Tracking List: Priority: Workforce

HD503 - An Act relative to a loan repayment program for human services workers
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey N. Roy (D)
Introduced Date: 01/09/2025
Progress: House: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the House
Last Action:
H - Filed in the House

HD1110 - An Act relative to family members serving as caregivers
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Introduced Date: 01/14/2025
Progress: House: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the House
Last Action:
H - Filed in the House

HD2647 - An Act strengthening transitional planning and increasing accountability for persons with disabilities and their families
Sponsor: Rep. Susannah M. Whipps (I)
Introduced Date: 01/16/2025
Progress: House: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the House
Last Action:
H - Filed in the House

HD2762 - An Act updating terminology and investigative practices related to the protection of persons with disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Introduced Date: 01/16/2025
Progress: House: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the House
Last Action:
H - Filed in the House

HD2827 - An Act relative to meeting human service demand by modernizing incentives for the direct care workforce
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Introduced Date: 01/16/2025
Progress: House: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the House
Last Action:
H - Filed in the House

SD413 - An Act to update Nicky's Law to protect individuals with disabilities in MassHealth day habilitation programs
Sponsor: Sen. Michael O. Moore (D)
Introduced Date: 01/13/2025
Progress: Senate: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the Senate
Last Action:
S - Filed in the Senate

SD930 - An Act updating terminology and investigative practices related to the protection of persons with disabilities
Sponsor: Sen. John F. Keenan (D)
Introduced Date: 01/15/2025
Progress: Senate: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the Senate
Last Action:
S - Filed in the Senate

SD1565 - An Act relative to family members serving as caregivers
Sponsor: Sen. Joan B. Lovely (D)
Introduced Date: 01/16/2025
Progress: Senate: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the Senate
Last Action:
S - Filed in the Senate

SD1662 - An Act strengthening transitional planning and increasing accountability for persons with disabilities and their families
Sponsor: Sen. Joanne Comerford (D)
Introduced Date: 01/16/2025
Progress: Senate: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the Senate
Last Action:
S - Filed in the Senate

SD1820 - An Act establishing a loan repayment program for human services workers
Sponsor: Sen. Sal N. DiDomenico (D)
Introduced Date: 01/16/2025
Progress: Senate: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the Senate
Last Action:
S - Filed in the Senate

SD2273 - An Act relative to meeting human service demand by modernizing incentives for the direct care workforce
Sponsor: Sen. Paul Feeney (D)
Introduced Date: 01/17/2025
Progress: Senate: Referred to Cmte
Status: Filed in the Senate
Last Action:
S - Filed in the Senate