act to promote budget transparency and the public's right to know
Sponsor: Rep. Carol Doherty (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 79 to GL Chapter 7 (Executive Office of Administration and Finance) to require the treasurer, in coordination with the secretary of the commonwealth, to provide a short summary to be mailed to Massachusetts resident taxpayers each year by March 15, which reports the total amount of income tax paid by Massachusetts residents to the federal government in the prior year; further requires  the per cent of those dollars appropriated in the prior year’s Congressional discretionary budget to housing, education, healthcare, public transit, biomedical research, veterans services, food stamps and assistance, environmental protection, and defense spending, including nuclear weapons to be disclosed; further requires similar disclosure to be distributed to taxpayers regarding the Commonwealth's annual budget for the prior fiscal year.
HD3091 - An Act relative to promoting healthcare access and affordability for patients
Sponsor: Rep. Carole Fiola (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3097 - An Act relative to cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automatic external defibrillator education in public schools
Sponsor: Rep. Carole Fiola (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3117 - An Act relative to hemp and hemp products in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Mark J. Cusack (D)
Summary: Amends GL 94G:1 and GL 128:116, governing definitions for marijuana regulation and cultivation, to interdefine 'hemp' with the federal definition; substantially amends Sections 117 through 123 of GL Chapter 128 to deregulate the sale and use for commercial purposes of hemp; excludes cannabidinol (CBD) extracts and hemp products from the definition of 'marijuana.'  
HD3126 - An Act relative to assuring a jumpstart in investments in telecoms to preserve access to the internet
Sponsor: Rep. David Robertson (D)
Summary: Establishes a municipal broadband fund and a 50 cent surcharge on internet services to be deposited in it; requires the development of a net neutral seal of approval; requires all state and municipal internet contracts be with net neutral providers.
HD3147 - An Act strengthening oversight of health care facility spending
Sponsor: Rep. Mark J. Cusack (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3153 - An Act protecting transportation network driver data privacy and integrity
Sponsor: Rep. Mark J. Cusack (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3154 - An Act relative to financial technology services
Sponsor: Rep. Mark J. Cusack (D)
Summary: Enacts a new Chapter 140F into the General Laws, entitled Licensing of Earned Wage Access Services Providers. The new chapter regulates employer-integrated wage access services, which is the business of delivering to consumers access to earned but unpaid income that is based on employment, income, or attendance data obtained directly or indirectly from an employer. The chapter outlines requirements for obtaining a license, exempts certain entities like banks and credit unions, and permits participation in multi-state licensing systems. It details application procedures, including background checks and investigation fees. Additionally, the chapter clarifies that earned wage access services are not considered loans, money transmission, or debt collection under state law. Fees paid by consumers are not deemed interest or finance charges. Existing providers can continue operations until July 1, 2025, provided they apply for a license before January 1, 2025, and comply with the chapter's provisions.
HD3161 - An Act relative to college in high school
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey N. Roy (D)
Summary: Adds new Section 39A to GL Chapter 15A requiring public institutions of higher education to develop procedures to accept for course credit successful completion of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and dual enrollment courses; requires said policies to include conditions for granting credit, minimum exam scores, whether credit shall be granted for general education, major, or elective requirements, and transferability of credit to other institutions. Additionally, adds two sections to GL Chapter 69 establishing the Massachusetts Office of College in High School, responsible for administering high school programs that expand student access to college and post-secondary opportunities; creates a Massachusetts College in High School Trust Fund; directs the Office to establish standards for approving and designating college in high school programs; limits designations as a college in high school program to an initial period of five years, subject to review after the first three; details program requirements as they pertain to student preparation and advancement in higher and professional education; directs the department to set multi-year goals for the commonwealth for the attainment of college degrees and industry-recognized certificates for students participating in college in high school programs; and implements reporting requirements for college in high school programs.
HD3175 - An Act relative to creating the massachusetts against discrimination fund
Sponsor: Rep. Carlos Gonzalez (D)
Summary: Adds a new section to GL Chapter 10 establishing the Massachusetts Against Discrimination Fund to be used by the commission against discrimination to offset costs associated with its investigation, prosecution and adjudication of claims of unlawful discrimination, and to assist with its training of public and private entities and individuals to prevent and remediate unlawful discrimination; establishes sources of revenue for said Fund, including a voluntary contribution of all or part of any refund to which a taxpayer is entitled.
