SD33 - An Act relative to archaic laws
Sponsor: |
Sen. William N. Brownsberger (D) |
Summary: |
Establishes a permanent law revision commission to report at the close of each session of the legislature on defects and anachronisms in the law along with any recommended reforms.
Additionally, repeals certain laws governing sexual conduct that have already been ruled unconstitutional by the SJC and removes references to them elsewhere, while striking various archaic terms (“common night walkers,” “sodomy,” etc.); and instead rewrites GL 272:35 (unnatural and lascivious acts) to penalize such acts only when carried out with the intent or a disregard for public exposure.
Printed as amended version of SB2551, incorporating the text of a corrective amendment, as well as an amendment repealing GL 272:36 relating to blasphemy.
SD78 - An Act to prohibit inappropriate use of the health care cost growth benchmark
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 176O:9A relative to agreements or contracts between carrier and health care provider prohibited if containing certain provisions in the chapter on Health Insurance Consumer Protections by a provision which simply states that it limits the ability of the health care provider to negotiate a rate increase with a carrier that exceeds the healthcare cost growth benchmark set forth in GL 6D:9.
(Please note that the new provisions do not indicate how health care providers are limited in their ability to negotiate.) |
SD101 - An Act relative to dental hygienists
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 112:51, the statute governing dental hygienists, to authorize such professionals to administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia. |
SD111 - An Act relative to sheriffs
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
Makes a number of amendments to General Law relative to the operation of the various Sheriffs of the Commonwealth. In particular:
Establishes a Corrections Advisory Board to provide independent advice to the commonwealth's corrections providers, including the sheriffs;
Establishes that the cost of meals for employees of the sheriff's departments be subject to collective bargaining agreements;
Amends the pension law to move into Group 2 any deputy engaged in civil process enforcement activities for more than 20 hours per week;
Requires each sheriff to establish a civil process office;
Requires the Massachusetts Sheriffs Association to establish a system by which all process fees are reported and recorded;
Establishes that upon the removal of a deputy sheriff, that person musts immediately return to the sheriff's civil process office all process and other documents received or in the deputy sheriff's possession, along with any fees collected;
Requires each sheriff to keep an account of all fees and money received from any source by virtue of the sheriff's office on the state's accounting system as prescribed by the comptroller;
Establishes that all fees and other revenues collected by the process office is to be considered revenue of the Commonwealth, but payroll and all other bills of the civil process office are to be paid from the process account;
Establishes that whenever a deputy sheriff or other employee of a sheriff's civil process office who, while in the performance of their duty receives bodily injury from an act of violence by a person connected with the service of process, is to receive 'violence pay' in addition to any worker's compensation to which he or she may be entitled;
Requires sheriff's offices to file an annual accounting under the pains and penalties of perjuries to account for money generated from the process office; and
Requires the Human Resources Division to conduct a comprehensive assessment that will lead to statewide standards for classification, recruitment, promotion, compensation and professional standards for all sheriffs' offices.
Please note that the sheriffs are not part of the executive branch but are part of what's left of county government, so HRD may not be the appropriate agency to conduct the comprehensive assessment. |
SD115 - An Act to ensure uniform and transparent reporting of medical debt data
Sponsor: |
Sen. Lydia M. Edwards (D) |
Summary: |
Adds new provisions to GL Chapter 12C (Center for Health Information and Analysis) that require CHIA to develop a uniform and interoperable electronic system of public reporting for providers as a prerequisite condition for advancing overdue medical bills to a debt collection agency.
Further amends GL 93:52 relative to what a consumer reporting agency may report, to clarify that it may not report information concerning medical debt arising from the receipt of health care services.
Finally, amends provisions of GL 6D:7 relative to the administration of the Healthcare Payment Reform Fund to permit the reimbursement of CHIA for funds expended for the purposes of executing the uniform medical debt reporting system. |
SD123 - An Act establishing a college tuition tax deduction
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 62:3 (Taxable income: adjusted gross income less deductions and exemptions) to establish a deduction for 50% of the tuition paid to a public university; disallows the deduction for taxpayers who elect to take a deduction equal to tuition payments in excess of 25% of gross income. |
SD133 - An Act standardizing consideration of pets in divorce and separation
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD134 - An Act relative to the ownership of pets by convicted animal abusers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD162 - An Act relative to health purchasing cooperatives
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 176J (Small Business Group Health Insurance Purchasing Cooperatives) to increase the number of cooperatives the Commissioner of Insurance is authorized to certify from 6 to 8 and the number of covered lives from 85,000 to 100,000; repeals the existing statutory requirement that health benefit plans offered by carriers to health purchasing cooperatives apply rating rules, including rating bands, rating factors and the value of rating factors, in the same manner as the carrier applies those rules to small group products offered outside the group purchasing cooperative. |
SD164 - An Act establishing a healthcare insurance premium payment pool for working families
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 176Q:3 (Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Board) to require the Board to facilitate a private sector method for the collection of health insurance premium payments made for a health benefit plan by educating employers and insurers about collection services available through vendors. |
SD165 - An Act relative to small group eligibility
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
Amends the definition of eligible small groups in GL 176Q (Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector) to include businesses or other organizations with up to 75 employees, up from 50.
SD174 - An Act providing for alternative delivery of infrastructure projects
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
Enacts a new GL c.40X (Public Private Partnerships) into the General Laws. (Please note, there is already a c. 40X, Tourism Destination Marketing Districts, in the General Laws.)
In general authorizes any public agency to solicit proposals for a public-private partnership agreement within certain conditions. In particular, prohibits a public agency from entering into a public-private partnership agreement without first soliciting proposals; prior to delivering applicable services for an eligible project, the selected responsible offeror must enter into a comprehensive public-private partnership agreement with the public agency in accordance with certain requirements; agreements may be for a term of up to 20 years, with five two-year extensions totaling another 10 years; specifies that these agreement will not be construed to constitute a waiver of the governmental immunity of a public agency. |
SD193 - An Act empowering patients and entrepreneurs with real transparency on cost
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 12C:10 (CHIA: Reporting requirements for private and public health care payers and third-party administrators) by repealing language exempting insurer data from classification as a public record; requires CHIA to release payment, utilization and claims data on the 100 most common inpatient stays, the 100 most common outpatient procedures, and the 10 most expensive kinds of outpatient procedures; regulates the information to be disclosed; requires the data to allow for comparisons; further requires CHIA to release information on the 100 most commonly prescribed drugs, and the 10 most expensive drugs on average by payer; exempts CHIA from having to develop a consumer tool, but requires the center to make it available to the public on their website on an annual basis in a raw but useable form. |
SD212 - An Act to improve long-term care staffing and dignity for caregivers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 62:6 (Tax credits) to establish a tax credit for family caregivers for costs associated with providing care to an eligible family member; directs executive office of labor and workforce development and Commonwealth Corporation to establish a grant program for nursing facility supervisory and leadership training; directs DPH to establish a tuition reimbursement program for certified nursing assistant training; directs MassHealth to allow spouses to serve as caregivers in the adult foster care and personal care attendant programs; directs EOHHS to implement a mandatory infection control and public health training program and establish a personal protective equipment exchange program; establishes a Caregiver Tax Credit Evaluation Committee to conduct a review of the tax credit. |
SD229 - An Act authorizing the commissioner of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to convey certain land in the town of Brookfield
Sponsor: |
Sen. Peter J. Durant (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD256 - An Act to provide fair and affordable public retiree benefits
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 32:102 (cost of living adjustments for public employee retirement benefits), by changing the formula for determining the cost of living increase; increases the benefit threshold for calculation of cost of living increases from $13,000 to $18,000 per year effective July 1, 2019; replaces the $18,000 threshold with a threshold equal to 65 per cent of the maximum social security benefit for an individual worker retiring at full retirement age, effective July 1, 2020; increases the percentage from 75 percent to 100 percent between July 1, 2025 and July 1, 2037; exempts retirees who retired before any reductions in a governmental unit’s contributions to health premiums from such reductions implemented after July 1, 2019; defines the maximum out of pocket health care coverage costs for retirees over the age of 65 who are not eligible for Medicare as $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families. |
SD268 - An Act relative to the use of artificial intelligence and other software tools in healthcare decision-making
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD272 - An Act relative to gender-affirming hair removal treatment
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD275 - An Act relative to child-centered family law
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael D. Brady (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 208:31 substituting 'parenting time' for 'visitation' in a number of General Laws; enumerates factors for courts to consider in setting up a 'parenting plan,' including the child's wishes. |
SD281 - An Act relative to local public housing Authorities access to the dental and vision insurance plan managed by the group insurance Commission
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael D. Brady (D) |
Summary: |
Directs the group insurance commission to provide dental and vision insurance benefits to employees of a housing or redevelopment authority upon a vote by its governing body. |
SD283 - An Act relative to mandatory coverage for certain health screenings for Firefighters
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael D. Brady (D) |
Summary: |
Adds a new Section 101B to GL Chapter 41, which entitles any permanent, full-time, call, volunteer, intermittent, part-time or reserve firefighter to an initial lung cancer screening or subsequent lung cancer screening or evaluation upon the referral of their primary care physician; requires coverage of the screenings or evaluations by the contributory group health insurance program for public employees, health insurance policies, non-profit hospital service corporations, medical service corporations and health maintenance organizations. |
SD304 - An Act relative to death benefits to surviving spouses of call and volunteer firefighters
Sponsor: |
Sen. James B. Eldridge (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 32B:9C½, the statute governing health insurance of first responders killed in the line of duty, to include that their children over the age of 19 but physically or mentally unable to earn income may remain as a participant in the group health insurance until the remarriage of the surviving spouse; further provides that the cost to the surviving spouse will be equal to that of the same rate that a retiree would be charged. |
SD315 - An Act establishing the Massachusetts open data standard
Sponsor: |
Sen. Dylan Fernandes (D) |
Summary: |
Establishes a new open data standard for the commonwealth; mandates appointment of a Chief Data Officer of the Commonwealth, reporting to the Secretary for Administration and Finance, and who would be charged with creating an inventory of all available public data in the Commonwealth, establishing an open data portal, establishing an open data standard for state agencies to make public data available on, and establishing an online forum located on the open data portal to solicit feedback from the public; allows local government to adopt the standard at their discretion. |
SD323 - An Act connecting veterans with access to breakthrough treatments
Sponsor: |
Sen. Dylan Fernandes (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD326 - An Act relative to rate equity for community health centers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD328 - An Act relative to the size of the Group Insurance Commission Board
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 32:3 (Group Insurance Commission) to require that one member of the Commission be a member of the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers and Scientists. |
SD344 - An Act relative to the accessibility and affordability of trade school education
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 62:3 (Adjusted gross income less deductions and exemptions) to create an income tax deduction for the amount equal to the sum by which tuition payments by the taxpayer to a private occupational school -- less any scholarships, grants or financial aid received-- exceeds 25% of the taxpayer’s Massachusetts adjusted gross income; also amends the current deduction for interest payments on occupational debt to include debt incurred for enrollment in a private occupational school. |
SD367 - An Act to strengthen the management of the health care connector
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 176Q:2 relative to the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector, by increasing the membership of the Board from 11 to 13, substituting the Director of Medicaid for the Secretary of EOHHS, and adding two new gubernatorial appointees from employer organizations; subjects to the Connector Authority to the open meeting law; and requires Administration & Finance to review and evaluate the return on investments made by the Connector annually. |
SD390 - An Act relative to small business health insurance incentives
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
Adds provisions to GL c.176J (Small Group Health Insurance) by establishing that annual rewards or other incentives authorized in the chapter may also be based upon increased efficiencies in a carrier’s administration of health plans offered through the cooperative resulting from the group purchase of plans, or upon the use of transparency tools by the cooperative to control healthcare costs for members or to educate members regarding proper utilization.
