2025-2026 House Health Professionals Bills

HB1 (HD1) - An Act making appropriations for fiscal year 2026
Sponsor: Governor Maura Healey (D)
Summary: Submits the Governor’s fiscal year 2026 budget recommendations — appropriates roughly $62 billion, including roughly $7.32 billion for Chapter 70 aid to school districts, $1.34 billion in unrestricted local aid, $1.66 billion for the University of Massachusetts, state universities and community colleges, $2.25 billion for the Commonwealth's debt service, $2.4 billion for the Commonwealth's share of group insurance, $617.6 million for MassDOT, and $687 million for the MBTA. This proposal also accounts for a total of $1.95 billion in spending financed by expected “fair share” revenue, including a $765 million transfer to the Commonwealth Transportation Fund, $275 million for grants to childcare providers, $225 million for Student Opportunity Act expansion, $170 million for universal free school meals, $94 million for a free community college program, and several other items.  The outside sections would authorize automated traffic enforcement through the use of speed cameras; impose penalties on drug manufacturers for excessive price increases; provide for broker's fees to be paid by the party that originally engaged the broker for residential rental transactions; impose an assessment on pharmacies operating in Massachusetts; facilitate the closure of the Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children; and make a variety of tax changes, including the elimination of a sales tax exemption for candy.
HB19 (HD19) - An Act relative to pension forfeiture
Sponsor: Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission
Summary: Amends GL 32:5 (Public Retirement) to exempt from the formula for calculating the average annual rate of regular compensation members who have a final separate period of creditable service of thirty-six consecutive months or sixty consecutive months, and which period was last immediately preceded by a period of creditable service that concluded more than twenty years prior to the start of the final period of creditable service.
HB20 (HD20) - An Act relative to post retirement earnings
Sponsor: Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission
Summary: Amends GL 32:15 — which governs the forfeiture of a pension or retirement allowance upon conviction of misappropriating public funds or property, or other offenses — to clarify that PERAC may only notify a member’s employer or retirement board of such a conviction after a determination that forfeiture is required, and to direct that action be taken.  
HB21 (HD21) - An Act relative to Chapter 32 Section 8 and modifications of retirement allowances
Sponsor: Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission
Summary: No summary available yet.
HB28 (HD28) - An Act relative to pension forfeiture
Sponsor: Mass. Teachers' Retirement System
Summary: Amends GL 32:15 relative to 'dereliction of duty' by members of the state retirement system and the procedure for forfeiting a pension by rewriting the section completely. The legislation would, among other things, redefine the phrase "criminal offense involving violation of the laws applicable to his office or position' in the case of a member whose primary job responsibilities involve contact with children or any member of the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System or a teacher who is a member of the Boston Retirement System to include possession of child pornography under GL 272:29C, as well as other sex offenses involving children; restrict forfeitures to felony convictions; allow for an "innocent beneficiary" named as an Option C beneficiary to collect the Option C survivor benefit notwithstanding the member's forfeited benefit; continues to allow total forfeiture, but also allows retirement boards the option of a tiered reduction in pension benefits depending on the severity of the crime; and make a large number of other technical changes. NOTE: Same as HB17, recommended by the Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System.
HB42 (HD42) - An Act relative to the Massachusetts State Employees Retirement System
Sponsor: Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg (D)
Summary: Makes a number of amendments to GL Chapter 32 (State Pensions) with respect to non-governmental units that are part of the retirement system, and in particular, relative to former employee of the Turnpike. In particular: Adds a definition of “non-commonwealth governmental unit”; Establishes that “regular interest” will be established equal to the increase of the most recent Consumer Price Index for New England issued by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics; Amends provisions relative to acceptance by local agencies of retirement provisions to change the formula for how the state board of retirement gets reimbursed for its costs;  Authorizes the State Retirement Board to charge 10% for delinquent contributions; Substitutes reference to Massachusetts Department of Transportation for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority in a 2009 session law dealing with the retirement rights of members of the Authority.
HB43 (HD43) - An Act relative to the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority Employees' Retirement System
Sponsor: Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg (D)
Summary: Makes a number of amendments to GL Chapter 32 (State Pensions) with respect to non-governmental units that are part of the retirement system, and in particular, relative to former employee of the Turnpike. In particular: Adds a definition of “non-commonwealth governmental unit”; Establishes that “regular interest” will be established equal to the increase of the most recent Consumer Price Index for New England issued by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics; Amends provisions relative to acceptance by local agencies of retirement provisions to change the formula for how the state board of retirement gets reimbursed for its costs;  Authorizes the State Retirement Board to charge 10% for delinquent contributions; Substitutes reference to Massachusetts Department of Transportation for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority in a 2009 session law dealing with the retirement rights of members of the Authority.
HD75 - An Act relative to American Sign Language training
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: Amends various provisions of General Law to require that both fire service personnel and EMTs have training and on-going education courses that allow for basic understanding of American Sign Language.
HD111 - An Act relative to insulin access
Sponsor: Rep. David LeBoeuf (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 12D½ to GL Chapter 112 authoring pharmacists to dispense up a 30 day supply of insulin, or a greater amount if the standard unit of dispensing exceeds that, in emergency situations; limits pharmacists to doing so only once per customer each 12 months; requires the contributory group general or blanket health insurance for public employees and retirees (GL 32A:17G), the division of medical assistance (GL 118E:10C), health insurance companies (GL 175:47N), non-profit hospital service corporations (GL 176A:8P), medical service corporations (GL 176B:4S), and health maintenance organizations (GL 176G:4H), to provide coverage for insulin dispensed in an emergency situation.
HD136 - An Act relative to Massachusetts joining the nursing licensure compact
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: Directs the executive director of the Board of Regulations in Nursing to administer the nurse licensure compact; authorizes the board to impose a penalty up to $2,000 on licensed nurses who violate regulations related the practice and registration of nursing.  Adds a new GL Chapter 112A, a Nurse Licensure Compact, as adopted by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing in its final version (dated May 4, 2015) and representing the National Council's best efforts at creating a standardized interstate compact. The Massachusetts board of registration in nursing will be required to adopt regulations in the same manner as all other with states legally joining in the Compact. The Compact acknowledges that the expanded mobility of nurses and the use of advanced communication technologies as part of our nation's health care delivery system require greater coordination and cooperation among states in the areas of nurse licensure and regulation; the current system of duplicative licensure for nurses practicing in multiple states is cumbersome and redundant for both nurses and states; and uniformity of nurse licensure requirements throughout the states promotes public safety and public health benefits. The Compact goes on to set forth a detailed plan of interstate licensing of nurses.