HD3207 - An Act relative to fair investment
Sponsor: Rep. Tram Nguyen (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3216 - An Act creating a climate bank in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Joan Meschino (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 15 to GL Chapter 23J (Massachusetts Clean Energy Technology Center) by adding provisions relative to a new Massachusetts Climate Bank.  As proposed, the bank would (1) evaluate, coordinate and facilitate innovative financing solutions for climate and clean energy innovations in the public, private, and non-profit sectors, in line with achieving the commonwealth’s greenhouse gas emissions limits and sub-limits pursuant to GL Chapter 21N; (2) provide loans and technical assistance or risk management to qualified climate and clean energy innovations; (3) foster the development and consistent application of transparent underwriting standards, standard contractual terms, and measurement and verification protocols for qualified climate and clean energy innovations; (4) ease the economic effects of transitioning from a carbon-based economy to a clean energy economy; (5) facilitate job creation through the construction and operation of climate and clean energy innovations; (6) facilitate and accelerate the deployment of climate and clean energy innovations and promote climate resilience in disadvantaged and low-income communities; and (7) work to eliminate the use of fossil fuels and carbon emitting fuels throughout the Commonwealth and across all sectors. The bank is to be governed by a board of directors known as the Massachusetts Climate Finance Board, consisting of 11 members; the bank may not invest in or hold common stock or another equity investment in natural gas and utility scale biomass projects; funding for the bank in any single fiscal year is to be available, without the need for further appropriation, in a total amount of not less than $10 million from (1) money generated by all cap and trade pollution control programs; (2) amounts from alternative compliance payments established and administered under 225 CMR 14.00; and (3) other funds that the secretary may provide through fees from enforcement of market-based compliance mechanisms under GL Chapter 21N. By request of the governor, the state treasurer may also issue and sell up to $750,000,000 in bonds within a given fiscal year to capitalize the bank. NOTE: GL 23J:15 already exists; it was created by SES 2022:179:21.
HD3223 - An Act empowering disadvantaged state contractors through up-front down payments and bridge loans to socially or economically disadvantaged microbusinesses and small businesses that secure state contracts through CDFIs and non-traditional lenders
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3226 - An Act to advance health equity
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: This omnibus DEI legislation establishes a new Executive Office of Equity under the Governor's Cabinet, led by a Secretary of Equity, to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion across state government. It mandates incorporating health equity into the Health Policy Commission and the Center for Health Information and Analysis and certain other health related agencies. In particular, among other things: Sets primary care and behavioral health expenditure targets. Evaluates legislative impacts on healthcare costs biennially. Creates a special commission to address health inequities with measurable benchmarks. Establishes an Advisory Board with diverse representation. Requires annual reports on equity objectives and outcomes. Establishes a Health Equity Zone Trust Fund for areas with documented health disparities. Amends recruitment initiatives to support individuals from priority populations. Requires health equity training for healthcare licensees. Establishes programs for individuals ineligible for Medicaid due to immigration status. Please note that HD3226 and SD1202 are identical, but HD138, although very similar, is not.
HD3235 - An Act relative to providing health education in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Amends GL 69:1D to direct the commissioner of the Department of Early and Secondary Education to establish academic standards for health education; provides that said  standards  shall be age-appropriate, medically accurate and shall provide for instruction in certain enumerated areas; requires every city, town, regional school district or vocational school district implementing or maintaining curriculum which primarily involves human sexual education or human sexuality issues to adopt a policy ensuring parental/guardian notification; requires said policy to allow parents or guardians to exempt their children from any portion of said curriculum through written notification to the school principal; requires the foundation budget to be re-evaluated to provide sufficient funding to implement said health education frameworks. 