Additionally authorizes a carrier to offer small groups a reward or other incentive designed to promote job growth and job retention among small businesses, on an annual basis. |
SD394 - An Act establishing a tax credit for teachers purchasing supplies
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 62:3, as a deduction from Part B income certain expenses of elementary and secondary school teachers that are not already deductible as employment related expenses under subparagraph (7). |
SD411 - An Act providing solar energy to state agencies
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
Adds a new Section 29A to GL Chapter 7C directing the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance to require any agency that initiates the construction or renovation of a facility owned or operated by the to install a solar energy system on or near the facility; limits mandatory solar energy installation to projects that cost more than $25,000 and that include construction or replacement of systems that affect energy usage; regulates system capacity; requires effective solar areas that are sufficiently large to provide for 100% of the project’s energy needs; requires projects with insufficient solar area to either maximize available space or install a ground-mounted solar system; allows agencies to apply for exemptions if the available solar area is less than 80 contiguous square feet or if a substitute renewable energy system will be installed. |
SD466 - An Act to protect injured workers
Sponsor: |
Sen. James B. Eldridge (D) |
Summary: |
Amends various provisions related to workers rights in cases of on the job injury; requires the Division of Industrial Accidents to promptly undertake investigation of claims and hold an investigative conference to obtain additional statements; defines restitution as including actual and compensatory damages, and reasonable attorney’s fees; additionally allows injunctive relief, punitive damages and other remedies; defines earnings as what an employer is required to pay; additionally requires workers compensation insurers to pay such amount, even if employers fail to do so; requires public posting of workers' compensation insurance policy.Prohibits employers from refuse to hire, or in any other manner discriminating or take adverse action, or to threaten to discharge, refuse to hire any person because that person has exercised a right related to workers compensation, including reporting or seeking care for a work-related injury, and additionally including reporting or seeking care for any COVID-19-related illness or reporting any exposure to COVID-19 and taking appropriate measures; applies such ban to situations in which a person assists another in exercising their rights, opposes violations, testifies in workers compensation proceedings or otherwise engages in an exercise of rights; establishes a rebuttable presumption that any action taken against an employee within 90 days of their exercising their workers compensation rights is in violation of protections; allows those discriminated against for exercising their rights under workers compensation to file a complaint with the attorney general or initiate civil action; entitles those who prevail in civil action to treble damages. |
SD467 - An Act to provide sunlight to state government
Sponsor: |
Sen. James B. Eldridge (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 3:35 to require legislative committees provide email and physical mail addresses for submission of testimony, and make all submitted written testimony available to the public on request with sensitive personal inforamtion redacted; further requires each legislative committee make reasonable efforts to promote the diversity of expert witness panels; adds a new Section 35A to GL 3 to require the House and Senate clerks post committee votes within 48 hours, or, within the last two weeks of the formal session, as soon as practicable; amends GL 4:7 to include records of the Office of the Governor under the statutory definition of 'public records' beginning after noon on January 5, 2023. |
SD472 - An Act expanding access to mental health services and strengthening risk assessment protocols
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael D. Brady (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 123:12 (Emergency restraint and hospitalization of persons with mental illness) to add licensed mental health counselors to list of licensed persons authorized to order restraint; authorizes all such licensed persons not to order hospitalization but instead to authorize an evaluation of the need for hospitalization. |
SD477 - An Act relative to the safety of Autistic and Alzheimer's individuals
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
Directs the Prevention and Wellness Advisory Board to make recommendations to DPH, by December 1, 2019, on the use of technology-assisted tracking devices to mitigate risks associated with wandering for certain populations; lists several such populations; defines technology assisted tracking device. |
SD492 - An Act relative to increasing consumer access to licensed rehabilitation counselors
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: | |
SD505 - An Act encouraging employer student loan repayment
Sponsor: |
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D) |
Summary: |
Adds a new Section 12A to Part B of GL 62:3 (Taxable Income: Deductions and Exemptions) to establish an exemption for the amount equal to the principal payments on education debts paid by an employer on behalf of an employee; limits the exemption to $2000; defines education debt. |
SD529 - An Act to improve health care cost accountability
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael F. Rush (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL Chapter 6D (Health Policy Commission) by defining the weighted average payer rate (WAPR) as when a sum of the inpatient revenue per discharge and outpatient revenue per visit is calculated separately for commercial insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid; requires the health policy commission to consider weighted average payer rates in its public hearings and to hear testimony on weighted average payer rates; requires inclusion of WAPR in notices of material changes submitted by health care providers. NOTE: The bill incorrectly refers to 'Chapter 224 6D,' when it refers to GL Chapter 6D. The incorrect reference likely results from the enactment of GL Chapter 6D by SES 2012:224, which was the omnibus health care cost control measure enacted in 2012. |
SD530 - An Act relative to health care non-discrimination
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael F. Rush (D) |
Summary: |
Adds a new Section 28 to GL Chapter 176O (Health Insurance Consumer Protections) setting forth the measures of total medical expense to be used by carriers to establish an alternative payment arrangement; requires each carrier to file data with the center for health information and analysis on such arrangements; defines alternative payment arrangement. |
SD532 - An Act relative to patient access to biomarker testing to provide appropriate therapy
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jake Oliveira (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD552 - An Act banning the retail sale of dogs, cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs in pet shops
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jason M. Lewis (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD553 - An Act relative to ensuring treatment for genetic craniofacial conditions
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
Requires various kinds of health insurers to provide coverage for medically necessary functional repair or restoration of craniofacial disorders, with the exception of coverage for cleft lip and cleft palate which is prescribed elsewhere in the General Laws. Coverage is not include cosmetic surgery or for dental or orthodontic treatment unrelated to congenital defects, developmental deformities, trauma, tumors, infections or disease; the benefits in this section will not be subject to any greater deductible, coinsurance, copayments or out-of-pocket limits than any other benefit provided by the commission. These requirements are enacted in parallel, and includes the Group Insurance Commission (GL Chapter 32A), Medicaid (GL Chapter 118E), Indemnity Plans (GL Chapter 175), Non-Profit Hospital Service Corporations (GL Chapter 176A), Medical Service Corporations (GL Chapter 176B) Health Maintenance Organizations (GL Chapter 176G), and Preferred Provider Plans (GL Chapter 176I). |
SD566 - An Act relative to non-public school service
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael F. Rush (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 32:3 relative to membership in a state retirement system by allowing someone who worked in a non-public school in the Commonwealth and who is now vested in one of the state retirement systems to be credited for the service in the non-public school, subject to certain restrictions; for purposes of this section, a non-public school includes not only private secondary schools, but also private colleges and universities. |
SD589 - An Act improving juvenile justice data collection
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 18C:12 to create a blanket allowance that juvenile justice records be made available to the Child Advocate; adds a new Section 15 to GL Chapter 18C requiring the collection and reporting of juvenile justice data by the Child Advocate to the Legislature, Governor, and courts, based on a quarterly collection from agencies and lower courts; grants the Child Advocate regulatory authority regarding the record and transmission of juvenile justice data; amends GL 119:89 to define gender identity and sexual orientation; directs the juvenile justice policy and data board to assess the overlap among the juvenile justice, mental health care, and child welfare systems.
Adds a new Section 90 to GL Chapter 119, specifying the state collection that mush be conducted by the state police, municipal police departments, the MBTA police, police involved in educational settings, contractors in alternative lock-up programs, clerk magistrates, district attorneys, the juvenile court department, the commissioner of probation, the Department of Youth Services and any contractors, district and superior court, the Department of Corrections, and sheriff's departments; specifies the agencies responsible for responding to requests from the Child Advocate to assemble data from the aforementioned entities. |
SD593 - An Act relative to uniformity in veteran benefits
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael F. Rush (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL c.115 (Veterans’ Benefits) to require the Secretary of Veterans’ Services to promulgate regulations ensuring that no deposits under $300/month may be counted as income for the purposes of determining eligibility for veteran’s benefits. |
SD596 - An Act relative to veteran health care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael F. Rush (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL c.115 (Veterans’ Benefits) to require the Secretary of Veterans’ Services to promulgate regulations ensuring that should any applicant or recipient of veteran's benefits be determined to be under 300% of the current Federal Poverty Level (FPL), and is otherwise qualified, the applicant or recipient will be eligible for a Medical Only budget. |
SD597 - An Act relative to outreach to veterans
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael F. Rush (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL c.115 (Veterans’ Benefits) to require the Secretary of Veterans’ Services to promulgate regulations to reimburse municipalities for outreach costs by local departments of veterans’ Services up to 75% of all outreach expenses, not to exceed $2,000 annually. |
SD618 - An Act relative to housing calculations for Chapter 115
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael F. Rush (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD620 - An Act improving access to breast pumps
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
Amends health insurance chapters of General Laws to require carriers to provide coverage for the rental and usage of a multi-user breast pump by the mother of a newborn infant who is receiving care at an intensive care or special care nursery, or has cardiac, neurological, or oral anomalies that prevent direct feeding at the breast, until such time as the infant is discharged, or until the mother is no longer pumping breastmilk. The multi-user breast pump shall be made available to the user within 24 hours of maternal hospital discharge. |
SD631 - An Act relative to special education health care costs
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
Amends several statutes to require health, accident and sickness insurance contracts to cover the medically necessary treatment for disease, illness, injury or bodily dysfunction which are required by a student's individual education program, individualized family service plan, individual service plan or the federal individuals with disabilities education improvement act. |
SD635 - An Act relative to increasing opportunities for employment in professional licensure
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
Rewrites GL 6:172N governing professional licensure and criminal convictions to expand professional opportunities for those with a prior conviction; prohibits licensing authorities from automatically barring an individual from a professional license based on a criminal record, instead requiring consideration of an applicant’s specific circumstances; limits consideration by licensing authorities of various less serious offenses, or offenses which occurred while the applicant was a minor; allows licensing authorities to deny applications when an applicant’s criminal record directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of the profession, or in the interest of protecting the public; establishes processes whereby applicants can petition the licensing authority to determine whether their criminal record is disqualifying, and can appeal a decision of the licensing authority; requires licensing authorities to file annual reports with the division of professional licensure on their rejection of applications due to an applicant’s criminal record; establishes a commission on background record requirements for professional licensure responsible for advising licensing authorities; amends various sections of GL Chapter 112 (Professional licensure) to implement these changes. |
SD638 - An Act providing for the disposition of certain property in the town of Upton
Sponsor: |
Sen. Ryan Fattman (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD644 - An Act regulating certain insurance benefits for elected officials in the town of Blackstone
Sponsor: |
Sen. Ryan Fattman (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD659 - An Act electrifying regional transit authorities
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jake Oliveira (D) |
Summary: |
Orders authorities to operate electric vehicles and prioritize their usage in environmental justice communities; mandates that authorities conduct community outreach and engagement with these communities and implement electrification along all regional transit lines by December 31, 2035; sets targets for an increase in authorities purchasing electric vehicles, aiming for electric vehicles to make up 90% of all authorities’ purchases in 2034; directs authorities to submit an annual report by June 2024 on the progress of electrifying transit lines; establishes the Central Planning and Procurement Office within the Department of Transportation to lead grant writing, employee retraining, technical, and planning support for the implementation of the electric vehicle bus rollout; and instructs the department to identify sources of funding to assist with rollout. |
SD662 - An Act improving access to community behavioral health centers
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD666 - An Act protecting patients from surprise bills related to emergency ambulance service
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD671 - An Act establishing a jail and prison construction moratorium
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joanne Comerford (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD679 - An Act recognizing and providing assistance for military service-related injuries from agent orange and burn pits
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD686 - An Act for improving patient outcomes across the continuum
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD687 - An Act relative to graduate student loan deductions
Sponsor: |
Sen. Ryan Fattman (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 62:3 regulating income tax deductions and exemptions, by allowing the deduction of interest payments on graduate student loan education debt. |
SD697 - An Act promoting student loan repayment
Sponsor: |
Sen. Ryan Fattman (R) |
Summary: |
Amends provisions of the personal and corporate tax code to establish a personal income tax deduction equal to the amount of student loan payment assistance on a qualified education loan provided to taxpayers by their employers. Also provides tax credits to businesses and corporations equal to 100% of such student loan assistance paid for an employee, capped at $4,500 per tax year; however, any carry over may be applied in the succeeding 5 taxable years. NOTE: GL 62:2 and 62:6 are the sections that are amended; Section 38GG of GL Chapter 63 is the new section being inserted. |