HD138 - An Act to advance health equity
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: Establishes a new Chapter 6F in the General Laws, Executive Office of Equity. “Equity” is defined for these purposes as the “consistent and systematic fair, just, and impartial treatment of all individuals, including individuals who belong to underserved communities” and “Health equity” is defined as the “fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.”  The new Equity Office is, among other things, tasked to develop multi-year strategic plans to advance equity within each executive office of the Commonwealth; develop standards for the collection, analysis, and public reporting of disaggregated data by race, ethnicity, language, and other socio-demographic factors; and create and publish data dashboards stratified and disaggregated by race, ethnicity, language, and other socio-demographic factors.  The new Chapter also establishes an Advisory Board, and issue an annual report.  Finally, the bill makes a number of technical changes that make reference to the Equity Office in other parts of the General Laws, and requires the Center for Health Information and Analysis to gather and publish certain health equity information.
HD139 - An Act to improve sickle cell care
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: Makes a number of amendments and additions to existing law to enhance detection of and treatment of sickle cell disease (an inherited blood disorder marked by defective hemoglobin, often found in minority populations). In particular:   Defines terms like “iatrogenic infertility” (which is medically induced infertility, when a person becomes infertile due to a medical procedure done to treat another problem, most often chemotherapy or radiation for cancer) and outlines coverage criteria based on evidence-based standards of care.  Directs the Division of Medical Assistance to apply for a Medicaid waiver to implement coverage for fertility preservation services before January 1, 2024, subject to approval;  Mandates that health insurance policies subject to specific chapters must cover medically necessary expenses for standard fertility preservation services when medical treatment may cause iatrogenic infertility;  Prohibits discrimination in health insurance coverage based on various factors, including age, sex, sexual orientation, or marital status;   Establishes a Statewide Steering Committee on Sickle Cell Disease within DPH, and requires the committee to study and make recommendations on enhancing access to services, establishing a sickle cell disease registry, coordinating healthcare services for pediatric to adult transitions, and engaging with communities through outreach and education;  Directs DPH to provide certain information on the sickle cell trait to individuals and families, including its health impacts, mode of transmission, and implications for pregnancy;   Establishes a program within DPH to promote screening and detection of sickle cell disease, especially among underserved populations;  Includes a statewide education and outreach campaign, grants to approved organizations for screening services, data compilation, and healthcare professional education programs;  Establishes a system for reporting information on sickle cell disease and its variants, including a central registry;  Mandates reporting of certain information by healthcare facilities, laboratories, and healthcare providers; Requires notification and counseling for parents when sickle cell trait is detected in newborn screening;  Establishes a central registry for sickle cell trait patients, with follow-up consultations recommended at specific intervals;  Requires the implementation of a sickle cell disease quality strategy, including measurable goals, provider network capacity, care coordination, provider training, and exceptions to prior authorization for pain medications;  Requires an annual sickle cell disease management and accountability report to legislative committees.
HD141 - An Act relative to medical debt exclusion from creditor reports
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: Amends GL 93:52 to prohibit consumer reports from including information from more than seven years prior and information pertaining to bills, charges, debts, payments, or collections of bills, charges, debts, or payments for medical services by a healthcare provider. 
HD203 - An Act relative to the veteran allowance for public retirees
Sponsor: Rep. Adam Scanlon (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL 32:5 relative to superannuation retirement by authorizing an additional $50 for each year of creditable service for persons retiring from state service in Group 1, 2 or 4. This provision must be accepted at local option by the city or town, and the retirement increase is capped at $1000 (presumably $1000 per year, although not specified).
HD214 - An Act to simplify the administrative aspect of evidentiary use of medical information
Sponsor: Rep. Chris Hendricks (D)
Summary: Amends the citation to add an authorized agent of a medical/dental practice, or of a medical equipment supplier, to the list of suppliers of medical records.
HD250 - An Act to provide retirement incentives in public higher education
Sponsor: Rep. Carmine Gentile (D)
Summary: Directs the State Board of Retirement to establish a retirement incentive for employees of state universities, to be known as the state universities retirement incentive program; specifies eligibility for and terms of incentive program.
HD257 - An Act relative to retiree work hours and pay limits
Sponsor: Rep. Marc T. Lombardo (R)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL 32:91 relative to the amount that a retired state or municipal employee may earn as a contractor with the state or municipality over and above their pension by raising that amount from $15,000 to $30,000.
HD260 - An Act relative to the utilization of the systematic alien verification for entitlements program by the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Marc T. Lombardo (R)
Summary: Amends various GLs to require that the Department of Transitional Assistance, the Department of Housing & Community Development, the Department of Public Health and the Division of Medical Assistance verify that applicants for transitional assistance benefits, low and moderate income housing benefits, WIC Program benefits or MassHealth benefits, are U.S. citizens or lawfully present aliens prior to providing any benefits and to register and use the systematic alien verification for entitlements program established by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to conduct such verification.
HD268 - An Act relative to payments for use of ambulance services
Sponsor: Rep. Dennis Gallagher (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 3C to GL Chapter 176D, requiring health insurance carriers, including health maintenance organizations, hospital service corporations, preferred provider arrangements and insurance companies, to directly and promptly pay ambulance service companies for emergency services rendered to an insured, even if they are not under a contractual agreement; requires the insured to assign their benefits to the ambulance company in order to facilitate payment, even if the insurance contract prohibits assignment of benefits; does not classify payment of the insured as payment of the ambulance company; establishes payment rates equal to those established by municipalities, unless they are a non-profit licensed to operate critical care services for both ground and air transport; does not create an entitlement to coverage for ambulance services.
HD271 - An Act relative to informed consent for concurrent surgical procedures
Sponsor: Rep. Hannah Kane (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 70I to GL Chapter 111 requiring physicians to provide patients notice of elective concurrent surgical procedures at least 14 days in advance; additionally requires at least 48 hours notice to patients undergoing secondary emergency concurrent surgery; requires written informed consent by the patient prior to conducting the surgery; requires the notice to detail the availability of the physician during the surgery; instructs the department of public health to develop a written, standardized form for use in obtaining such patient consent; additionally requires attending physicians to note their presence or absence in a patient’s medical record, and who was in attendance during periods of absence; requires medical facilities that perform concurrent surgical procedures to publish notice on their webpages and on the webpages of surgeons who perform the concurrent surgeries; amends GL 111:70E (patients’ and residents’ rights) by allowing patients to refuse to undergo a concurrent surgical procedure except in cases of emergencies.
HD272 - An Act relative to emergency insulin access
Sponsor: Rep. Hannah Kane (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 12D½ to GL Chapter 112 authoring pharmacists to dispense up a 30 day supply of insulin, or a greater amount if the standard unit of dispensing exceeds that, in emergency situations; limits pharmacists to doing so only once per customer each 12 months; requires the contributory group general or blanket health insurance for public employees and retirees (GL 32A:17G), the division of medical assistance (GL 118E:10C), health insurance companies (GL 175:47N), non-profit hospital service corporations (GL 176A:8P), medical service corporations (GL 176B:4S), and health maintenance organizations (GL 176G:4H), to provide coverage for insulin dispensed in an emergency situation.