HD3238 - An Act relative to expungement of juvenile and young adult records
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3243 - An Act authorizing the voluntary disavowal of eligibility to purchase a firearm
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Establishes a protocol allowing individuals suffering from depression to voluntarily disavow their eligibility to purchase a firearm; directs the commissioner of the department of criminal justice information services to establish a list of individuals who disavow their eligibility to purchase a firearm, and to place them on a list after they file a form submitting a request to do so; directs the department to establish the form for the voluntary disavowal, and to make it available on their webpage; authorizes the revocation of gun dealer licenses for selling a firearm to anyone on the list; requires distribution of the form to hospitals and emergency facilities; requires clinicians to offer the list to patients who voluntarily present themselves and who appear to be suffering from depression; authorizes removal of names from the list upon petition.
HD3244 - An Act to strengthen our public health infrastructure to address Alzheimer’s and all dementia
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Directs DPH to conduct a public awareness campaign regarding the importance of early detection for Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other related diseases; strengthens data collection and reporting requirements regarding Alzheimer’s and dementia; and creates a Director of Dementia Care and Coordination position within EOHHS tasked with coordinating services for patients with Alzheimer’s or dementia, and assessing the relevant training requirements for health care professionals.  
HD3248 - An Act to promote Yes in My Back Yard
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3259 - An Act to strengthen the taxpayer protection act
Sponsor: Rep. David LeBoeuf (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3261 - An Act relative to language access and inclusion
Sponsor: Rep. Adrian Madaro (D)
Summary: Adds new GL chapter 6F, requiring any public-facing agency (defined as a Massachusetts executive office, department, or division that provides assistance, services or information to the public) to provide timely, culturally competent oral language services to all LEP persons or auxiliary aids and services to deaf or hard of hearing persons who seek to access state services, programs, or activities or those of outside service providers; specifies requirements for written communications, websites, personnel, staffing, training and reporting requirements of such public-facing agencies; requires such agencies to develop language access plans, community needs assessments and internal agency assessments; establishes a language access advisory board and specifies its composition and duties; establishes a private right of action for enforcement; codifies Governor's office of access and opportunity; sets out schedule for agency implementation.
HD3268 - An Act to restore collective bargaining for teachers and other school employees
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL 69:1J & 69:1K relative to underperforming or chronically underperforming schools and a determination of district's chronic under-performance by making the following amendments: Striking out a the Commissioner of Education or superintendent of a school district's ability to limit, suspend or change 1 or more provisions of any contract or collective bargaining agreement relative to underperforming schools; Striking out provisions that permit a superintendent to change the practices (as opposed to the policies) of underperforming schools; Striking out provisions in current law that if the changes to the turnaround plan require changes in a collective bargaining agreement applicable to administrators, teachers or staff in the school, certain existing bargaining procedures must be used.
HD3289 - An Act relative to supported decision making
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher M. Markey (D)
Summary: Amends the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code (GL Chapter 190B) by adding a new section 5-508, the Supported Decision-Making Agreement Act, the purpose of which is to create a process by which adults with disabilities who need assistance with decisions may choose to make and communicate decisions; regulates the process by which an adult with a disability can voluntarily enter into a supported-decision making agreement with another adult who can provide assistance in making decisions with the disabled adult’s consent; regulates terms and limitations of such agreements, and allows a disabled person to revoke the agreement at any time; allows the disabled person to enter into separate health care proxies and durable powers of attorney. Amends GL 6A:16, by directing the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to establish training programs on supported decision making, to be provided to both supporters and principals; amends GL 71:3, by requiring notification of any student on an IEP for whom adult guardianship is being considered of the availability of supported decision making as an alternative to adult guardianship.
HD3291 - An Act to protect the citizens of the Commonwealth from drunk drivers
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher M. Markey (D)
Summary: Rewrites and restructures language from over 20 sections of GL Chapter 90 addressing the definition of and penalties for various motor vehicle offenses; specific topics addressed include, but are not limited to operation of motor vehicles after suspension or revocation of a license; driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances; cell phone usage while operating a motor vehicle resulting in injury; leaving the scene of an accident; implied consent to breath or blood tests while operating a motor vehicle; ignition interlock devices; motor vehicle forfeitures due to operating under the influence; aggravated OUI; child endangerment due to driving under the influence; bodily injury resulting from driving under the influence; misdemeanor motor vehicle homicide; manslaughter by motor vehicle; use of a motor vehicle without authority; use of a motor vehicle for street racing; and others; additionally bans operating a vessel on the water while under the influence.