SD722 - An Act establishing protections and accountability for DNC workers, consumers, and communities
Sponsor: |
Sen. Lydia M. Edwards (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD736 - An Act to strengthen the taxpayer protection act
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael D. Brady (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD747 - An Act relative to transparency of consumer health insurance rights
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
Repeals and replaces GL 176O:19 (Display of name and telephone number of health service manager on enrollment cards of carrier) to require several additional categories of information on the enrollment cards of carriers. |
SD755 - An Act relative to removing the term hearing impaired from the general laws
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
Amends multiple General Laws to replace the term hearing-impaired with the terms deaf or hard of hearing. |
SD761 - An Act ensuring access to fair and reasonable pharmacy networks
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD766 - An Act relative to the Bean New Deal
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD787 - An Act relative to dangerousness hearings
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Velis (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD792 - An Act relative to the practice of acupuncture
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Velis (D) |
Summary: |
Establishes and regulates the membership and operation of special commission on acupuncture and wellness within the department of public health; amends various general laws to require health insurance policies (GL Chapter 175), nonprofit hospital service corporations (GL Chapter 176A), medical service corporations (GL Chapter 176B), health maintenance organizations (GL Chapter 176G) and the contributory health insurance system for public employees (GL Chapter 32A) to provide coverage for acupuncture and oriental medicine based diagnosis and treatment in the areas of pain management, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse treatment and nausea; prohibits health benefits providers from differentiating reimbursement rates for acupuncture services by provider type; limits acupuncture services reimbursement to licensed acupuncturists or medical doctors. |
SD805 - An Act to strengthen the control of contagious and infectious diseases in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
Authorizes the Commissioner of Public Health to designate contagious and infectious diseases of heightened public health importance; prohibits insurance plans, health coverage, and medical assistance and medical benefit programs from charging cost sharing or requiring utilization review for any health care service for the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of a disease designated as a contagious or infectious disease of heightened public importance. |
SD822 - An Act relative to eliminating the PCP referral requirement for specialty gynecological care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Pavel Payano (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD831 - An Act to reduce inequities in access to medical procedures
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jake Oliveira (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD845 - An Act relative to fair worker representation on joint purchasing group committees
Sponsor: |
Sen. Dylan Fernandes (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 25B:12 (Joint Negotiation and Purchase of Insurance by Governmental Units); requires the appointment of a board and steering committee for any trust or joint purchase agreement for insurance purchases; requires ¼ of the committee membership to include labor representatives elected from a list nominated by the collective bargaining units and a retiree from one of the governmental units appointed by the Retired State, County and Municipal Association of Massachusetts. |
SD862 - An Act relative to home investments
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD863 - An Act relative to the reform of the personal care attendant system
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 118E:71 (PCA quality home care workforce council) to establish rules for a quorum on the council and require the council to meet at least three times a year; requires the council to submit minutes to EOHHS to be published on the state website; amends the duties of the council in GL 118E:72 to require the council update their personal care attendant directory at least every six months; amends GL 118E:73 to give the council direct authority over personal care attendant training and supervision; amends GL 118E:74 to require the council to issue regulations and offer recruitment, training and referral services; amends GL 118E:75 to require that in the council's biennial performance review sent to the governor, that the council describe the effectiveness of their personal care attendant pool and any instances of unfilled vacancies of care attendants; adds a new Section 72A to GL Chapter 118G (repealed in 2012) requiring the council to establish a paid personal care attendant surrogate program via regulation. NOTE: It is generally disadvised to reference specific regulations in legislation, as they are subject to change without input from the legislature. |
SD867 - An Act to protect victims of crimes and the public
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
Amends Sections 57 through 58B of GL Chapter 276 to, among other things, expand the list of offenses which can be the basis for a dangerousness hearing; allows the consideration of a defendant's history of serious criminal convictions to make the overall determination of dangerousness (as opposed to focusing just on the current offense); extends the requirement that police take the fingerprints of people arrested for felonies to all people arrested, regardless of the charge); and authorizes a bail commissioner or and bail magistrate to consider dangerousness in deciding whether to release an arrestee from a police station when court is out of session.The bill also ensures that a person who a court determines is a danger or who violates his or her conditions of release is held until the time of trial or other disposition of the case, rather than being released after a defined period.The bill also empowers police to detain people who they observe violating court-ordered release conditions (instead of requiring a court to first issue a warrant); it authorizes judges to revoke a person's release when the offender has violated a court-ordered condition, such as an order to stay away from a victim, or from a public playground (current law requires an additional finding of dangerousness before release may be revoked).Additional provisions of the bill allow dangerousness hearings at any point during a criminal proceeding, rather than requiring a prosecutor to either seek a hearing immediately or forfeit that ability entirely; requires the probation department, bail commissioners and bail magistrates to notify authorities who can take remedial action when a person who is on pre-trial release commits a new offense anywhere in the Commonwealth or elsewhere; requires enhanced notification to victims of crimes of abuse and other dangerous crimes when a defendant is going to be released; creates a new felony offense for cutting off a court-ordered GPS device; authorizes prosecutors (and not just defendants) to appeal release decisions; gives more deference on appeal to decisions made in the first instance by district court judges; requires that the courts develop a text message service to remind defendants of upcoming court dates; and creates a task force to recommend adding information to criminal records so that prosecutors and judges can make more informed recommendations and decisions about conditions of release and possible detention on grounds of dangerousness. NOTE: Historically, bail was designed to insure a defendant's return to court, and was not involved in questions of dangerousness. That has changed in the last several decades, so that questions relative to how dangerous a defendant appears to be are evaluated with respect to release. |
SD873 - An Act relative to cybersecurity and artificial intelligence
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
This omnibus bill establishes comprehensive cybersecurity regulations and initiatives in Massachusetts, covering training, governance, reporting, and protections. In particular:
Requires that ALl state, county, and municipal employees must complete cybersecurity awareness training within 30 days of employment and annually thereafter;
Establishes a Cybersecurity Control Board and a Massachusetts Cyber Incident Response Team to oversee cybersecurity policies and responses;
Requires covered entities to notify the Commonwealth Fusion Center about cybersecurity incidents with detailed reports;
Establishes that such notifications are not public records;
Creates an Automated Decision-Making Control Board to regulate AI and algorithm-based systems used by covered entities, ensuring fairness, accountability, and transparency;
Establishes the Massachusetts Innovation Fund and State Agency Technology Upgrades Account to update state technology, enhance cybersecurity, and improve efficiency;
Expands the Civil Defense Act of 1950 to include cybersecurity threats affecting critical infrastructure under the jurisdiction of emergency management agencies;
Updates data breach laws to include biometric, genetic, geolocation, and additional personal information;
Introduces new requirements, including FBI notification for certain breaches and additional reporting details such as compromised login credentials;
Prohibits manufacturing, selling, possessing, or operating weaponized robotic devices (including drones), with penalties ranging from 18 months to 15 years in prison; and
Prevents insurance contracts from restricting or penalizing the reporting of cybersecurity incidents to government authorities.
SD891 - An Act providing for a medical exemption for manufacturer coupons
Sponsor: |
Sen. Ryan Fattman (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 175H:3 governing a prohibition on manufacturer coupons for medications with an AB rated generic equivalent, exempting individuals who cannot be medically prescribed the generic equivalent as certified by their physician.
SD906 - An Act establishing a naloxone purchase trust fund
Sponsor: |
Sen. John F. Keenan (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD917 - An Act ensuring equitable access and care quality for masshealth recipients
Sponsor: |
Sen. John F. Keenan (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD930 - An Act updating terminology and investigative practices related to the protection of persons with disabilities
Sponsor: |
Sen. John F. Keenan (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD935 - An Act to assure quality foster care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Adam Gomez (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 119:23 (Protection and Care of Children) to provide that foster parents are public employees for the purposes of collective bargaining laws and certain other state laws; sets out the mandatory subjects as to which the Department of Children and Families and the employee organization certified by the department of labor relations as the bargaining representative of foster parents shall bargain; preserves the Department's rights and responsibilities with respect to placement of children in foster homes, licensing of foster parents and inspection of foster homes. |
SD936 - An Act providing continuity of care for mental health treatment
Sponsor: |
Sen. John F. Keenan (D) |
Summary: |
Amends several sections of GL Chapter 176O (Health Insurance Consumer Protections) to allow an insured to continue treatment with a mental health provider through an out-of-network option, if the provider is disenrolled, other than for quality-related reasons or fraud, from the insured's plan; allows higher-co-payments for such out-of-network visits; sets forth the rate of reimbursement for such visits. |
SD943 - An Act to prevent inappropriate denials by insurers for medically necessary services
Sponsor: |
Sen. John F. Keenan (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 175:24B (Health Insurance Covered Services) to require carriers to pay for health care services ordered by the treating health care provider if (1) services are a covered benefit under the insured’s health benefit plan; and (2) services follow the carrier’s clinical review criteria; provides that carriers may not deny payment for a claim for medically necessary covered services on the basis of an administrative or technical defect in the claim unless carrier has basis that the claim was submitted fraudulently; imposes time limits and notice requirements on carrier's pursuit of payment adjustments; directs Commissioner of Insurance to promulgate regulations to enforce. |
SD945 - An Act relative to telehealth and digital equity for patients
Sponsor: |
Sen. Adam Gomez (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD947 - An Act relative to dual diagnosis treatment coverage
Sponsor: |
Sen. John F. Keenan (D) |
Summary: |
Amends multiple GLs to include, in the definition of acute treatment services, any medically necessary services provided to individuals who have a dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance use disorder and who are receiving treatment in a facility licensed or certified by the Department of Mental Health of Department of Public Health. |
SD954 - An Act relative to hospital closures and health planning
Sponsor: |
Sen. John F. Keenan (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 6A:16T, the statute governing the health planning council and advisory committee, adding the Secretary of Mental Health to the council and reducing the advisory committee to 13 members; further outlines the public process the health planning council must use, including directing the council to designate 15 health planning regions and to develop recommendations for each; deletes references to specific care objectives and directs that the health plans contain recommendations to rebalance regional inequities in health care resources; amends GL 6D:13 to require a material change investigation be completed upon notice of a closure of a hospital or essential health service.Amends GL 12C:8 to require the center for health information and analysis to identify and report on financially distressed hospitals; amends GL 12C:11 to direct the center to promulgate regulations establishing administrative sanctions against providers for failure to provide information in a timely manner; amends GL 111:51G to require any hospital to provide 90 days notice to the department of public health before discontinuing an essential health service and provides penalties for failing to give notice and 120 days notice prior to hospital closure; directs the department to only approve such plans if such plans preserve health access in the service area; establishes a series of funding and licensing ineligibilities for providers who proceed with such plans without department approval.Amends GL 111:56 to establish significant fines for discontinuation of services in violation of the new GL 111:51G and up to two years imprisonment for such hospital closure. |
SD967 - An Act promoting insurance rate review transparency
Sponsor: |
Sen. Ryan Fattman (R) |
Summary: |
Amends provisions of GL 175:117C relative to determination of premium rates with respect to credit life insurance and credit accident and health insurance by adding provisions that establish that the Commissioner of Insurance mustprovide summaries of rate changes offered in plain language to consumers, determine a time period in which advanced notice is given to consumers prior to proposed rate changes, and provide consumers with official comment periods to review and comment on proposed rate changes. |
SD971 - An Act related to comprehensive clinical and extended support services
Sponsor: |
Sen. John F. Keenan (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD989 - An Act to save lives by preventing unscrupulous medical referral restrictions by profit-driven health care networks
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 149:187 (Health Care Providers: Protection from Retaliatory Action by Health Care Facilities) by prohibiting such a facility from taking such action against such a provider for refering a patient to an outside health care facility or provider if: (i) the outside health care facility or provider is that other than the health care provider’s health care facility or place of employment and (ii) the health care provider reasonably believes said referral is in the best interest of the patient or at the direct request of the patient; amends GL 6D:11 (Registration Program for Provider Organizations) to authorize the Health Policy Commission to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew a provider organization’s registration upon a violation of said GL 149:187. |
SD990 - An Act to improve sickle cell care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Liz Miranda (D) |
Summary: |
Makes a number of amendments and additions to existing law to enhance detection of and treatment of sickle cell disease (an inherited blood disorder marked by defective hemoglobin, often found in minority populations). In particular:
Defines terms like “iatrogenic infertility” (which is medically induced infertility, when a person becomes infertile due to a medical procedure done to treat another problem, most often chemotherapy or radiation for cancer) and outlines coverage criteria based on evidence-based standards of care.