HD283 - An Act relative to emergency room procedure for prescribing or dispensing pain medication to certain persons on probation
Sponsor: Rep. Joseph McKenna (R)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 111 (Public Health) to require a treating clinician, prior to prescribing or dispensing pain medication to a patient presenting in an acute-care hospital or satellite emergency facility to ask said patient whether he is on probation and whether he is currently required to take court mandated drug tests as a condition of his probation; requires the clinician, if the patient answers in the affirmative to both such questions, to administer a urinalysis drug test prior to the prescribing or dispensing of any pain medication; further requires that said clinician inform the patient that the results of the drug test will be shared with the department of probation; provides that, if the patient answers in the negative to either or both questions, the clinician shall not administer a drug test; requires that, if the patient answers in the affirmative to both such questions and submits to a drug test as required by this section, the treating clinician shall, in a timely manner, provide the department of probation with: (i) the patient’s name, (ii) the responses to the questions and results of the drug test, and (iii) a copy of the prescription for any pain medication the clinician prescribed or dispensed; prohibits this Act from affecting the clinician’s diagnosis and treatment of the patient, including the prescribing or dispensing of pain medication or from preventing the clinician from dispensing pain medication as necessary to a patient in need of urgent medical treatment.
HD284 - An Act relative to access to constitutional rights
Sponsor: Rep. Joseph McKenna (R)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 140 (Licenses) to significantly limit the collection of fingerprints when applying for or renewing firearms licenses.
HD290 - An Act relative to LSDs (Lysosomal Storage Disorders) in infants
Sponsor: Rep. Joseph McKenna (R)
Summary: Amends GL 111:10A, the statute governing Tests of Newborns for Treatable Disorders or Diseases, to require such testing for Krabbe, Fabry, Gaucher, Pompe, MPS I and Niemann Pick A/B.
HD321 - An Act relative to domestic abuse protection, "Katherine's Law"
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD325 - An Act relative to the Commonwealth's fire departments
Sponsor: Rep. Dan Sena (D)
Summary: Extends the provisions of GL 41:100 (Indemnification of police Officers and firemen) and GL 41:100B (Indemnification of Retired Police Officers and Firefighters) to any permanent crash crewman, crash boatman, fire controlman or assistant fire controlman employed at Logan International Airport, members of the Massachusetts military reservation fire department and members of the 104th fighter wing fire department; amends GL 32:94, 94A and 94B to entitle members of the 104th fighter wing fire department or members of the Massachusetts military reservation, who successfully passed a physical upon entry into service, to a rebuttable presumption that diseases of the heart and lung and certain cancers were suffered in the line of duty.
HD332 - An Act pertaining to women’s health at midlife and public, medical and workplace awareness of the transitional stage of menopause and related chronic conditions
Sponsor: Rep. Joan Meschino (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD340 - An Act ensuring access to specialty medications
Sponsor: Rep. Dan Sena (D)
Summary: Adds new provisions to GL Chapter 112 (Registration of Certain Professions and Occupations) to require the licensing of  “specialty pharmacies,” defined to include any pharmacy engaged in the dispensing of specialty medications as defined in GL 176D:3B (but excluding mail service pharmacies). Additionally amends GL 176D:3B relative to the requirements for health insurance carriers offering pharmacy networks to establish that a carrier may not prohibit the dispensing of specialty drugs, provided that the pharmacy is able to comply with the special handling, administration and monitoring requirements of the specialty drug.
HD345 - An Act relative to expanding paid family and medical leave
Sponsor: Rep. Vanna Howard (D)
Summary: Amends GL 175M (Family and Medical Leave Act) to include a school district as defined in section 2 of chapter 70 as a covered employer; adds new section 2EEEEEE to GL 29 to the establish Educator Paid Family and Medical Leave Fund to be administered by the department of family and medical leave to reimburse the employers’ costs associated with providing paid family and medical leave benefits to employees of school districts; provides that in the event that funds are insufficient, the department of family and medical shall submit to the house and senate committees on ways and means a request for an additional appropriation.
HD375 - An Act related to comprehensive clinical and extended support services
Sponsor: Rep. Adam Scanlon (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD379 - An Act improving legal and administrative proceedings for court-involved children and families
Sponsor: Rep. Joan Meschino (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD380 - An Act relative to privileged communications
Sponsor: Rep. Joan Meschino (D)
Summary: Amends various provisions of human services law to essentially exempt anybody hired by legal counsel as part of a legal representation from mandated reporter statutes; provides that various mandated reported statutes not apply to a person who is retained by an attorney to assist the attorney in his or her representation of an individual client or employed by a legal service provider to assist its attorneys in their joint representation. The statutes in question include GL 19A:15 (Elder Affairs), GL 19C:1 (Disabled Persons Protection Commission), GL 111:72G (home health care and hospice patients), and GL 119:51A (protection and care of children).
HD413 - An Act relative to updating the licensure of optometrists
Sponsor: Rep. Tackey Chan (D)
Summary: The bill amends various provisions amendments primarily focus on licensing requirements, qualifications, and regulations related to optometry practice in Massachusetts. Current law makes various distinctions as to whether pharmacists are licensed to prescribe therapeutic pharmaceutical agents and diagnostic pharmaceutical agents, and this bill introduces additional distinctions. In particular the bill: Completely rewrites and streamlines the definition of the “practice of optometry”;  Adds a requirement that optometrists licensed before January 1, 1984, and who haven't taken the board-approved testing by January 1, 2022, must retake and pass an applicable licensing examination for the use of diagnostic pharmaceutical agents; Adds a requirement that optometrists licensed before January 1, 1994, must retake and pass an applicable licensing examination for the use of therapeutic pharmaceutical agents, including glaucoma and oral medications if they haven't taken the board-approved testing by January 1, 2022; Adds a requirement that optometrists licensed before January 1, 2021, must take and pass an applicable licensing examination for the use of therapeutic pharmaceutical agents if they haven't taken the board-approved testing by January 1, 2025; Specifies the requirements for recording certificates of registration, displaying them, and providing purchase information to customers. Replaces “habitual drunkenness” with “substance misuse” in provisions related to character; Authorizes optometrists to practice and advertise under a trade or service name (but requiring prominent display of the optometrist's name at practice locations and in advertisements); Sets penalties for unauthorized practice of optometry and deceptive advertising; Regulates advertising of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and eyeglass frames and specifying permissible terms for optometrist advertising.
HD446 - An Act establishing eligibility requirements for the health safety net
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Worrell (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD449 - An Act relative to transparency and accountability in procurement
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Worrell (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD457 - An Act transferring Bridgewater State Hospital from the Department of Correction to the Department of Mental Health
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: Amends provisions relative to Bridgewater State Hospital to move the administration of the hospital from the Department of Correction to the Department of Mental Health. In particular, the bill establishes that the Commissioner of DMH is to have the responsibility for the operation and oversight of Bridgewater State Hospital and for providing the medical and mental health treatment for all men sent to that facility; it requires DMH to develop and maintain a division of forensic mental health services to provide forensic services such as court-ordered evaluations of competence to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and aid-in-sentencing, among others. Finally, the bill repeals the section that currently lists Bridgewater State Hospital as one of the institutions of the Department or Correction, and also strikes out references to the Medical Director of Bridgewater State Hospital.NOTE: Please note that Bridgewater State Hospital has a long history of being administered by both the Department of Correction and the Department of Mental Health, often with the different departments having responsibility over different aspects of the hospital, such as treatment and security.