HD3301 - An Act relative to clarity and consistency for the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: Amends GL 6A:18¾ and GL 7D:11, related to data collection on criminal justice, to enumerate several agencies to which the data collection requirements apply, including 'the probation service, the parole board, the executive office of public safety and security, the department of correction, houses of correction, county jails, and the several district attorneys.'
HD3302 - An Act Relative to Access to Justice
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: Amends various sections of the general laws pertaining to use of information in federal civil enforcement efforts; prohibits the department of criminal justice information services from providing access to any files, data or information received from the Registry of Motor Vehicles to any federal agency without a court order; prohibits the disclosure of criminal record offender information for any non-criminal justice purpose, including civil enforcement; amends GL 147:63 requiring written consent before an interview may be conducted with any person in custody relative to their immigration or residency status; entitles the person in custody to request the presence of an attorney, and prohibits further questioning if an attorney is requested but is unavailable; and requires the Office of the Attorney General to prepare a uniform consent form in English and other languages commonly spoken in Massachusetts; exempts these provisions from application to persons in federal custody held in a state or local facility pursuant to an intergovernmental contract.
HD3303 - An Act to regulate hemp-derived beverages like alcohol
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3322 - An Act relative to healthy school lunches
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 98 to GL Chapter 71 (Public schools) to require food service providers selling lunches reimbursable under the National School Lunch Program to ensure that 50% of the entrées sold and served each week are healthy foods containing whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and other fiber-rich proteins, and that no more than more than 20% of entrée items are ultra-processed or have a nutritional composition that includes more than 30 milligrams of cholesterol or more than 5% of the entrées’ total calories from saturated fat; requires providers to keep itemized nutrition data that is made publicly available; adds a new Section 15JJJJJJ to GL Chapter 6, declaring March 21 as Massachusetts Child Nutrition Day.  
HD3331 - An Act to protect the privacy of 911 callers
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 18M to GL Chapter 6A (Executive Offices) by adding a section prohibiting the public release of an audio recording of a 911 telephone call without the written consent of the caller, or without a finding by a court that the public interest in the audio recording outweighs the privacy interests of the caller or of any person involved in the circumstances that precipitated the 911 call; authorizes audio recordings be disseminated to law enforcement agencies for investigative purposes and used for public safety and emergency medical services training purposes.
HD3350 - An Act concerning the Massachusetts probation service
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: Makes technical amendments across the General Laws by replacing the probation department with the Massachusetts Probation Service.
HD3356 - An Act establishing protections and accountability for DNC workers, consumers, and communities
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3366 - An Act relative to child fatality review
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Finn (D)
Summary: Adds new provisions to GL Chapter 18C (Office of the Child Advocate) that establishes a state child fatality review team and local child fatality review teams to address preventable child fatalities and near fatalities. In particular: The State Child Fatality Review Team is to include the Child Advocate, Commissioner of Public Health, Chief Medical Examiner, and other enumerated officials. The team is to provide recommendations and reports on findings to the government and the public. The Local Child Fatality Review Teams are to be comprised of the various district attorneys, the chief medical examiner in each county, and representatives from various other departments with designated expertise. The aim is to coordinate data collection, promote cooperation among agencies, understand local child fatality causes, and advise the state team on relevant changes. Information shared among the teams is confidential, subject to exemptions from disclosure. Members cannot be questioned in legal proceedings regarding team discussions. Information, documents, and records of the teams are not subject to subpoena or introduction as evidence, ensuring confidentiality. The bill also repeals GL 38:2 which currently regulates state and local multidisciplinary child fatality review teams. Finally, amends GL 38:3 relative to the duty of various persons to report on the death of a person to the Chief Medical Examiner, or to designated medical examiners, by including the State Child Fatality Review Team in the case of the death of a child.