Directs the Division of Medical Assistance to apply for a Medicaid waiver to implement coverage for fertility preservation services before January 1, 2024, subject to approval;
Mandates that health insurance policies subject to specific chapters must cover medically necessary expenses for standard fertility preservation services when medical treatment may cause iatrogenic infertility;
Prohibits discrimination in health insurance coverage based on various factors, including age, sex, sexual orientation, or marital status;
Establishes a Statewide Steering Committee on Sickle Cell Disease within DPH, and requires the committee to study and make recommendations on enhancing access to services, establishing a sickle cell disease registry, coordinating healthcare services for pediatric to adult transitions, and engaging with communities through outreach and education;
Directs DPH to provide certain information on the sickle cell trait to individuals and families, including its health impacts, mode of transmission, and implications for pregnancy;
Establishes a program within DPH to promote screening and detection of sickle cell disease, especially among underserved populations;
Includes a statewide education and outreach campaign, grants to approved organizations for screening services, data compilation, and healthcare professional education programs;
Establishes a system for reporting information on sickle cell disease and its variants, including a central registry;
Mandates reporting of certain information by healthcare facilities, laboratories, and healthcare providers; Requires notification and counseling for parents when sickle cell trait is detected in newborn screening;
Establishes a central registry for sickle cell trait patients, with follow-up consultations recommended at specific intervals;
Requires the implementation of a sickle cell disease quality strategy, including measurable goals, provider network capacity, care coordination, provider training, and exceptions to prior authorization for pain medications;
Requires an annual sickle cell disease management and accountability report to legislative committees.
SD993 - An Act to ensure timely health care cost reporting and protecting not-for-profit patient care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD998 - An Act relative to insurance coverage for doula services
Sponsor: |
Sen. Liz Miranda (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1001 - An Act relative to the certification of inspection for new motor vehicles
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1005 - An Act to ensure educational rights are upheld for incarcerated youth
Sponsor: |
Sen. Liz Miranda (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 15A:39 to permit qualified students enrolled in a public secondary school, including children in the custody of DYS, county houses of corrections, or department of correction, to enroll in Massachusetts public institutions of higher education; adds new section 6B to GL Chapter 71 to require all public secondary schools to credit coursework completed by students in said institutional settings toward graduation requirements; amends GL 71B:11A to mandate the evaluation of students entering custody in a jail or correctional facility to determine whether they are in need of special education and the provision of special education when needed; amends GL 124:1 to direct the commissioner of corrections to require all individuals under 22 years old housed in a county house of corrections or state correctional facility be provided with opportunities to continue their education, including a minimum of six hours of classroom instruction per day; orders translation and interpretation services to be provided to English Language Learner students; adds new section 32B to GL Chapter 127 to order incarcerated individuals under 26 years old to be treated as needing aid and guidance; and requires the commissioner to establish and promulgate regulations and rules regarding this section. |
SD1009 - An Act relative to culturally competent and effective health care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Liz Miranda (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1012 - An Act maintaining the state disaster relief and resiliency trust fund
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joanne Comerford (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1017 - An Act relative to updating animal health inspections
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 129:39A by updating exemptions for the pet shop licensing requirement; removes exemptions for publicly owned animal pounds and persons selling or transferring the offspring of their personally owned animals, but leaves in place exemptions for institutions conducting medical research, zoos, and horse or cattle auctions. |
SD1022 - An Act relative to railroad crew transportation
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael D. Brady (D) |
Summary: |
Adds significant new responsibilities to the MassDOT Rail and Transit Division relative to regulating railroad crew transportation, insurance requirements for railroads, employee rights, safety investiations and enforcement, revocation of the ability to provide crew transport, and data collection; establishes standards for disqualification from operating crew transports. |
SD1036 - An Act to improve Massachusetts home care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen (D) |
Summary: |
Enacts three new sections into GL Chapter 111 (Public Health) to require licensure for home care agencies; requires certain measures be included in regulations, including background checks, wage and labor compliance, and training requirements; allows for fines for the operation of an unlicensed home care agency or violations of regulations; establishes a home care worker and consumer abuse stakeholder advisory committee and a home care oversight advisory council; articulates the qualifications for members; requires each to review and report on the home care industry and status of home care licensure; applies employer non-discrimination statutes to individuals using a personal care attendant. |
SD1043 - An Act authorizing the University of Massachusetts Building Authority to purchase and construct a hospital in the town of Norwood to be operated by UMass Memorial Health Care, Inc
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael F. Rush (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1071 - An Act ensuring access to healthcare and medically necessary food for children
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL Chapter 176O (Health insurance consumer protections) to add Immunoglobulin E and non-Immunoglobulin E-mediated allergies to food proteins to the list of covered diseases or conditions; defines “Medically Necessary Food”, as food, including a low protein modified food product; prohibits insurers from (1) requiring a referral or prior authorization from a primary care provider for specialty care provided by an immunologist or family practitioner participating in such carrier's health care provider network; (2) categorizing prescription coverage as durable medical equipment, or applying a prescription co-pay and deductible for medically necessary food. |
SD1074 - An Act consolidating multiple definitions of employee to prevent misclassification
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL Chapter 149, governing labor, and GL Chapter 151, governing workers' compensation, to reference each other's definitions of 'employee,' such that any worker considered an employee for the purposes of one chapter is also for the purposes of the other chapter. |
SD1082 - An Act relative to certain employees of the MBTA advisory board
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL c.32 relative to state pensions by adding employees of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Advisory Board to the pension system, so long as they were paid by the Advisory Board and engaged in duties which require that the person’s time be devoted to the service of the Advisory Board in each year during the ordinary working hours of regular and permanent employees. |
SD1088 - An Act relative to the definition of veteran for public retirees
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Velis (D) |
Summary: |
Amends provisions of GL 32:5 relative to superannuation retirement by allowing a retirement system, at local option, to retroactively provide those retirement benefits to veterans that were enacted through SL 2004:116, and which may not have applied initially to some veterans. (However, please note that SL 2004:116 only changed the definition of a veteran in GL 4:7, defining statutory terms, and did not directly amend the retirement laws.) |
SD1101 - An Act concerning the Massachusetts Probation Service
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen (D) |
Summary: |
Makes technical amendments across the General Laws by replacing the probation department with the Massachusetts Probation Service. |
SD1113 - An Act to provide paid family and medical leave to all educators
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 175M (Paid Family and Medical Leave) to include school districts and education collaboratives; provides that for school districts and education collaboratives the employer's contribution shall be paid from the Fair Share Tax; provides that the taking of leave shall not affect the accrual of creditable service for public retirement purposes; provides that leave benefits shall not be paid during an established and customary vacation period or holiday recess if there is a reasonable assurance that the individual's employment will continue after the recess. |
SD1115 - An Act dignifying individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1126 - An Act to address the financial sustainability of the Health Safety Net
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Velis (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1128 - An Act making records in the Office of the Governor public
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael D. Brady (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1133 - An Act ensuring prompt access to health care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Adam Gomez (D) |
Summary: |
Amends multiple General Laws governing health insurance carriers to require that reimbursement of costs for medically appropriate evaluation and management services in outpatient settings be part of a basic benefits package offered by the insurer or a third party and shall not require a deductible; provides further that deductibles shall be required if the plan is governed by the Federal Internal Revenue Code and would lose its tax-exempt status as a result of such a prohibition. |
SD1134 - An Act to improve outcomes for those with limb loss and limb difference
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jake Oliveira (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1137 - An Act relative to elder and medical parole
Sponsor: |
Sen. Liz Miranda (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1148 - An Act preserving access to treatment for patients with serious mental illnesses
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1151 - An Act to further define medical necessity determinations
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Velis (D) |
Summary: |
Requires contributory group insurance coverage for public employees (GL Chapter 32A), the Division of Medical Assistance (GL Chapter 118E), health insurance (GL Chapter 175), non-profit hospital service corporations (GL Chapter 176A), medical service corporations (GL Chapter 176B), and health maintenance organizations (GL Chapter 176G) to provide coverage for medically necessary mental health acute treatment for up to 14 days, without requiring a preauthorization prior to obtaining treatment; requires coverage of medically necessary community based acute treatment services for up to 21 days, and medically necessary intensive community based acute treatment services for up to 14 days. |
SD1153 - An Act to improve outcomes for persons with limb loss and limb difference
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Velis (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1154 - An Act banning the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet shops
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1155 - An Act banning the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in new pet shops
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1177 - An Act to increase access to menstrual products in public buildings
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1184 - An Act increasing access to universal dental care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Lydia M. Edwards (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1194 - An Act to provide continuum of care for severe mental illness
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cindy Friedman (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1197 - An Act to increase investment in behavioral health care in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cindy Friedman (D) |
Summary: |
Amends various provisions relative to increasing investments in behavioral health care in the commonwealth; directs the health policy commission to hold public hearings to compare the growth in total health care expenditures to the health care cost growth benchmark for the previous calendar year, and to further compare the growth in actual aggregate behavioral health expenditures for the previous calendar year to the aggregate behavioral health expenditure target; directs the HPC governing board to establish aggregate behavioral health expenditure target using the detailed criteria and measures; requires a public hearing before setting such target.Directs the HPC to provide notice to all health care entities that fail to meet the behavioral health expenditure target; requires such entities to file a performance improvement plan within 45 days of such written notice; authorizes and regulates waivers or delays for filing a performance improvement plan; regulates approval, adherence and conclusion of such performance improvement plans; regulates penalties imposed for failure to file or adhere to a performance improvement plan.Requires inclusion of the listed data in the center for health information and analysis annual report, including information comparing behavioral health expenditure trends to aggregate behavioral health baseline expenditures, the impact of health care payment and delivery reform on the quality of care delivered in the commonwealth, and costs, cost trends, price, quality, utilization and patient outcomes related to behavioral health service subcategories; additionally directs CHIA to publish the aggregate behavioral health baseline expenditures in its annual report; instructs CHIA to use data to identify payers, providers or provider organizations that do not meet behavioral health expenditure targets; further requires CHIA to develop subcategories for behavioral health services.Establishes and regulates the membership and operation of a special task force to develop uiding principles and practice specifications that will assist health care entities in meeting their annual behavioral health expenditure target. |
SD1198 - An Act prohibiting discrimination against 340b drug discount program participants
Sponsor: |
Sen. Pavel Payano (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1199 - An Act ensuring access to full spectrum pregnancy care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cindy Friedman (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1202 - An Act to advance health equity
Sponsor: |
Sen. Pavel Payano (D) |
Summary: |
This omnibus DEI legislation establishes a new Executive Office of Equity under the Governor's Cabinet, led by a Secretary of Equity, to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion across state government.