HD480 - An Act to require seat belts on school buses
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: Amends GL 90:7B (Equipment and Operation of School Buses) to establish that every school bus transporting students to or from a public, charter or vocational school must be equipped with a lap-shoulder belt for each seat (in compliance with United States Motor Vehicle D.O.T. Safety Standards); requires these seat belts to be fastened about each passenger at all times during vehicle operation; amends GL 175E:4 (Regulation of Rates for Motor Vehicle Insurance) to require the Commissioner to develop and promulgate a schedule of appropriate reductions in premium charges to account for the decreased risk of injury associated with the installation of a lap-shoulder belt system approved by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration in school buses; makes certain technical and cross-reference changes.
HD487 - An Act relative to insurance company rebates
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL 175:182, 175:183, and 176D:3 by amending provisions that prohibit offering gifts or inducements with respect to insurance contracts by allowing those gifts or inducements if they don't exceed $25, and by clarifying that 'valuable consideration or inducement' does not include products or services provided at no or a reduced cost by or through an insurance company, insurance agent, or third party.
HD490 - An Act relative to student safety in interscholastic athletic activities
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD530 - An Act establishing the psychology interjurisdictional compact
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: Enacts a new Chapter 112B into the General Laws, known as the "Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact Act." This act allows for the establishment of a compact between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and other U.S. states, the purpose of which is to regulate the practice of psychology across state boundaries, specifically in the areas of telepsychology (providing psychological services through telecommunications) and temporary in-person, face-to-face psychology practice.
HD559 - An Act to improve outcomes for persons with limb loss and limb difference
Sponsor: Rep. Michelle Badger (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD572 - An Act relative to mandatory reporting of elder abuse
Sponsor: Rep. Tackey Chan (D)
Summary: Adds a new GL Chapter 119B, which provides for the protection and care of elders by creating a mandatory duty to report suspected abuse for certain people that work with elders; requires so called mandated reporters to file reports of suspected abuse with the executive office of elder affairs; imposes fines for failing to report when mandated; imposes fines and/or imprisonment for filing a frivolous report; increases penalties for second and subsequent instances of failure to report; requires reports to include the listed identifying information, including name, gender and the nature and extent of injuries; allows any person to file a report of suspected abuse; prohibits employers from retaliating against people who file reports; exempts religious leaders from reporting instances of abuse when their knowledge exists exclusively from confession or other confidential communication.
HD577 - An Act relative to stabilizing the Commonwealth’s nursing facilities
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: Directs the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to set Medicaid rates for nursing homes for nursing home allowable resident care base year costs using the annual unadjusted Skilled Nursing Facility Market Basket Update; requires use of base year costs for rate determination purposes; sets the Nursing Cost Per Diem at the statewide average plus 10%; entitles facilities that serve a disproportionately high number of Medicaid residents to an upward adjustment to their Medicaid rate of up to 5 percent; requires rates for approved construction projects, including conversion of room to one to two bedded rooms, at no less than the capital standard payment calculation methodology in effect on September 30, 2019.
HD581 - An Act relative to patient care access
Sponsor: Rep. William C. Galvin (D)
Summary: Amends GL 111:1 (Public Health) to clarify definition of "Medical peer review committee"; amends GL 112:5C (Medical Malpractice) to provide that the offering of expert testimony in a medical malpractice action constitutes the practice of medicine; adds a new Section 193V to GL Chapter 175 (Insurance), which requires insurers and risk management organizations that provide malpractice and liability insurance to physicians to annually submit reports to the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction; articulates mandatory components of these reports, including, but not limited to identifying the top ten losses and claims for damage for personal injuries allegedly caused by error, omission, or negligence; amends GL 231:60G (Judgments) to permit award reductions when damages are replaceable, compensable or indemnifiable by a third party; amends GL Chapter 231 to establish two new sections: 60M, which defines procedures for periodic payments over time when malpractice judgments exceed $50,000, and 60N, which sets post-judgment interest rate at weekly average one year constant maturity Treasury yield.
HD587 - An Act establishing a public safety building authority and assistance program
Sponsor: Rep. Margaret Scarsdale (D)
Summary: Adds new GL 22F establishing the Massachusetts Public Safety Building Authority responsible for overseeing a public facilities building program and providing assistance for the construction or renovation of police stations, fire stations, and other public safety facilities; additionally, creates a Municipal Building Modernization and Reconstruction Trust Fund financed with a portion of sales and use tax revenue collected under GLs 64H and 64I. 
HD588 - An Act establishing a municipal building assistance program and building authority
Sponsor: Rep. Margaret Scarsdale (D)
Summary: Adds new GL 40X establishing the Massachusetts Municipal Building Authority responsible for supporting the planning and construction of municipal facility space; additionally, creates a Municipal Building Modernization and Reconstruction Trust Fund financed with a portion of sales and use tax revenue collected under GLs 64H and 64I.   
HD592 - An Act relative to contractor liability for unpermitted construction
Sponsor: Rep. Margaret Scarsdale (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD600 - An Act to update postural screenings in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Rodney Elliott (D)
Summary: Amends GL 71:57 to eliminate postural screenings yearly in grades 5-9, instead requiring one screening during grades 6, 7, 8, or 9.
HD620 - An Act prohibiting employment discrimination based on the legal use of cannabis
Sponsor: Rep. Chynah Tyler (D)
Summary: Amends GL 151B:4 (Unlawful Discrimination) to permit an employer to only test a prospective employee for marijuana use after a conditional offer of employment has been extended, unless otherwise required by law; prohibits am employer from directly or indirectly soliciting or requiring an employee or prospective employee to submit to testing for the presence of marijuana in his or her system as a condition of employment;  provides that a qualifying patient's failure to pass an employer-administered drug test for marijuana components or metabolites may not be used as a basis for employment-related decisions unless reasonable suspicion exists that the qualified patient was impaired by marijuana at the qualifying patient's place of employment or during the hours of employment; defines qualifying patient.
HD623 - An Act relative to requiring insurance providers cover a minimum of 30 days for in-patient substance abuse treatment
Sponsor: Rep. Vanna Howard (D)
Summary: Amends SES 2014:258, the opioid addiction recovery act from 2014, to provide that various forms of medical insurance must provide coverage for medically necessary acute treatment services and medically necessary clinical stabilization services for up to 30 days, instead of the current 14 days.