HD3376 - An Act clarifying the child advocate’s authority to access juvenile records
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Finn (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 18C (Office of the Child Advocate); gives the Child Advocate access to probation records and criminal justice information service records; gives the Child Advocate discretion to determine which court records the Advocate may have access to; adds childhood trauma, education, coordination of services among executive state agencies, the availability of reliable data, juvenile contact with criminal justice agencies and contracted services to the jurisdiction of the Advocate; gives the Advocate access to data on adult and juvenile arrests, arraignments, adjudications and dispositions; clarifies that the Advocate may obtain criminal offender record information.  
HD3377 - An Act authorizing Massachusetts entry into the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Amends GL 112 (Public health) to provide that Massachusetts shall join the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, established in order to develop a comprehensive process that complements the existing licensing and regulatory authority of state medical boards, provides a streamlined process that allows physicians to become licensed in multiple states, thereby enhancing the portability of a medical license and ensuring the safety of patients.
HD3386 - An Act relative to residential assistance for families in transition (RAFT)
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Donahue (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 31 to GL Chapter 23B, codifying the program of Rental Assistance for Families in Transition in new section 31 of GL23B; specifies eligibility standards and funding priorities for program; establishes annual reporting requirements for DHCD; provides that records of assistance provided are public records with the exception of the identities of tenants and subtenants.
HD3396 - An Act relative to a livable wage for human services workers
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: Directs the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, or the Department of Housing and Community Development to increase the rate of reimbursement for human services providers according to the listed timeframe in order to eliminate the difference in salary between human service workers and direct support workers employed by the commonwealth; requires elimination of the disparity by July 1, 2025; directs the included departments to submit reports with recommendations for improving recruitment and retention, as well as the current disparity amount and annual increases necessary to eliminate the disparity starting in July 2020 and continuing until the disparity is eliminated. 
HD3407 - An Act relative to supported decision-making agreements for certain adults
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3428 - An Act preventing gas expansion to protect climate, community health and safety
Sponsor: Rep. Adrianne Ramos (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3429 - An Act relative to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Finn (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3433 - An Act providing hands only CPR training and the use of defibrillators
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Walsh (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3435 - An Act to grow and maintain space in cities and towns for the creative economy
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Cahill (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3450 - An Act authorizing the commissioner of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to convey a certain parcel of land in the town of Wellesley
Sponsor: Rep. Alice Hanlon Peisch (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3456 - An Act supporting family caregivers
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Kushmerek (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3459 - An Act relative to the dental licensure compact in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3462 - An Act establishing the Executive Office of Food Resources and Security
Sponsor: Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3464 - An Act establishing a tax credit for artist work space
Sponsor: Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3469 - An Act to establish a downtown vitality fund to strengthen local business districts and main streets
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3484 - An Act further regulating the retirement benefits of certain public safety employees
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3494 - An Act relative to the training of school committee members
Sponsor: Rep. Alice Hanlon Peisch (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3497 - An Act to finance the Betsy Lehman Center’s statewide provider health care safety education pilot program
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3501 - An Act relative to healthcare industry recruitment and education for the 21st Century
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3545 - An Act establishing a special commission on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, including but not limited to investigation of PTSD caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Sponsor: Rep. Colleen M. Garry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3555 - An Act relative to locating missing persons via mobile data (Kelsey's Bill)
Sponsor: Rep. Colleen M. Garry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3571 - An Act relative to school start times for middle and high school students.