It mandates incorporating health equity into the Health Policy Commission and the Center for Health Information and Analysis and certain other health related agencies. In particular, among other things:
Sets primary care and behavioral health expenditure targets.
Evaluates legislative impacts on healthcare costs biennially.
Creates a special commission to address health inequities with measurable benchmarks.
Establishes an Advisory Board with diverse representation.
Requires annual reports on equity objectives and outcomes.
Establishes a Health Equity Zone Trust Fund for areas with documented health disparities.
Amends recruitment initiatives to support individuals from priority populations.
Requires health equity training for healthcare licensees.
Establishes programs for individuals ineligible for Medicaid due to immigration status.
Please note that HD3226 and SD1202 are identical, but HD138, although very similar, is not. |
SD1213 - An Act to establish a Massachusetts public bank
Sponsor: |
Sen. James B. Eldridge (D) |
Summary: |
Adds a new GL Chapter 10A, creating the Massachusetts Public Bank; requires the bank to provide a safe depository for a portion of the public funds in the Commonwealth and to support the economic well-being of the Commonwealth, its cities and towns, its residents, its businesses and its state and municipal institutions; defines duties of the bank, including creating access to affordable financing, enabling the commonwealth to obtain benefits from the federal reserve, financing economic activity, strengthening state-chartered banks, supporting public and quasi-public institutions, supporting small and medium size businesses, increasing affordable housing and more; regulates the operations, governance and powers and duties of the bank, including acceptance and use of deposits; guarantees deposits with the full faith and credit of the Commonwealth. |
SD1214 - An Act renter relief tax credit
Sponsor: |
Sen. Lydia M. Edwards (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1216 - An Act enabling a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joanne Comerford (D) |
Summary: |
Establishes that a city or town that has created a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund may impose a fee between .5% and 2% of the purchase price upon the transfer of any real property interest, and may establish different transfer fees for categories of properties, defined by the tax classification and the value of a property; cities and towns subject to the MBTA Communities Law must be in compliance with that law before imposing the fee. The city or town will have the authority to designate whether the transfer fee is to be borne by the purchaser, the seller or how it will be allocated between the two.
Exemptions form the transfer fee are to include transfers for the lesser of less than $1,000,000 in communities less than the lesser of $1,000,000 or 100 per cent of the median single family home sales price for that county unless a city or town adopts a higher threshold; transfers made as gifts with consideration less than $100; transfers to the government of the United States, the Commonwealth and any of their instrumentalities; distributions by the trustees of a trust to the beneficiaries of such trust; transfers between family members; transfers to first-time homebuyers; and other enumerated situations. |
SD1220 - An Act relative to trans-inclusive health care access
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joanne Comerford (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1222 - An Act relative to specialty medications and patient safety
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jason M. Lewis (D) |
Summary: |
Amends health insurance chapters of the GL (32A, 118E, 175, 176A, 176B, 176G, 176I, 176Q) to define and regulate specialty pharmacies; prohibits insurers from requiring a specialty pharmacy to dispense a medication directly to a patient with the intention that the patient will transport the medication to a healthcare provider for administration; imposes restrictions on how insurers may require the distribution of patient-specific medication from a specialty pharmacy to a physician’s office. |
SD1257 - An Act to increase enrollment in affordable health plan networks
Sponsor: |
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 176J:11 (Reduced or selective network plans, tiered network plans, and smart tiering plans in Small Group Health Insurance) by adding provisions that the Commissioner of Insurance may exempt carriers from complying with the section based on (i) whether the majority of a carrier’s small group membership is enrolled in a single rate region; or (ii) whether the majority of the carrier’s small group membership is enrolled in coverage where such members receive state or federal subsidies; or (iii) whether the carrier receives 80% or more of its income from government programs through which such members receive state or federal subsidies.
Further amends GL 176O:9A (Agreements or contracts between carrier and health care provider prohibited if containing certain provisions in the chapter on Health Insurance Consumer Protections) by striking provisions which currently require a provider to participate in a new select network or tiered network plan that the carrier introduces (without granting the provider the right to opt-out of the new plan at least 60 days before the new plan is submitted to the Commissioner for approval).
SD1268 - An Act relative to non-medical switching
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
Establishes new general laws related to health insurance coverage (GL 175:230), non-profit hospital service corporations (GL 176A:38), medical service corporations (GL 176B:2) and health maintenance organizations (GL 176G:33) which ban nonmedical switching of covered prescription drugs for individuals who are medically stable on drugs that were previously covered and that were prescribed within the last six months; further prohibits changing maximum coverage of benefits, increased cost sharing, or moving the covered individual to a more restrictive tier; requires health care carriers, health plans, or utilizations review organizations to provide covered individuals with access to a clear and convenient process to request a coverage exemption determination, and to provide a response to exemption requests within 72 hours of receipt; further requires a 24 hour response in exigent circumstances. |
SD1274 - An Act relative to preventing psychiatric emergencies
Sponsor: |
Sen. William N. Brownsberger (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1291 - An Act relative to third party delivery data reporting
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
Adds new section 13 to GL Chapter 159B to mandate that third party delivery platforms submit monthly data reports to the division and lists specific data to provide in the report; directs the division to annually post on its website delivery data by city or town; permits the division to engage in confidential data-sharing agreements for the purposes of congestion management, transportation planning, or emissions tracking; and provides penalties for violations of confidential data-sharing agreements. |
SD1292 - An Act relative to third party delivery fees
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1302 - An Act relative to the exemption of private pension income from taxation
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 62:3, the statute governing income tax deductions, by establishing a deduction for public and private pensions in an amount not to exceed $2,000 or amounts not to exceed $12,500 received as pensions or eligible retirement income, depending on whether the retiree is over or under 60 years of age; defines eligible retirement income in accordance with section 4974 income under the Internal Revenue Code. |
SD1312 - An Act empowering health care consumers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
Sets forth parallel provisions relative to transparency in the development of drug formularies in several chapters dealing with various kinds of health insurance; requires that every health insurance provider post the formulary for the health plan on the carrier's web site in a manner that is accessible and searchable by enrollees, potential enrollees, and providers; update the formulary within 24 hours of making changes; and include an enumerated set of information, especially information with respect to cost sharing and coinsurance; adds said provisions to GL Chapter 175 (Insurance), Chapter 176A (Non-profit Hospital Service Corporations), Chapter 176B (Medical Service Corporations), Chapter 176G (Health Maintenance Organizations), and Chapter 32A (Group Insurance Commission).NOTE: A drug formulary is a list of prescription drugs, both generic and brand name, used by practitioners to identify drugs that offer the greatest overall value, which is normally maintained by a committee of physicians, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists. |
SD1315 - An Act to remove barriers to patient care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1321 - An Act to maximize participation in federal nutrition programs and improve customer service
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
Directs EOHHS to file a report to the Legislature concerning the resources DTA would need to improve access to SNAP benefits and customer service. |
SD1323 - An Act for supportive care for serious mental illness
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
Requires the contributory health insurance system for public employees, health insurers, non-profit hospital service corporations, medical service corporations, health maintenance organizations, and preferred provider arrangements to provide coverage for wrap-around coordinated specialty care services for first episode psychosis treatment and assertive community treatment for early or ongoing treatment of person with a previous episode of psychosis who has a serious mental illness or serious emotional disturbance; requires payment based on a bundled treatment model or payment, rather than fee for service payment for each separate service; prohibits using disability or functional impairment as a precondition for coverage; directs the division of insurance to convene a working group to determine relevant coding solutions; authorizes the group insurance commission, the division of insurance and the health connector to promulgate necessary regulations; requires an analysis of the impact of the coverage of the team-based treatment models after 5 years. |
SD1326 - An Act establishing a lithium-ion battery stewardship program
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1332 - An Act relative to modernizing the regulation of clinical laboratories
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1349 - An Act relative to increasing transparency in public construction
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 81:8B (Statement of Qualifications of Persons Bidding on Work Awarded by Division of Highways or Department of Conservation and Recreation) to make applications for a certificate of eligibility and update statements public records, with the exception of financial information contained in said application. |
SD1381 - An Act providing health insurance coverage for scalp and facial hair prostheses
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
Amends several General Laws to establish that health insurance policies must provide benefits on a nondiscriminatory basis for any other prosthesis, coverage for expenses for facial medical pigmentation or scalp hair prostheses worn for hair loss (suffered as a result of the treatment of any form of cancer or leukemia or alopecia). Coverage is to be subject to a written statement by the treating physician that the facial medical pigmentation or scalp hair prosthesis is medically necessary; such coverage is to be subject to the same limitations and guidelines as other prostheses.
These provisions apply in parallel to the Group Insurance Commission (GL Chapter 32A), Indemnity Plans (GL Chapter 175), Non-profit Hospital Service Corporations (GL Chapter 176A), Medical Service Corporations (GL Chapter 176B), and Health Maintenance Organizations (GL Chapter 176G), but not to Medicaid (GL Chapter 118E).
SD1383 - An Act relative to cueing and supervision in the PCA program
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joan B. Lovely (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 118E:12 to require the Division of Medical Assistance to include as eligible members in the personal care attendant program those individuals who are otherwise eligible for said program, but who require supervision and cues in order to perform two or more activities of daily living. |
SD1384 - An Act expanding wheelchair warranty protections for consumers with disabilities
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
Rewrites GL 93:107, originally relating to customized wheelchairs, to provide a variety of consumer protections to individuals with disabilities purchasing or leasing any kind of manual or motorized wheelchair; requires wheelchair manufacturers to provide to consumers a statement outlining the terms of an express warranty for the wheelchair; requires the warranty to last for a minimum of two years, and allow for defective wheelchairs to be either repaired, replaced or returned as appropriate; directs the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation to file an annual report with the legislature on the status of a preexisting alternate arbitration mechanism governing disputes under this section.
Additionally, amends several GLs governing health insurance to prohibit carriers from requiring preauthorization for repairs of individually configured wheelchairs estimated to cost less than $1,000. These chapter include Medicaid (GL c.118E), health insurance indemnity plans (GL c.175), Non-profit Hospital Service Corporations (GL c.176A), Medical Service Corporations (GL c.176B), and Health Maintenance Organizations (GL c.176G).
New draft of SB152. The new draft makes grammatical and technical corrections to the previous bill, and adds new provisions relative to the prohibition on carriers from requiring preauthorization for repairs of individually configured wheelchairs estimated to cost less than $1,000. |
SD1386 - An Act establishing guardians as providers of medical care to support the rights of incapacitated persons
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joan B. Lovely (D) |
Summary: |
Makes several discrete amendments in the chapter on Medicaid relative to the appointment and use of professional guardians. In particular:
Prohibits immediate family members (a spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild or sibling) from being a a “provider” within the meaning of the Medicaid statute;
Requires EOHHS to also establish rates for “professional” guardians along with rates of payment for social service programs;
Amends provisions currently establishing that no claim for medical care or services is to be reimbursed if any health insurer is already liable for it, with provisions that in the case of a guardian, no claim for care or services shall be reimbursed if any department of the state or federal judiciary is liable for such claim;
Adds provisions establishing what evidence a guardian needs to submit to present satisfactory evidence of their qualifications to provide professional services.