HD636 - An Act relative to the protection of vulnerable adults from sexual assault committed by mandated reporters, persons in a position of trust, and providers of transportation
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas M. Stanley (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 22D to GL Chapter 265, mandating punishment of any mandated reporter, individual with supervisory authority or disciplinary authority over vulnerable adults or individuals responsible for transporting vulnerable adults for sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual intercourse with, or commits indecent assault and battery upon any vulnerable adult; imposes a term of imprisonment up to 20 years for initial cases of sexual intercourse with a vulnerable adult; imposes a term of imprisonment for an indeterminate number of years for second and subsequent offenses; imposes a term of imprisonment up to ten years for assault and battery on a vulnerable adult, and a term of imprisonment up to twenty years for second and subsequent offenses; prohibits consent of the vulnerable adult to sexual intercourse as a defense; defines vulnerable adults as individuals fourteen years of age or older who are admitted to a mental health facility or to a community based or residential facility, who are receiving community based services through the Department of Developmental Services or the Department of Mental Health or the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, or are residents of a long-term care facilities; defines sexual assault of vulnerable adults as offenses subject to the sex offender registration.
HD658 - An Act amending the unemployment insurance law for workers with fluctuating work schedules
Sponsor: Rep. Kenneth I. Gordon (D)
Summary: Amends GL 151A:1 (Unemployment Insurance: Definitions) by establishing an alternative formula for average weekly wages used to determine eligibility for unemployment benefits; allows use of 1/26 of total wages reported in the last two quarters if the standard calculation is less than traditionally qualifying income levels. 
HD659 - An Act modernizing competitive energy supply
Sponsor: Rep. Tackey Chan (D)
Summary: Amends GL 164:1 (Manufacture and Sale of Gas and Electricity) to defines energy marketers; amends GL 164:1D (Billing of retail customers) to requires distribution companies implement accelerated switching of energy suppliers within three business days of enrollment; requires distribution companies switch automatically for customers who move service locations; directs DPU to begin implementing a single bill format for energy and distribution charges; directs suppliers using the single bill format to make timely payment to distribution companies; directs the department to conduct a review of consolidated billing every three years. Amends GL 164:1F (Consumer Protections) to set the minimum licensing fee for energy brokers, marketers, and suppliers at $10,000; requires they maintain a bond of $5 million per license; designates third party contractors of electric generation services or suppliers as their agents, excluding electricity brokers; requires they undergo training as developed by the department and specifies the content of that training program; requires in-person and door-to-door marketing to use a third-party verification system and prohibits non-fixed VoIP; requires visible identification badges; prohibits consummation of contracts during telephone marketing calls. Establishes a new Office of Retail Market Oversight, funded with the licensing fees from companies requiring licenses under the section; authorizes the office of impose probationary status with enhanced oversight and reporting requirement for violations by electrical suppliers. Adds a new Section 1L into GL Chapter 164 (Manufacture and Sale of Gas and Electricity) to prohibit contracting by suppliers with customers using low-incomes distribution rate discounts or LIHEAP; directs the department to establish a competitive procurement process for retail service to low-income customers; establishes consumer protections for changes to electrical contracts; establishes penalties for violations; requires publication of supplier and distributor complaint data quarterly by the department.
HD699 - An Act to update postural screenings in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Reid (D)
Summary: Amends GL 71:57 to eliminate postural screenings yearly in grades 5-9, instead requiring one screening during grades 6, 7, 8, or 9.
HD710 - An Act relative to the retirement of Greg Heath, a former firefighter of the city of Westfield
Sponsor: Rep. Kelly Pease (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD713 - An Act relative to protecting reproductive destiny
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 118E (MassHealth) to require that MassHealth and its contracted health insurers provide coverage for voluntary female sterilization even in the event that an individual covered by a Medicaid managed care organization or primary care clinician plan has not fulfilled the federally required 30-day waiting period provided that the individual has completed Decision Counseling and signed an informed written consent.
HD714 - An Act relative to creating a voluntary do-not-sell list
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD725 - An Act relative to the Massachusetts State Employees Retirement System
Sponsor: Rep. David LeBoeuf (D)
Summary: Makes a number of amendments to GL Chapter 32 (State Pensions) with respect to non-governmental units that are part of the retirement system, and in particular, relative to former employee of the Turnpike. In particular: Adds a definition of “non-commonwealth governmental unit”; Establishes that “regular interest” will be established equal to the increase of the most recent Consumer Price Index for New England issued by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics; Amends provisions relative to acceptance by local agencies of retirement provisions to change the formula for how the state board of retirement gets reimbursed for its costs;  Authorizes the State Retirement Board to charge 10% for delinquent contributions; Substitutes reference to Massachusetts Department of Transportation for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority in a 2009 session law dealing with the retirement rights of members of the Authority.
HD726 - An Act relative to the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority Employees’ Retirement System
Sponsor: Rep. David LeBoeuf (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD731 - An Act relative to patient access to information regarding breast reconstructive surgery
Sponsor: Rep. William C. Galvin (D)
Summary: Requires a facility providing mastectomy surgery, lymph node dissection, or a lumpectomy to provide information to the patient concerning the option of reconstructive surgery; directs the information provided to include those matters, outlined herein, prior to the consent of surgery.
HD733 - An Act establishing a fund for the care of retired police dogs
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Xiarhos (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD753 - An Act relative to assault and battery against healthcare personnel, school officials, and first responders
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Xiarhos (R)
Summary: Amends GL 265:13A governing assault and battery to increase penalties in cases where the victim is a police officer or public safety employee, teacher or other school employee, a registered nurse, or police dog.
HD758 - An Act relative to the veteran allowance for public retirees
Sponsor: Rep. Dennis Gallagher (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL 32:5 relative to superannuation retirement by authorizing an additional $50 for each year of creditable service for persons retiring from state service in Group 1, 2 or 4. This provision must be accepted at local option by the city or town, and the retirement increase is capped at $1000 (presumably $1000 per year, although not specified).
HD761 - An Act establishing a designation of a state protection and advocacy system
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: Establishes a protection and advocacy system for the purpose of investigating abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of persons with disabilities occurring in the Commonwealth and advocating for the civil and human rights of such persons; provides that system shall be an independent private nonprofit corporation which has been designated as the protection and advocacy system for the commonwealth under the federal law.
HD774 - An Act removing barriers to care for physician assistants
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: Amends various provisions related to the licensing and supervision of physicians assistants, including their scope of practice, their ability to bill independently, and the legal responsibility for treatment of patients; allows physicians assistants to undertake various services when within their education, training, experience and competency.
HD799 - An Act relative to dental insurance coverage of periodontal treatments
Sponsor: Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD804 - An Act increasing access to MassHealth dental providers
Sponsor: Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. (D)
Summary: Adds a section to GL Chapter 118E (Division of Medical Assistance) that requires EOHHS to provide MassHealth supplemental payments to eligible MassHealth-participating dental providers who render covered dental services to an additional ten or greater MassHealth beneficiaries in a given year compared to the number of beneficiaries they provided services to in the prior year.  These supplemental payment are initially to be set at $31 for the first year and are to be distributed to eligible dental providers as a rate add-on for each patient encounter; the payment rates are to be subject to re-evaluation by EOHHS. The supplemental payments will be available to providers located in twenty specific municipalities that are designated by EOHHS as having a high number or proportion of MassHealth enrollees and low rates of utilization of dental services.