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3576 - An Act protecting vulnerable adults from financial exploitation
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3596 - An Act relative to immigration detention and collaboration agreements
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3606 - An Act establishing employee screening requirements in schools to prevent child sexual abuse
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Blais (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3610 - An Act relative to reprecincting
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3614 - An Act protecting public higher education student information
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3615 - An Act banning legacy preferences in higher education
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3621 - An Act fostering agricultural resilience in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Blais (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3632 - An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for youth
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3637 - An Act relative to the sale of zero-emission vehicles
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Soter (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3644 - An Act relative to eligibility of non-Massachusetts origin veterans for state veteran bonus awards
Sponsor: Rep. James Arciero (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3646 - An Act to respect and protect domestic violence and sexual assault victims and survivors
Sponsor: Rep. Michelle DuBois (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3659 - An Act authorizing the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to convey Lampson Brook Farm in Belchertown to the Nipmuc people and the historic Jepson Farmstead parcel to the New England Small Farm Institute
Sponsor: Rep. Aaron Saunders (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3663 - An Act to support disaster response and broadband infrastructure affordability
Sponsor: Rep. Rich Haggerty (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3666 - An Act to exempt the Executive Director of the Municipal Police Training Committee from earnings limitations
Sponsor: Rep. Rich Haggerty (D)
Summary: Amends the provisions of GL 6A:18AA and the requirement that EOHHS develop a secure common application portal for individuals to simultaneously apply for state-administered needs-based benefits and services, by adding veteran’s benefits to the type of benefits which must be included in the portal.
HD3673 - An Act relative to mortgage licensing in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Rich Haggerty (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3686 - An Act relative to Commonwealth building projects
Sponsor: Rep. Kevin G. Honan (D)
Summary: Amends GL 7C:5 relative to building projects under the control and supervision of the DCAMM Commissioner by increasing the threshold financial cost of a project that the DCAMM Commissioner needs to take charge of from $250,000 to $1,000,000. Under that amount, the state agency whose building it is can retain control of the project. In addition, raises the threshold from $2 million to $10 million under which DCAMM may delegate authority to a state agency, in its own discretion, if they believe that the state agency can manage the project.
HD3738 - An Act creating special funds for the division of fisheries and wildlife
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Donaghue (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3760 - An Act relative to a commission to study access to emotional support animals in residential housing
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3776 - An Act related to high school graduation
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3778 - An Act enhancing child welfare protections
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3785 - An Act relative to supplier diversity recertification
Sponsor: Rep. Carlos Gonzalez (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3797 - An Act relative to the teacher leadership program
Sponsor: Rep. Manny Cruz (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3809 - An Act modernizing school construction
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Cahill (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3834 - An Act relative to teacher preparation and student literacy
Sponsor: Rep. Alice Hanlon Peisch (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3864 - An Act relative to special education finance
Sponsor: Rep. Alice Hanlon Peisch (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3869 - An Act providing curriculum transparency
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3873 - An Act relative to transit expansion, electrification and resiliency
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3876 - An Act relative to language access and inclusion
Sponsor: Rep. Adrian Madaro (D)
Summary: Adds new GL chapter 6F, requiring any public-facing agency (defined as a Massachusetts executive office, department, or division that provides assistance, services or information to the public) to provide timely, culturally competent oral language services to all LEP persons or auxiliary aids and services to deaf or hard of hearing persons who seek to access state services, programs, or activities or those of outside service providers; specifies requirements for written communications, websites, personnel, staffing, training and reporting requirements of such public-facing agencies; requires such agencies to develop language access plans, community needs assessments and internal agency assessments; establishes a language access advisory board specifying its composition and duties; establishes a private right of action for enforcement; codifies Governor's office of access and opportunity; sets out schedule for agency implementation.
HD3929 - An Act relative to the "Move Over Law"
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Xiarhos (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3937 - An Act relative to local preference in affordable housing
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Cahill (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3940 - An Act relative to issuing guidance regarding setting policies for the use of AI in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3944 - An Act relative to the sale of zero-emission vehicles
Sponsor: Rep. David Muradian (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3948 - An Act to improve police training
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3962 - An Act requiring public safety vehicles to be equipped with emergency thermal blankets
Sponsor: Rep. Bridget Plouffe (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3966 - An Act relative to the exposure of public safety officials to HIV
Sponsor: Rep. Bridget Plouffe (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3977 - An Act to improve patient care through integrated electronic health records
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Ryan (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3983 - An Act to improve care and prepare for the new era of Alzheimer’s and dementia
Sponsor: Rep. Danielle W. Gregoire (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3984 - An Act creating higher education opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and other developmental disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Kushmerek (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4001 - An Act relative to the licensure of behavior analysts
Sponsor: Rep. Tackey Chan (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4020 - An Act increasing access to universal dental care
Sponsor: Rep. Carlos Gonzalez (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4026 - An Act relating to threats of suicide while in court custody (Stavri’s Law)
Sponsor: Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4027 - An Act updating the mandated benefit review process
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4028 - An Act protecting the interests of patients in the event of the sale, relocation or closure of certain physician practices
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4031 - An Act establishing a division of health insurance
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4038 - An Act relative to protecting Massachusetts residents against federal government surveillance
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Rogers (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4049 - An Act relative to the creation of an endometriosis task force
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4053 - An Act protecting consumers in interactions with artificial intelligence systems
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Rogers (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4057 - An Act relative to the employment of persons with disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. David Biele (D)
Summary: Adds a new section to GL c.7 (Executive Office for Administration and Finance) that establishes that any contract issued for services in the Commonwealth or any political subdivision that receives appropriations must employ up to 2% of individuals with disabilities hired within such contract.  