SD1396 - An Act improving access to infertility treatment
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1400 - An Act regulating illegal exhaust systems for motor vehicles
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jason M. Lewis (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1413 - An Act protecting survivors of domestic abuse
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
Adds a new Section 34E and amends GL 208:53 (Divorce – determination of form, amount and duration of alimony), to require the probate court to consider documented evidence of abuse, including emotional abuse or abuse against either party’s child, in evaluating imposition of alimony payments; allows the payor spouse in alimony orders to terminate an alimony agreement upon presentation of a certified copy of a court docket evidencing a conviction for domestic abuse. |
SD1423 - An Act relative to the SMART Plan
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joan B. Lovely (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 29:64 (Deferred compensation plan) to allow the State Treasurer and the treasurers of political subdivisions to establish an automatic enrollment feature within deferred compensation programs; specifies details of automatic enrollement feature required to be disclosed. |
SD1435 - An Act to restore integrity in the marketing of pharmaceutical products and medical devices
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
Replaces the current law (GL 111N:1-7) that regulates marketing to health care practitioners by pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturers or their agents; prohibits those manufacturers and their agents from giving a gift to health care practitioners or a practitioner's immediate family member, employee or agent or to a practitioner's health care facility, employee or agent or to educational programs; defines a gift as anything of value given without receipt of greater or equivalent consideration; exempts exchanges made under contract for specific deliverables unrelated to marketing and which are restricted to medical or scientific issues; manufacturers must annually (1) disclose to the Department of Public Health detailed information about the value, nature, purpose and recipient of any fee, payment, subsidy or other economic benefit that the manufacturer provided to any health care facility or person authorized to prescribe, dispense or purchase prescription drugs or medical devices, (2) disclose the manufacturer's designee responsible for that manufacturer's compliance with this act, and (3) pay an as yet to be determined fee toward the administrative costs of this act; requires the department of public health to make the annual disclosure data publicly available on its website and report any violations to the Attorney General; allows imposition of a fine up to $10,000 for each violation. |
SD1477 - An Act relative to modern family building
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1489 - An Act to ensure access to medical parole
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1490 - An Act to protect life-saving electronic health records from reckless corporate greed and corruption
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
Requires all provider organizatons to connect to and utilize the Mass HIway system in order to implement interoperability across health systems by sending and receiving HIway direct messaging and to notify all patients of their right to participate in the health information exchange by January 1, 2020; directs the executive office of health and human services to assess a penalty to any provider organization that fails to comply with this Act; establishes a schedule for such penalties by provider category; authorizes the executive officeto issue a waiver if the provider organization does not have broadband internet access or can demonstrate good cause. |
SD1491 - An Act protecting transportation network driver data privacy and integrity
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1495 - An Act relative to traffic regulation using road safety cameras
Sponsor: |
Sen. William N. Brownsberger (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1508 - An Act relative to the relief of mortgage debt
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 62:3, (taxable income - deductions and exemptions) to add a deduction for the discharge of valid debt on a qualified principal residence and mortgage debt forgiven in connection with a foreclosure; regulates eligibility for such deduction. |
SD1509 - An Act supporting family caregivers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joanne Comerford (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1511 - An Act to provide fair wages to employees of public institutions of higher education
Sponsor: |
Sen. Pavel Payano (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1517 - An Act relative to shelter benefits for veterans
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael F. Rush (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL c.115 (Veterans’ Benefits) relative to payment of veterans' benefits by a city or town by removing the proviso — with respect to the requirement that the “basic budget” be increased annually commensurate with increases in the United States Consumer Price Index — that this increase be “subject to appropriation.” |
SD1522 - An Act to support behavioral health prevention for children
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1528 - An Act relative to colon cancer screening
Sponsor: |
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D) |
Summary: |
Requires the contributory health insurance system for public employees (GL 32A), the division of medical assistance (GL 118E), health insurance companies (GL 175), non-profit hospital service corporations (GL 176A), medical service corporations (GL 176B) and health maintenance organizations (GL 176G) to provide coverage for medically necessary screening for colorectal cancer starting at the age of 30; prohibits imposition of a copayment, deductible, co-insurance or other cost sharing measures; additionally bans charges for services associated with colorectal cancer screenings, including tissue removal, laboratory services, anesthesia, or facility use. |
SD1549 - An Act to establish home energy efficiency ratings
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael Barrett (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1553 - An Act requiring mental health parity for disability policies
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joan B. Lovely (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 175:108 and GL 175:110 to prohibit disability insurance policies from imposing benefit limitations or exclusions upon claimants affected by behavioral health disorders, unless such limitations or exclusions are imposed equally upon claimants affected by physical disorders. |
SD1556 - An Act to increase health insurer reporting transparency
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joan B. Lovely (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1558 - An Act increasing access to ABA services by recognizing assistant level providers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael O. Moore (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1565 - An Act relative to family members serving as caregivers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joan B. Lovely (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL Chapter 118E:12 to direct any program of home and community-based services in which family members are allowed to serve as caregivers paid by MassHealth to include legally liable family members. |
SD1570 - An Act relative to bilingual educators and dual language certification incentives
Sponsor: |
Sen. Pavel Payano (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1579 - An Act ensuring access to executive physical exams
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1586 - An Act relative to reducing unnecessary delays in patient care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1588 - An Act to strengthen justice and support for sex trade survivors
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cindy Friedman (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1592 - An Act to promote increased access to patient care through equitable reimbursement
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joan B. Lovely (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1594 - An Act establishing a correctional inspector general office
Sponsor: |
Sen. Liz Miranda (D) |
Summary: |
Adds a new chapter to the General Laws entitled Correctional Transparency and Accountability. Among other things, the new chapter establishes and regulates the Office of Corrections Inspector General, separate from the current Inspector General for the state as a whole. In particular, the legislation:
Establishes that the new Corrections IG is to be appointed by a majority vote of the Attorney General, State Auditor, and Treasurer;
Establishes a Corrections Inspector General Advisory Board, with appointed members;
Establishes a statewide toll-free telephone number, website, and other means for complaints and inquiries;
Authorizes investigations, access to correctional facilities, and the ability to subpoena witnesses and documents;
Establishes a division within the Office responsible for receiving and reviewing individual complaints;
Details the types of complaints the division can receive and its investigative procedures;
Mandates public reports on the outcome of investigations, with recommendations if necessary;
Defines procedures for consultation and response to findings and recommendations;
Ensures confidentiality of correspondence and communications with the Office;
Grants civil immunity to employees of the Office for good faith performance of responsibilities;
Protects individuals from discriminatory or retaliatory actions for aiding the Office unless done maliciously or without good faith.
Finally, amends the definition of “public record” to exclude certain record of the new Office. |
SD1596 - An Act promoting and enhancing the sustainability of birth centers and the midwifery workforce
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joan B. Lovely (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1600 - An Act modernizing the governance of Port Authority parks in East Boston
Sponsor: |
Sen. Lydia M. Edwards (D) |
Summary: |
Amends provisions of a 1986 act (An Act Providing for the Development of Facilities Within Boston Harbor for the Lobster Fishing Industry and Further Providing for the Revitalization of the East Boston Peers Property). Some of these are technical changes, such as updating references to the Metropolitan District Commission to the Department of Conservation and Recreation or the Division of Capital Planning and Operations to the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance, but others are more substantive, including contracting the project from Piers 1-5 in East Boston to Piers 1-4, and dividing the plan into three phases.
The legislation also makes changes to the membership and governance of the Project Advisory Committee; establishes that any construction of a park under the act is considered a public works project, and prevailing wage laws apply; includes an exception for Phase III park if leased to a nonprofit corporation for conservation purposes; removes references to a lobster facility; establishes that MassPort is responsible for funding the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the parks, with the exception of Phase III, which requires bonds to be issued by the Commonwealth for construction. The Authority must enter into a contract with the PAC regarding the operation, security, and maintenance of the parks, with penalties for non-compliance. |
SD1614 - An Act relative to issuance of citations and warnings to vehicle owners without effectuating motor vehicle stops
Sponsor: |
Sen. William N. Brownsberger (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1627 - An Act ensuring transparency in the practice of dental leased networks
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1631 - An Act relative to nature as a prescription
Sponsor: |
Sen. Liz Miranda (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1638 - An Act relative to sexual harassment
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cindy Friedman (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1644 - An Act relative to fair investment
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cindy Friedman (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1645 - An Act expanding access to mental health services
Sponsor: |
Sen. John F. Keenan (D) |
Summary: |
This omnibus legislation makes numerous amendments to SL 2022:177 (An Act Addressing Barriers to Care for Mental Health). In particular, the bill:
Amends various provisions of general that require a health insurance carrier to cover mental health services received prior to the pre-existing 72 hour notification period, and applies this rulle specifically to GIC, Medicaid, non-profit hospital service corporations, medical service corporations, and health maintenance organizations;
Adds provisions establishing that a health facility must be licensed by DMH if the facility plans to make a capital expenditure for the development of acute psychiatric services including, inpatient, community based acute treatment, intensive community based acute treatment, partial hospitalization program, and crisis stabilization services;
By updating the definition of “Licensed mental health professional” by expanding the definition to various MH providers;
By including “addiction medicine” within certain mental health treatment categories;
Amends portions of GL Chapter 123 (Mental Health) to authorize licensed physician assistants to render certain services;
Establishes a definition for “emergency services programs” to include all programs subject to contract between the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership and provider organizations for the provision of acute care hospital and community-based emergency behavioral health services;
Establishes a a task force to evaluate ways to ensure the financial stability of inpatient behavioral health units and facilities;
Requires HPC and various other actors to conduct a study and issue a report regarding the design of a behavioral health home hospital program; and
Requires DOI to establish regulations that require carriers to reimburse acute care hospitals with emergency departments or satellite emergency facilities for the provision of emergency behavioral health services.