HD806 - An Act relative to financial services contracts for dental benefits corporations
Sponsor: Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD821 - An Act to ensure fair access to compensation for victims of human trafficking and forced labor
Sponsor: Rep. Tram Nguyen (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD825 - An Act to ensure compliance with the anti-shackling law for pregnant incarcerated women
Sponsor: Rep. Priscila Sousa (D)
Summary: Amends GL 127:118 (Pregnant and Postpartum Inmates) to substitute the term postpartum recovery for post-delivery recuperation; defines postpartum recovery as a time period of a minimum of six weeks following childbirth; authorizes emergency medical personnel to order the transportation of pregnant inmates in a vehicle with seatbelts and to only be restrained using handcuffs in front; clarifies that the use of leg or waist restraints on a pregnant inmate is prohibited under any circumstances or in any setting; requires annual training of corrections officers who transport or supervise pregnant prisoners; requires the superintendent of a correctional facility to notify the secretary of public safety and security anytime restraints are used on a pregnant or postpartum inmate;  requires said secretary to file an annual report with the legislature on all incidents of using such restraints.
HD826 - An Act relative to the postpartum treatment of women in correctional facilities
Sponsor: Rep. Priscila Sousa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD829 - An Act relative to rental protections for elderly, disabled and low-to-middle income tenants
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Ultrino (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 31 to GL Chapter 186 allowing certain tenants to terminate a rental agreement or tenancy without a penalty by submitting written notice 30 days prior to the date of termination; applies only to seniors, persons with disabilities, or those earning 80% or less of area median income and residing in nursing, age restricted or assisted living facilities, or in low or moderate income housing; directs the department of housing and community development to promulgate rules and regulations implementing these provisions. 
HD830 - An Act increasing the personal needs allowance for long term care residents
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas M. Stanley (D)
Summary: Increases the personal care allowance retained by residents of nursing facilities, chronic hospitals, rest homes, public medical institutions or public psychiatric institutions under GL 117A:1 (Emergency Aid Program for Elderly and Disabled Residents), GL 118A:7B, or GL 118E:15 (Medicaid Benefits), from $60 of any monthly income to $100 of any monthly income; requires an annual increase in the allowance equal to the state supplementary payments received by people who remain in their homes under GL Chapter 118A (Assistance to the Aged and Disabled).
HD862 - An Act for field safety in gas infrastructure
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: Amends GL 164:144 (uniform gas leaks classification system); reduces time for repair of class 2 gas leaks from 12 months to 6 months after classification; repeals language requiring gas companies to survey project areas for class 3 leaks; additionally requires gas companies to undertake the listed safety precautions prior to undertaking any excavation project, including locating, identifying and marking all gas gates and valves, and verifying that they are cleared, operational and accessible in clear sight at ground level prior to excavations; additionally requires all shut off valves to have a gate box installed; imposes a fine up to $10,000 for failure to comply with such safety precautions; requires maintenance of lists of class 3 leaks that are upgraded to class 1 or 2; requires local distribution companies (LDCs) to inspect areas around road and highway projects. Adds a new Section 115B to GL Chapter 164 directing DPU to establish regulations pertaining to the inspection and repair of piping, including LDC service lines connected to inside meters; adds a new Section 105C requiring gas piping systems to be constructed, operated, and maintained in compliance with federal pipeline safety standards, but additionally allows them to be more stringent; further adds a new Section 105D requiring DPU to improving emergency preparedness and response during emergency situations related to gas transportation or distribution; directs DPU to establish regulations for the evaluation and registration of gas work contractors; requires conducting and publishing a report detailing adherence to safety standards.  Requires gas companies to file plans with DPU to address aging or leaking natural gas infrastructure, the leak rate on the gas company's natural gas infrastructure, reductions of lost and unaccounted for natural gas; requires plans to include timelines; imposes fines up to $200,000 for violation of laws pertaining to excavations; increases individual and aggregate fines imposed for violation of standards related to acceptable performance for emergency preparation and restoration of service by electric and gas distribution companies; repeals language imposing penalties for violation of standards related to the storage and transportation of gas according to federal law, and imposes penalties in amounts up to $500,000 for each violation and up to a maximum of $10,000,000. 
HD870 - An Act to preserve and protect public health
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD871 - An Act relative to maintaining equal access to public education for all children in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD889 - An Act relative to providing dental care to senior citizens
Sponsor: Rep. Tackey Chan (D)
Summary: Amends GLs 118E:8 and 118E:53 to require that the Division of Medical Assistance provide MassHealth coverage for dentures, restorative, endodontic and periodontal treatment for MassHealth benefit recipients ages 65 and older.
HD907 - An Act to reduce inequities in access to medical procedures
Sponsor: Rep. William C. Galvin (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD914 - An Act relative to eliminating the PCP referral requirement for specialty gynecological care
Sponsor: Rep. Judith García (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD915 - An Act to improve sickle cell care
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: Makes a number of amendments and additions to existing law to enhance detection of and treatment of sickle cell disease (an inherited blood disorder marked by defective hemoglobin, often found in minority populations). In particular:   Defines terms like “iatrogenic infertility” (which is medically induced infertility, when a person becomes infertile due to a medical procedure done to treat another problem, most often chemotherapy or radiation for cancer) and outlines coverage criteria based on evidence-based standards of care.  Directs the Division of Medical Assistance to apply for a Medicaid waiver to implement coverage for fertility preservation services before January 1, 2024, subject to approval;  Mandates that health insurance policies subject to specific chapters must cover medically necessary expenses for standard fertility preservation services when medical treatment may cause iatrogenic infertility;  Prohibits discrimination in health insurance coverage based on various factors, including age, sex, sexual orientation, or marital status;   Establishes a Statewide Steering Committee on Sickle Cell Disease within DPH, and requires the committee to study and make recommendations on enhancing access to services, establishing a sickle cell disease registry, coordinating healthcare services for pediatric to adult transitions, and engaging with communities through outreach and education;  Directs DPH to provide certain information on the sickle cell trait to individuals and families, including its health impacts, mode of transmission, and implications for pregnancy;   Establishes a program within DPH to promote screening and detection of sickle cell disease, especially among underserved populations;  Includes a statewide education and outreach campaign, grants to approved organizations for screening services, data compilation, and healthcare professional education programs;  Establishes a system for reporting information on sickle cell disease and its variants, including a central registry;  Mandates reporting of certain information by healthcare facilities, laboratories, and healthcare providers; Requires notification and counseling for parents when sickle cell trait is detected in newborn screening;  Establishes a central registry for sickle cell trait patients, with follow-up consultations recommended at specific intervals;  Requires the implementation of a sickle cell disease quality strategy, including measurable goals, provider network capacity, care coordination, provider training, and exceptions to prior authorization for pain medications;  Requires an annual sickle cell disease management and accountability report to legislative committees.
HD923 - An Act to preserve and protect public health
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD924 - An Act relative to clinical laboratory testing
Sponsor: Rep. Kenneth I. Gordon (D)
Summary: Amends GL 111D:8 (Clinical Laboratories) to add a person from whose body a specimen was derived to the list of persons who may request a clinical laboratory to examine the specimen.