HD4073 - An Act establishing the Comprehensive Massachusetts Consumer Data Privacy Act
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Hogan (D)
Summary: Adds a new chapter 93M to the General Laws, entitled Massachusetts Consumer Privacy Act. Under this omnibus legislation, consumers are granted rights to access, correct, delete, and opt out of data processing activities, including targeted advertising and data sales. In particular: Consumers may appoint authorized agents for opt-out requests. Controllers or holder of data must limit data collection, obtain consent for sensitive data processing, and ensure security and non-discrimination. Special protections apply to minors, restricting data collection, sales, and targeted advertising. Processors of data must follow controllers' instructions and adhere to legal obligations. Data protection assessments are required for high-risk processing activities. Controllers handling de-identified and pseudonymous data must prevent re-identification. Enforcement is exclusive to the Attorney General, with violations classified as unfair trade practices under 93A.
HD4074 - An Act relative to the strengthening of financial literacy throughout the commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4084 - An Act regulating internet gaming
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Cahill (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4087 - An Act to protect Massachusetts public health from PFAS
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Hogan (D)
Summary: Regulates various aspects of “Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances” or “PFAS.”  These are a group of synthetic organofluorine chemical compounds (sometimes referred to as “forever chemicals”) that came into use after the invention of Teflon in 1938 to make coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water. Many of these compounds pose health and environmental concerns because they are persistent organic pollutants. In particular: Establishes and regulates the PFAS Remediation Trust Fund, administered by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), prioritizing environmental justice communities for PFAS treatment and remediation in water and soil. DEP must update groundwater discharge permits to include PFAS monitoring per EPA standards. Phases out sludge distribution without site approval and mandates a multilingual public awareness campaign on PFAS health risks. Bans the sale of food packaging with intentionally added PFAS and requires studies on PFAS in agricultural and consumer products. Manufacturers selling firefighting protective equipment with PFAS must provide written disclosure. The use of Class B firefighting foam with PFAS is prohibited for training/testing, with mandatory reporting of any discharge. Exempts agricultural land affected by PFAS from certain taxes and requires an external study on PFAS impacts on agriculture. Makes minor grammatical corrections to existing law.  
HD4105 - An Act relative to juvenile fines, fees, and restitution
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4119 - An Act relative to governing private label of distilled spirits
Sponsor: Rep. Rob Consalvo (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4136 - An Act relative to LGBTQ+ health disparities
Sponsor: Rep. Sam Montaño (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4137 - An Act to promote economic mobility through ESOL
Sponsor: Rep. Manny Cruz (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4157 - An Act improving accessibility in the creative economy
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Donahue (D)
Summary: Amends GL 6:186 (The Governor, Certain Officers Under the Governor, etc.) to establish a new Accessibility in the Creative Economy Trust Fund and grant program, to be administered by the Office on Disability, for the purpose of supporting projects involving the disabled that are part of the arts, humanities and interpretive sciences sector; requires that no less than .05 of the funds appropriated for EOHHS is to be  designated for the ACE grant program.
HD4162 - An Act implementing free public transit
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Connolly (D)
Summary: Establishes a Public Transportation Affordability Fund to be financed with an increase in the corporate income tax rate to 9.5% from 8%; provides for the Fund to finance free public transportation, and prohibits the MBTA or Regional Transit Authorities from collecting a fare for bus, rapid transit, light rail, or commuter rail services. 