SD1654 - An Act protecting personal identifying information on records of death
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1659 - An Act to improve continuity of care for MassHealth members with chronic conditions
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1661 - An Act relative to telehealth parity for nutrition counseling
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
Amends health insurance chapters of GL to provide that the rate of payment for in-network providers of behavioral health services and in-network providers of nutrition counseling delivered via interactive audio-video technology and audio-only telephone shall be no less than the rate of payment for the same service delivered via in-person methods; defines "nutrition counseling" as "care and services, including, but not limited to, medical nutrition therapy, provided by a dietitian/nutritionist licensed by the board of registration of dietitians and nutritionists pursuant to sections 201 to 210, inclusive, of chapter 112 of the General Laws." |
SD1664 - An Act to establish comprehensive rights and career advancement for contingent faculty in public higher education
Sponsor: |
Sen. James B. Eldridge (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1670 - An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents
Sponsor: |
Sen. James B. Eldridge (D) |
Summary: |
Adds new section 63 to GL 147 providing that: (1) no officer or employee of a law enforcement agency may question persons, including victims and witnesses of crimes, about their immigration status (unless state or federal law requires the inquiry); (2) persons in state custody may be questioned on immigration matters only if the person in custody gives informed written consent; (3) records relating to the granting of these interviews (but not the interviews themselves) will be public records with personal identifying information redacted; sets out lesser protections for persons held in Massachusetts correctional facilities under an Inter-Governmental Service Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security; prohibits law enforcement agency personnel from initiating communication with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security about the pending or imminent release, from state, local or county custody, of a person who is being released for any reason other than the end of a sentence of incarceration for a criminal conviction; provides that if a law enforcement agency receives a request for notification from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security regarding a person in its custody, including a request for notification under to federal form I-247A or I-247N, the law enforcement agency shall inform the person of the request and shall provide the person with a copy of the request and copies of any other documentation pertaining to the person’s case that is presented to the law enforcement agency by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security; sets out training requirements for law enforcement personnel; provides for a complaint process for violations; adds new section 40 to GL 126 prohibiting law enforcement personnel from performing the functions of an immigration officer; provides that DOC and Houses of Correction may enter into an Inter-Governmental Service Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for housing detainees if they are paid a daily fee. |
SD1676 - An Act to address medical debt through hospital financial assistance reform
Sponsor: |
Sen. Joanne Comerford (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1677 - An Act to increase access to nurse-midwifery services
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1681 - An Act establishing the Martha’s Vineyard housing bank
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1684 - An Act combating offshore tax avoidance
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jason M. Lewis (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 62 and 63 (Income tax) to increase the share of Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) that is subject to state income tax from 5 percent to 50 percent. |
SD1685 - An Act to strengthen the control of contagious and infectious diseases in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1690 - An Act relative to chaperones for medical exams
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1693 - An Act regarding families and children in need of assistance
Sponsor: |
Sen. Robyn Kennedy (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1697 - An Act to improve oral health for all Massachusetts residents
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jason M. Lewis (D) |
Summary: |
Modifies numerous provisions of the general laws to promote improved oral health for all residents of the commonwealth; requires public schools to notify parents and guardians of the importance of public health on a form developed by the department of public health; allows a licensed dental therapist under the supervision of a practitioner to possess and distribute controlled substances.Establishes a comprehensive system for the licensing of dental therapists under GL Chapter 112; requires applicants to have a master's degree in dental therapy program that includes both dental therapy and dental hygiene, to pass a comprehensive examination in dental therapy approved by the board of registration in dentistry, and to have liability insurance; requires applicants to have practiced under the direct supervision of a supervising dentist for at least two years or 2,500 hours before practicing under general supervision under a collaborative management agreement; directs the board to approve the exam by January 1, 2020; regulates the licensure process, including for individuals licensed in other states.Defines the scope of practice for licensed dental therapists; allows licensed dental therapists to perform all acts of a public health dental hygienist and those in the commission on dental accreditation dental therapy standards, including performing oral evaluations, assessments of disease, development of treatment plans, and dispensing non-narcotic analgesics, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics; prohibits dental therapists from supervising more than two dental hygienists and two dental assistance; prohibits them from overseeing other dental therapists; regulates the scope of their practice; allows performance of advanced procedures after completing 2,500 hours and under the direct supervision of a supervising dentist, including simple extractions, fabrication and placement of crowns and pulp capping.Directs the Department of Public Health to evaluate the impact of dental therapists practicing under general supervision, and to make recommendations on whether they should be able to perform advanced procedures under general supervision; requires the board of registration in dentistry to establish regulations that implement the relevant scope of practice and working conditions recommended by DPH for dental therapists; regulates the permissible patient panel of a dental therapist; defines areas of consideration for DPH in its study of the impact of dental therapists; requires completion of the study within three years of the first graduating class of dental therapists. |
SD1703 - An Act relative to the sustainability of public health dental hygienists through adequate reimbursements
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jason M. Lewis (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 112:51 relative to dental hygienists by changing the current provisions that establish that a public health dental hygienists is to be directly reimbursed for services administered in a public health setting by Medicaid or the Commonwealth Care health insurance program, but except as required by federal Medicaid law, is not not seek reimbursement from any other insurance or 3rd party payor. This bill strikes out the provisions that she will be reimbursed by Medicaid, or that she can seek reimbursement from 3rd party payors when required by federal Medicaid law. |
SD1704 - An Act relative to consumer deductibles
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
Adds a new Section 28 to GL Chapter 176O requiring health insurers to include any cost sharing amounts paid by the enrollee or on behalf of the enrollee by another person towards an enrollee’s benefit or towards an enrollee’s applicable cost sharing requirement at the time that it is paid for health care services rendered; limits such deduction application rules to health plans that are entered into, amended, extended, or renewed on or after January 1, 2022. |
SD1705 - An Act relative to increasing 529 deductions
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jake Oliveira (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1710 - An Act establishing a program for local art and community engagement
Sponsor: |
Sen. Robyn Kennedy (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1713 - An Act relative to creating a voluntary do-not-sell list
Sponsor: |
Sen. Robyn Kennedy (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1714 - An Act relative to unilateral contract changes
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1730 - An Act relative to health equity and community health workers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Robyn Kennedy (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1780 - An Act preventing medical debt by restoring health safety net eligibility levels
Sponsor: |
Sen. Sal N. DiDomenico (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1795 - An Act providing retirement security to care workers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Sal N. DiDomenico (D) |
Summary: |
Adds a new Section 106 to GL Chapter 32 directing the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and the Department of Early Education and Care, in consultation with MassHealth, the Personal Care Attendant Workforce Council, 1199SEIU, and SEIU 509, to establish a 403(b) account, or another substantially similar individual retirement account program, for personal care attendants and for family child care providers; designates the Department of Medical Assistance as the employer of personal care attendants, and the Department of Early Education and Care as the employer of family child care providers; regulates implementation of such retirement programs; requires such programs to allow for collective bargaining, minimum employer contributions and employer contribution matching of individual employee contributions, professional management and benefits orientation; requires implementation of such programs within one year. |
SD1797 - An Act promoting healthcare access and affordability for patients
Sponsor: |
Sen. Sal N. DiDomenico (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1803 - An Act relative to financial technology services
Sponsor: |
Sen. Sal N. DiDomenico (D) |
Summary: |
Enacts a new Chapter 140F into the General Laws, entitled Licensing of Earned Wage Access Services Providers. The new chapter regulates employer-integrated wage access services, which is the business of delivering to consumers access to earned but unpaid income that is based on employment, income, or attendance data obtained directly or indirectly from an employer. The chapter outlines requirements for obtaining a license, exempts certain entities like banks and credit unions, and permits participation in multi-state licensing systems. It details application procedures, including background checks and investigation fees.
Additionally, the chapter clarifies that earned wage access services are not considered loans, money transmission, or debt collection under state law. Fees paid by consumers are not deemed interest or finance charges. Existing providers can continue operations until July 1, 2025, provided they apply for a license before January 1, 2025, and comply with the chapter's provisions. |
SD1811 - An Act promoting mortgage debt relief
Sponsor: |
Sen. Sal N. DiDomenico (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1812 - An Act promoting continuity of health coverage for children
Sponsor: |
Sen. Sal N. DiDomenico (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1815 - An Act ensuring access and continuity of care to specialist and hospital services for dually eligible individuals
Sponsor: |
Sen. Sal N. DiDomenico (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 118E:9D to ensure access to specialist and hospital care for dually eligible individuals, permitting dually eligible individuals to receive healthcare from any provider in the commonwealth that participates in Medicare or MassHealth, regardless of any health plan limitations. |
SD1822 - An Act relative to non-opioid options for chronic pain
Sponsor: |
Sen. Dylan Fernandes (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1830 - An Act relative to the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder
Sponsor: |
Sen. Dylan Fernandes (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1852 - An Act relative to amending certain use restrictions for the Foxborough State Hospital
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1855 - An Act to protect survivors of spousal abuse from alimony liability
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jake Oliveira (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1863 - An Act relative to insurance coverage of mobile integrated health
Sponsor: |
Sen. William Driscoll (D) |
Summary: |
Amends multiple General Laws to prohibit health insurance carriers from declining to provide coverage for medical, behavioral or health care services solely on the basis that those services were delivered by a health care provider participating in a mobile integrated health care program approved by the department of public health; requires that medical, behavioral or health care services delivered by way of an approved mobile integrated health care program shall be covered to the same extent as if they were provided in a health care facility and the rates of payments for otherwise covered services shall not be reduced on the grounds that those services were delivered by a provider participating in such a program; further require that deductibles, copayments and coinsurance may not exceed the payments applicable to delivery of the same services within a health care facility. |
SD1869 - An Act excluding student loan forgiveness from taxable income for permanently and totally disabled veterans
Sponsor: |
Sen. William Driscoll (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 62:2 (governing taxable income) to exclude discharged educational loans to permanently disabled veterans from taxable income. |
SD1874 - An Act excluding the Segal AmeriCorps Educational Award from taxable income
Sponsor: |
Sen. William Driscoll (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 62:3 (Income tax deductions) to provide a deduction for any amount received as part of the AmeriCorps Segal Education Award. |
SD1877 - An Act providing living organ donor protections
Sponsor: |
Sen. William Driscoll (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL Chapter 175 and Chapter 176U (Insurance) to prohibit insurers issuing policies against disability from: (1) declining or limiting coverage of a person solely due to the status of the person as a living organ donor; (2) precluding a person from donating all or part of an organ as a condition of continuing to receive coverage; or (3) otherwise discriminating in any condition of coverage, based solely and without any additional actuarial risks upon the status of a person as a living organ donor; provides that a violation constitutes an unfair method of competition or an unfair or deceptive act or practice. |
SD1878 - An Act alleviating the burden of medical debt for patients and families
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
Adds new GL chapter 93M establishing consumer protections for persons with debts incurred for medical services against actions by medical debt collectors; prohibits medical debt collectors from (1) causing an consumer’s arrest; (2) causing an consumer to be subject to a writ of body attachment or capias; (3) foreclosing on an consumer’s real property; imposes requirements on medical debt collectors to provide notice to debtors prior to taking collection actions; exempts certain property of debtors from collection. |
SD1890 - An Act relative to cognitive rehabilitation for individuals with an acquired brain injury
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
Adds new sections to GL Chapter 32A regulating health insurance for public employees, GL Chapter 175 regulating health insurance, GL Chapter 176A regulating non-profit hospital service corporations, and GL Chapter 176G regulating health maintenance organizations, to provide coverage for treatment related to or resulting from acquired brain injuries; defines acquired brain injuries as those occurring after birth from various causes, including disease, toxins or traumatic brain injury; prohibits imposing lifetime limits or unreasonable annual limits on the coverage; requires companies to provide training to employees responsible for preauthorization of services or utilization reviews about this coverage. |
SD1898 - An Act further protecting research animals
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 140:174D½ relative to reasonable effort to facilitate adoption of dogs and cats upon conclusion of study by adding provisions that requires research institutions and product testing facilities to file annual reports to the Department of Agricultural Resources data on the use and disposition of dogs and cats after the completion of any testing or research including the number of dogs and the number of cats who were euthanized upon the termination of the study, and other enumerated metrics. In addition, the bill makes other technical and grammatical changes in the section.
(Please note that there is no GL 140:174D½ in the General Laws, but that the correct citation as of this time is GL 140:174D.5) |
SD1904 - An Act investing in public higher education
Sponsor: |
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1906 - An Act relative to primary care for you
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cindy Friedman (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1907 - An Act relative to expungement of juvenile and young adult records
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cynthia Stone Creem (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1910 - An Act enhancing health care market oversight and pharmaceutical access
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cindy Friedman (D) |
Summary: |
This bill, comprising 155 sections and 118 printed pages, is substantially similar to Chapter 343 of the Acts of 2024, which was the “market review” bill that overhauled the oversight of hospitals and other stakeholders in the health care system (especially in the wake of the Stewart Hospital system bankruptcy).