HD933 - An Act to promote high value and evidence-based behavioral health care
Sponsor: Rep. James Arciero (D)
Summary: Requires EOHHS to establish a special commission charged with expanding access to specialty behavioral health care inpatient beds for adults and youth; requires EOHHS to coordinate an interagency statewide planning committee to annually study the need for behavioral health care services across the commonwealth, beginning with inpatient psychiatric units and department of mental health beds; requires the Health Policy Commission to develop guidelines for the delivery of evidence-based delivery of behavioral health services, and to conduct a study on the variation of the practice of behavioral health providers in the Commonwealth; requires the Department of Elder Affairs  to establish clinical competencies and additional operational standards for care and treatment of patients admitted to facilities licensed pursuant to 104 CMR 27.00; and makes other technical changes relative to determination of need and behavioral health.
HD942 - An Act relative to the continuing education of podiatrists
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Kushmerek (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD951 - An Act relative to unilateral contract changes
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: Establishes health insurance consumer protections banning health insurance carriers from making contracts with health care providers that include language allowing termination without cause or unilateral changes to contract terms; additionally bans the division of medical assistance and the contributory public employee health insurance system from entering into contracts with health care providers or health insurance carriers that include language allowing termination without cause or unilateral changes to contract terms; requires any changes to contract terms to follow 90 days notice to a health care provider during which the provider can submit notice of termination or non-renewal. 
HD952 - An Act relative to bereavement leave
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 52F to GL Chapter 149, requiring employers tol permit employees to take bereavement leave following the death of a family member for attending the funeral or alternative arrangements, for making arrangements necessitated by the death of the family member, including, but not limited to, funeral arrangements, estate preparation, or other legal arrangements and for grieving the death of the family member.member; requires leave to be taken within 30 days of the notice of death of the family member; grants the employer discretion to allow leave to be paid or unpaid; further allows employers to require proof of death; exempts employers with fewer than 25 employees.
HD963 - An Act supporting maternal and pediatric health
Sponsor: Rep. John Moran (D)
Summary: Amends numerous GLs governing health insurance (Chapters 32A, 118E, 175, 176A, 176B, and 176G) to mandate coverage of a prenatal pediatric visit, to allow expectant parents to establish a relationship with a pediatrician pursuant to American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations.   
HD981 - An Act providing for a local option transportation excise tax on large employers
Sponsor: Rep. Michelle Ciccolo (D)
Summary: Enacts a new GL Chapter 64OE establishing a local option corporate transportation excise tax; allows municipalities to impose an excise for each employee who either lives in the Commonwealth, or who commutes to the business’s location regardless of residency; sets the excise tax amount at $10 per employee per year for businesses with between 50 and 99 employees, and up to $100 per employee per year for businesses with 1,000 or more employees, with several tiers in between; allows business to deduct from these amounts any payments made to employees for access to public transit; and authorizes DOR to promulgate regulations implementing these provisions.   
HD1015 - An Act relative to autism education reform
Sponsor: Rep. Alan Silvia (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 116I½ to GL Chapter 6 directing the Municipal Police Training Committee to establish a training curriculum instructing law enforcement officers on appropriate interactions with persons on the autism spectrum; amends several sections of GL Chapter 90 creating a process whereby individuals on the autism spectrum, or with other conditions or disabilities which may impede effective communication with law enforcement officers, can request license plates, driver’s licenses, learning permits, or identification cards that indicate a communication impediment. Provides for the Board of Education to issue endorsements in autism for paraprofessionals and teacher assistants with at least two years of relevant coursework and field experience; establishes an  independent review panel of 3 educators tasked with reviewing the Individualized Education Programs of students on the autism spectrum; requires students on the autism spectrum to be placed in a special education program, provided it is the least restrictive environment for that student; requires all teachers, paraprofessionals and teacher assistants assigned to classrooms with students on the autism spectrum to have an endorsement in autism from the Board of Education; requires video cameras to be installed in all classrooms or quiet rooms where students on the autism spectrum are taught.
HD1016 - An Act relative to insurance coverage for individuals with autism
Sponsor: Rep. Alan Silvia (D)
Summary: Requires the contributory health insurance system for public employees, health insurance companies, non-profit hospital service corporations, medical service corporations, health maintenance organizations and small group health insurance plans to provide coverage for dependents of insureds diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.
HD1026 - An Act ensuring equal access to medical treatments essential for people with a developmental disability, intellectual disability, or autism
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 63 to GL Chapter 118E (Division of Medical Assistance) to require the Division to cover the cost of habilitative and rehabilitative medically necessary treatments for individuals aged 21 and older who are receiving coverage under this chapter and who have been diagnosed with any of the following disorders as defined in the most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM): developmental disability, an intellectual disability, or autism spectrum disorder.
HD1049 - An Act concerning the regulation of kratom
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Hunt (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1063 - An Act to improve patient access to non-emergency medical transportation
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Hunt (D)
Summary: Amends certain provisions of law relative to health insurance to establish that any prior authorization for nonemergency ambulance and wheelchair van transportation to inpatient and outpatient dialysis treatment, inpatient and outpatient behavioral health services, and inpatient and outpatient post-acute care, shall be valid for a minimum of 3 business days. These provisions are to apply to Group Insurance (GL c.32A), Medicaid (GL c.118E), Health Insurance Indemnity Plans (GL c.175), Non-profit Hospital Service Corporations (GL c.176A), Medical Service Corporations (GL c.176B), and Health Maintenance Organizations (GL c.176G). In addition, the Health Policy Commission, in collaboration with CHIA, is to study the adequacy of reimbursement rates of MassHealth and commercial carriers for nonemergency medical transportation.
HD1089 - An Act relative to dual diagnosis treatment coverage
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Summary: Amends multiple GLs to include, in the definition of acute treatment services, any medically necessary services provided to individuals who have a dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance use disorder and who are receiving treatment in a facility licensed or certified by the Department of Mental Health of Department of Public Health.
HD1090 - An Act to improve oral health for all Massachusetts residents
Sponsor: Rep. Patricia Duffy (D)
Summary: Modifies numerous provisions of the general laws to promote improved oral health for all residents of the commonwealth; requires public schools to notify parents and guardians of the importance of public health on a form developed by the department of public health; allows a licensed dental therapist under the supervision of a practitioner to possess and distribute controlled substances.Establishes a comprehensive system for the licensing of dental therapists under GL Chapter 112; requires applicants to have a master's degree in dental therapy program that includes both dental therapy and dental hygiene, to pass a comprehensive examination in dental therapy approved by the board of registration in dentistry, and to have liability insurance; requires applicants to have practiced under the direct supervision of a supervising dentist for at least two years or 2,500 hours before practicing under general supervision under a collaborative management agreement; directs the board to approve the exam by January 1, 2020; regulates the licensure process, including for individuals licensed in other states.Defines the scope of practice for licensed dental therapists; allows licensed dental therapists to perform all acts of a public health dental hygienist and those in the commission on dental accreditation dental therapy standards, including performing oral evaluations, assessments of disease, development of treatment plans, and dispensing non-narcotic analgesics, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics; prohibits dental therapists from supervising more than two dental hygienists and two dental assistance; prohibits them from overseeing other dental therapists; regulates the scope of their practice; allows performance of advanced procedures after completing 2,500 hours and under the direct supervision of a supervising dentist, including simple extractions, fabrication and placement of crowns and pulp capping.Directs the Department of Public Health to evaluate the impact of dental therapists practicing under general supervision, and to make recommendations on whether they should be able to perform advanced procedures under general supervision; requires the board of registration in dentistry to establish regulations that implement the relevant scope of practice and working conditions recommended by DPH for dental therapists; regulates the permissible patient panel of a dental therapist; defines areas of consideration for DPH in its study of the impact of dental therapists; requires completion of the study within three years of the first graduating class of dental therapists.