HD4167 - An Act relative to the teacher leadership program
Sponsor: Rep. Manny Cruz (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4170 - An Act providing for the allowance of early evidence kits
Sponsor: Rep. Sam Montaño (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4178 - An Act creating parity for mental and behavioral health services
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4205 - An Act facilitating housing for all
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Connolly (D)
Summary: Enacts a new Chapter 63D (Homelessness Prevention and Reduction Gross Receipts Tax) into the General Laws.  The chapter establishes an annual 0.25% tax on gross receipts of each business entity engaged in business in the Commonwealth (with the first $50,000,000 of gross receipts exempted from the levy). Business entities are to file returns at the same time and in the same manner as the income tax returns; the Commissioner of DOR may establish or reallocate gross receipts among related business entities so as to fairly reflect the gross receipts of all such business entities; all gross receipts tax revenues received are to be deposited into a newly created Homelessness Prevention and Reduction Fund.
HD4215 - An Act financing housing first programs and housing for all in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Connolly (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4238 - An Act to establish a Resolution Trust Fund for receipt of reasonable mortgage payments
Sponsor: Rep. Michelle DuBois (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4248 - An Act to ensure efficient and effective implementation of the roadmap for behavioral health reform
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4318 - An Act establishing an extended producer responsibility program for offshore wind energy equipment
Sponsor: No primary sponsor.
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4328 - An Act empowering students and schools to thrive
Sponsor: Rep. Sam Montaño (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 69 (Elementary and Secondary Education) to strike sections 1J and 1K, which establish procedures for the Board to place a school district in receivership; provides instead for the Board to convene a local stakeholder group to develop a support and improvement plan for the school to last not longer than 4 years; amends MCAS requirement to provide that a student may demonstrate required subject matter mastery by satisfactorily completing coursework that has been certified by the student’s district; amends MCAS requirement by making history, social sciences and foreign languages optional parts of test; establishes a special commission to study and make recommendations for a more authentic and accurate system for assessing students, schools and school districts.
HD4360 - An Act empowering municipalities and local governments
Sponsor: Governor Maura Healey (D)
Summary: This legislative proposal covers various amendments and provisions affecting public health, municipal operations, taxation, public meetings, procurement, and other local government functions. Key changes include: Public Health Council: Adjusts its composition, requiring one member to be appointed by the governor from a list nominated by the Coalition for Local Public Health. Open Meeting Law: Defines “adequate, alternative means of public access” and allows remote participation for public body meetings while ensuring accessibility. Procurement Thresholds: Increases thresholds for competitive bids, reverse auctions, and sole-source procurements to $100,000, and exempts specific services and contracts from procurement laws. Public Retirement and Employment: Provides temporary provisions for hiring retirees for critical shortage positions and addresses retiree salary and benefits. Municipal Flexibility: Allows expanded borrowing for real estate and waterways improvements. Permits establishment of cooperative agreements for regional boards of assessors. Authorizes additional uses for revolving funds and enterprise fund accounts. Provides flexibility in tax exemptions for seniors, veterans, and public safety workers. Taxation Updates: Simplifies tax assessment processes for utility companies. Clarifies exemptions and abatements for property taxes, including for trusts and fiduciaries. Authorizes municipalities to increase motor vehicle excise taxes and local excise rates for rooms and meals. Public Utilities: Amends provisions on replacement of electric poles, double poles, and underground infrastructure taxation. Cybersecurity and Reporting: Requires municipalities to report known cybersecurity incidents to a central state office. Fentanyl Test Strips: Exempts fentanyl test strips from classification as drug paraphernalia and provides liability protections for their use. Education and Transportation: Repeals restrictions on funding for school transportation and adjusts procedures for regional school district finances. Local Governance and Administrative Changes: Combines certain municipal positions, extends terms for town administrators, and updates financial reporting. Creates provisions for managing gifts, grants, and election-related funds. Effective Dates and Repeals: Several provisions are set for future enactment or repeal, including tax changes and critical shortage hiring policies.