As such, this bill would either duplicate or alter the carefully negotiated comprise that was worked out between the House and Senate, and culminated in HB5159, the conference committee report that was not laid before the Governor until 12/30/2024. |
SD1913 - An Act to promote Yes in My Back Yard
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1918 - An Act eliminating cost sharing for certain behavioral health services
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
Requires health insurance carriers to provide early intervention services for substance use disorder treatment, a substance use disorder evaluation, outpatient services including medically assisted therapies; intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization services; certain residential or inpatient services, and certain medically managed intensive inpatient services without requiring prior authorization and without cost-sharing, unless a prohibition on cost sharing would result in the loss of tax-exempt status for plans governed by federal law. |
SD1923 - An Act relative to anesthesiologist assistants
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
Adds six new sections into GL Chapter 112, creating professional licensure for anesthesiologist assistants, allowing for some delegation of responsibilities for anesthesia under the supervision of a fully-licensed anesthesiologist. |
SD1925 - An Act relative to physician workforce data collection
Sponsor: |
Sen. Nicholas P. Collins (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1927 - An Act enabling physician assistants to authorize psychiatric holds and ensure adequate training on their use
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Cronin (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 123:12 (Emergency restraint and hospitalization of persons with mental illness) to add licensed physicial assistants to list of licensed persons authorized to order restraint; requires all such licensed persons to undergo 3 hours of specialized training in direct mental health evaluation. |
SD1933 - An Act relative to insurer responsibility to the operating budgets of health care oversight entities
Sponsor: |
Sen. Nicholas P. Collins (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1947 - An Act relative to funding affordable housing and incentivizing zoning reform
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1948 - An Act relative to mental health providers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Nicholas P. Collins (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1951 - An Act relative to funding housing and mitigating investor real estate in seasonal communities
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1959 - An Act enabling trained dental hygienists to administer dermal fillers and botox
Sponsor: |
Sen. Pavel Payano (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1970 - An Act to protect 340B providers
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jason M. Lewis (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 32A, 175, 176A, 176G, 176I (Health insurance carriers) to prohibit a health insurance issuer, pharmacy benefit manager, or other third party payor from (1) reimbursing a 340B entity for 340B drugs at a rate lower than that paid for the same drug to entities that are not 340B entities or lower reimbursement for a claim on the basis that the claim is for a 340B drug, or (2) imposing any terms on any 340B entity with respect to any of a list of items that differ from such terms applied to non-340B entities on the basis that the entity participates in the federal 340B drug discount program or that a drug is a 340B drug. |
SD1979 - An Act relative to group insurance commission procurement
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1980 - An Act to prohibit mandatory overtime
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jake Oliveira (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1981 - An Act limiting out of pocket health expenses
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1983 - An Act reforming alimony in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1989 - An Act establishing fairness in GIC premium contributions
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul W. Mark (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1994 - An Act relative to single payer healthcare benchmarking and reporting
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul W. Mark (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD1998 - An Act relative to the collateral consequences of alimony
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2001 - An Act relative to the Group Insurance Trust Fund
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul W. Mark (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2009 - An Act promoting an adjunct bill of rights
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul W. Mark (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2030 - An Act establishing a public health option
Sponsor: |
Sen. James B. Eldridge (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2036 - An Act authorizing the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to convey an easement across certain property in the Dorchester section of the city of Boston to the Boston Gas Company
Sponsor: |
Sen. Nicholas P. Collins (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2055 - An Act to promote transparency in prescription drug prices
Sponsor: |
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2058 - An Act to grow and maintain space in cities and towns for the creative economy
Sponsor: |
Sen. Liz Miranda (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2070 - An Act to provide diabetes prevention program benefits for GIC insurees
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2084 - An Act relative to PANDAS/PANS screening in medical/clinical settings
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2090 - An Act relative to protecting local retirees
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
Amends GL 32B:9E relative to subsidiary or additional rates (in the chapter on Contributory Group General or Blanket Insurance for Persons in the Service of Counties, Cities, Towns and Districts, and Their Dependents) to establish that in the event that municipality or other governmental unit approves an increase in the percent of the premium to be contributed by its retired employees, the percent of premium being paid by an already retired employee at that time will not be increased to the higher percent. |
SD2096 - An Act to secure housing for returning citizens
Sponsor: |
Sen. Adam Gomez (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2112 - An Act to establish a November holiday honoring President John F. Kennedy, to promote increased voter participation and civic engagement
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2115 - An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for youths
Sponsor: |
Sen. Brendan Crighton (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2117 - An Act promoting community immunity
Sponsor: |
Sen. Rebecca Rausch (D) |
Summary: |
Adds new GL chapter 111P (Public health) to delegate to the department authority over immunization policies applicable to schools (including higher education institutions), child care facilities and recreational camps; directs the department to establish immunization schedules, make determinations on requests for exemptions from immunization requirements, and publish data on immunizations and exemptions; allows the department to require the exclusion from schools of children who are not immunized in circumstances of identification of an outbreak, potential epidemic or epidemic; directs the department to provide information to the public concerning diseases with elevated risk and concerning the benefits of immunization. |
SD2119 - An Act expanding health insurance access for state employees
Sponsor: |
Sen. Rebecca Rausch (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2122 - An Act enhancing post-pregnancy mental health care
Sponsor: |
Sen. Rebecca Rausch (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2124 - An Act relative to IUD pain management coverage
Sponsor: |
Sen. Rebecca Rausch (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2133 - An Act relative to construction zone speed control systems
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Velis (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2136 - An Act increasing access to acute hospital at home services
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2181 - An Act relative to protecting the residents of the Commonwealth from dangerous persons
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2182 - An Act relative to streamlining notice and disclosure
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cindy Friedman (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2206 - An Act regarding information governance
Sponsor: |
Sen. Rebecca Rausch (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2208 - An Act relative to teacher retirement election
Sponsor: |
Sen. Liz Miranda (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2210 - An Act establishing a commission to study reparations in Massachusetts
Sponsor: |
Sen. Liz Miranda (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2227 - An Act imposing an in-state mileage-based road usage charge on the use of clean energy vehicles
Sponsor: |
Sen. Michael Barrett (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2233 - An Act to improve patient access to non-emergency medical transportation
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2238 - An Act to revitalize agriculture, conditioning and simulcasting
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2239 - An Act to allow peer-to-peer cardrooms
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2240 - An Act regulating internet gaming
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2259 - An Act simplifying state reporting obligations of health plan coverage
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2260 - An Act ensuring senior care organization quality and accountability
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2267 - An Act to remove medical and health service fees for incarcerated people
Sponsor: |
Sen. Pavel Payano (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2269 - An Act providing for prompt health insurance benefits for municipal employees
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2274 - An Act to protect the independence of clinical decision making
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2289 - An Act wiring medical facilities, nursing homes, and medical training to support safer electromagnetic radiation exposures and to support reduction of other environmental hazards
Sponsor: |
Sen. John Velis (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2311 - An Act establishing Election Day as a holiday and providing paid voting leave
Sponsor: |
Sen. Rebecca Rausch (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2325 - An Act to protect the independence of clinical decision making
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2333 - An Act protecting sensitive personal information from breaches and other cybersecurity incidents
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2334 - An Act extending the public records law to the Governor and the Legislature
Sponsor: |
Sen. Rebecca Rausch (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2341 - An Act establishing Medicare for All in Massachusetts
Sponsor: |
Sen. James B. Eldridge (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2355 - An Act advancing the economic development of the commonwealth through comprehensive data privacy
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2357 - An Act relative to coverage for chronic illness
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2361 - An Act improving access to post acute services
Sponsor: |
Sen. Pavel Payano (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2369 - An Act expanding insurance coverage for hearing aids and related services
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2394 - An Act relative to dental insurance assignment of benefits
Sponsor: |
Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) |
Summary: |
Establishes a new GL 176E (Dental Service Corporations) requiring dental benefit plans to pay an uncontracted dental care provider directly, if certain contingencies are met; prohibits a reduction of benefits more than 5% of the usual and customary rates paid to participating dentists; defines dental benefit plans as any stand-alone dental plan that covers oral surgical care, services, procedures or benefits covered by any individual, general, blanket accident and sickness insurance. |
SD2403 - An Act to protect Massachusetts public health from PFAS
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
Phases out the sale or distribution of products containing PFAS over several years, including:
Firefighting personal protective equipment by January 1, 2026;
Child passenger restraints, cookware, fabric treatments, personal care products, rugs and carpets, textiles, textile furnishings, upholstered furniture, and children’s products by January 1, 2027;
Food packaging materials by January 1, 2028; and
Any remaining consumer products by January 1, 2031.
Directs DPH to promulgate regulations enforcing restrictions on the use of PFAS in consumer products; allows for manufacturers to apply for exemptions if certain products necessarily contain PFAS; and establishes a PFAS Public Health Trust Fund financed with fees on manufacturers to support a public awareness campaign on the dangers of PFAS exposure.
Additionally, directs the Department of Environmental Protection to:
Establish a PFAS Remediation Trust Fund to fund any settlements resulting from claims arising from the manufacture, marketing or sale of products containing PFAS;
Amend groundwater discharge permits to include PFAS monitoring requirements;
Promulgate regulations phasing out the sale or distribution of sludge (i.e., drinking or waste water treatment residue) without site specific approval;
Submit a report by December 31, 2028 outlining its progress towards establishing standards for monitoring PFAS in ambient air; and
Conduct said public awareness campaign regarding the health impacts of PFAS exposure.
And lastly exempts land owners from relevant tax penalties for removing land from agricultural or horticultural use due to PFAS contamination.
New draft of HB2197, substantially rewriting the original bill. |
SD2411 - An Act accelerating housing production
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2422 - An Act allowing for fiscal resilience through strategic investment in stable digital financial assets
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2444 - An Act relating to embodied carbon emission reductions in state-funded projects
Sponsor: |
Sen. William Driscoll (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2445 - An Act relative to The Ride service of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
Directs the MBTA to make the Ride available for transportation to medical services for any persons residing in any community within 25 miles of the city of Boston; requires the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority to reimburse the MBTA for the costs of providing such services. |
SD2459 - An Act to ensure access to epinephrine for minors
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jake Oliveira (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2469 - An Act relative to step therapy and in vitro fertilization insurance coverage
Sponsor: |
Sen. William Driscoll (D) |
Summary: |
Requires the contributory health insurance system for public employees, the division of medical assistance, health insurance companies, non-profit hospital service corporations, and medical service corporations to provide coverage for medically necessary expenses of diagnosis and treatment of infertility; prohibits policies issued by said entities from requiring a patient to take a medication or undergo a procedure prior to or instead of the medication or procedure recommended by the patient’s physician. |
SD2471 - An Act relative to reducing administrative burden
Sponsor: |
Sen. Cindy Friedman (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2474 - An Act relative to solar for state agencies
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul W. Mark (D) |
Summary: |
Adds a new Section 29A to GL Chapter 7C directing the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance to require any agency that initiates the construction or renovation of a facility owned or operated by the to install a solar energy system on or near the facility; limits mandatory solar energy installation to projects that cost more than $25,000 and that include construction or replacement of systems that affect energy usage; regulates system capacity; requires effective solar areas that are sufficiently large to provide for 100% of the project’s energy needs; requires projects with insufficient solar area to either maximize available space or install a ground-mounted solar system; allows agencies to apply for exemptions if the available solar area is less than 80 contiguous square feet or if a substitute renewable energy system will be installed. |
SD2480 - An Act defining financial responsibility for uncollected co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2482 - An Act redirecting excessive health insurer reserves to support health care safety net programs
Sponsor: |
Sen. Barry Finegold (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2483 - An Act relative to preventing overdose deaths and increasing access to treatment
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2489 - An Act to enhance analysis of state health mandates and costs
Sponsor: |
Sen. Bruce E. Tarr (R) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2517 - An Act to promote transparency and prevent price gouging of pharmaceutical drug prices
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2518 - An Act establishing uniform enforcement and confidentiality provisions relative to certain licensees under the jurisdiction of the division of banks
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2519 - An Act relative to mortgage review boards and a small business loan review board within the Division of Banks
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
Amends provisions with respect to both the regional Mortgage Review Boards and the Small Business Loan Review Boards, as found in GL 167:14A and 167:14C. In particular, with respect to the Mortgage Review Boards:
The four Mortgage Review Boards are reduced to two;
The requirements for who gets to sit on the Boards are amended;
Strikes the limitation that no member gets to sit for more then 3 two-year terms;
Adds a definition of “residential mortgage loan denial.”
With respect to the Small Business Loan Review Boards:
The four regional Small Business Loan Review Boards are consolidated into one Board;
The requirements for who gets to sit on the Board are amended;
Strikes the limitation that no member gets to sit for more then 3 two-year terms;
Adds a definition of “small business loan.”
In addition, the bill makes a number of grammatical corrections to both sections. |
SD2533 - An Act establishing the Massachusetts downsizing tax credit
Sponsor: |
Sen. Paul Feeney (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2540 - An Act relating to threats of suicide while in court custody (Stavri’s Law)
Sponsor: |
Sen. Jake Oliveira (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2548 - An Act relative to provider choice
Sponsor: |
Sen. William Driscoll (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2593 - An Act removing the fee for veteran license plates
Sponsor: |
Sen. Mark C. Montigny (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2595 - An Act ensuring efficient and effective implementation of behavioral health reform
Sponsor: |
Sen. Julian A. Cyr (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |
SD2617 - An Act amending the charter of the town of Sandwich
Sponsor: |
Sen. Dylan Fernandes (D) |
Summary: |
No summary available yet. |