HD1091 - An Act relative to accidental disability retirement for police officers and firefighters
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey Turco (D)
Summary: Amends GL 41:111F by defining leave taken by a police officer or firefighter before being granted accidental disability retirement, as leave with pay for incapacitated employees, if the leave and subsequent disability retirement is not based on health impairments caused by hypertension or heart disease, disesase of the lungs or respiratory act, or cancer.
HD1114 - An Act relative to elder and medical parole
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1115 - An Act to address health care costs through the cost benchmark and rate review processes
Sponsor: Rep. Patricia Duffy (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1117 - An Act protecting benefits owed to foster children
Sponsor: Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1173 - An Act relative to ensuring treatment for genetic craniofacial conditions
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: Requires various kinds of health insurers to provide coverage for medically necessary functional repair or restoration of craniofacial disorders, with the exception of coverage for cleft lip and cleft palate which is prescribed elsewhere in the General Laws. Coverage is not include cosmetic surgery or for dental or orthodontic treatment unrelated to congenital defects, developmental deformities, trauma, tumors, infections or disease; the benefits in this section will not be subject to any greater deductible, coinsurance, copayments or out-of-pocket limits than any other benefit provided by the commission. These requirements are enacted in parallel, and includes the Group Insurance Commission (GL Chapter 32A), Medicaid (GL Chapter 118E), Indemnity Plans (GL Chapter 175), Non-Profit Hospital Service Corporations (GL Chapter 176A), Medical Service Corporations (GL Chapter 176B) Health Maintenance Organizations (GL Chapter 176G), and Preferred Provider Plans (GL Chapter 176I).
HD1180 - An Act establishing a primary seat belt law
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey N. Roy (D)
Summary: Amends GL 90:13A (Seat Belt Use Required), by increasing fines for not wearing a seat belt from 25 dollars to 50 dollars; allows police officers to cite automobile passengers for failure to wear a seat belt; eliminates the requirement that seat belt citations may only be issued if a car is stopped for violation of other motor vehicle laws; prohibits imposing motor vehicle insurance premium surcharges for violations of seat belt requirements; prohibits motor vehicle searches or inspections solely because of not wearing a seat belt.
HD1200 - An Act establishing a jury duty exemption for breastfeeding parents
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Ultrino (D)
Summary: Amends GL 234A:4 (Disqualification from Juror Service) to add an exemption for individuals breastfeeding their child.   
HD1223 - An Act related to amending birth certificates
Sponsor: Rep. David T. Vieira (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1226 - An Act relative to domestic violence (Kianna's Law)
Sponsor: Rep. David T. Vieira (R)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 209A (Restraining Orders) to provide that a restraining order lasts for a period of one year, rather than a period up to one year; requires law enforcement agencies to give notice to the victim and, where appropriate, the victim’s family members when notice of a temporary restraining order or other abuse prevention order: (i) has been successfully served; (ii) has not been successfully served, and the effect of non-service on the restraining order’s validity; or (iii) has expired or otherwise become ineffective; requires law enforcement agencies to provide notice of the the defendant’s information and the notice materials to the department of criminal justice information services; amends GL Chapter 258B (Victim and witness assistance board) to provide notice to the victim, family members and witnesses when notice of a temporary restraining order or other abuse prevention order: (i) has been successfully served; (ii) has not been successfully served, and the effect of non-service on the restraining order’s validity; or (iii) has expired or otherwise become ineffective, and requires the board to conduct a study of victim and witness services in law enforcement agencies.
HD1236 - An Act to protect victims of stalking in violation of harassment prevention orders
Sponsor: Rep. David T. Vieira (R)
Summary: Adds new sections to the General Laws relative to small claims, civil cases in general, and summary process, to require any party who obtains a judgment for money damages must file a notice of satisfaction within 60 days after full satisfaction of such a judgment; holds any person who fails to do so to the judgment debtor liable for costs and attorney fees that were reasonably incurred in proving the judgment was satisfied; does not apply to a judgment that has been satisfied by levy of execution.
HD1239 - An Act establishing a commission to study quality & accessibility to telehealth
Sponsor: Rep. Bill MacGregor (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1252 - An Act relative to patient assessment and notification prior to prescribing certain medications
Sponsor: Rep. Carole Fiola (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 94C (Controlled Substances) to require medical practitioners to conduct a review and obtain the written informed consent of a patient before prescribing for the first time an extended-release long-acting opioid, certain other opioid pain relievers, or benzodiazepines; sets out elements of  the required review, including patient risk factors, discussion of any alternative treatment options, and information regarding misuse of the medication, or dependency and addiction. 
HD1255 - An Act to close the achievement gap by addressing disparities in children's vision
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: Adds new Sections 238 and 238A to GL Chapter 111 (Public Health) to establish and regulate a children’s vision and eye health advisory council within the Department of Public Health.
HD1260 - An Act to reduce inequities in access to hearing aids
Sponsor: Rep. Carole Fiola (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1261 - An Act to achieve universal pre-kindergarten
Sponsor: Rep. Antonio F.D. Cabral (D)
Summary: Amends GL 15D:13, establishing and regulating the Massachusetts universal pre-kindergarten program; creates a Universal Pre-Kindergarten Commission, to determine how to expand universal pre-kindergarten to include every child in the Commonwealth; requires the commission to submit its report by December 31, 2021; requires the report to include the listed considerations, including advantages and disadvantages, costs, financial benefits related to future educational readiness and employment opportunities for parents, and including funding of pre-kindergarten programs in Chapter 70 funding; requires money remaining in the Convention Center Fund money after meeting existing obligations relating to convention center construction to be used for expanding pre-kindergarten.
HD1281 - An Act relative to law enforcement access to prescription monitoring data
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Chaisson (R)
Summary: Amends GL 94C:24A governing the controlled substance prescription monitoring program to expand circumstances in which information gathered by the program can be shared with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, including by removing a requirement that data requests be accompanied by a probable cause warrant.   
HD1305 - An Act relative to pharmacy benefit managers reimbursements to pharmacies in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 3C to GL Chapter 176D, governing unfair and deceptive business practices, to regulate the conduct of pharmacy benefit managers; prohibits pharmacy benefit managers reimbursing pharmacies for less than an affiliated pharmacy; allows pharmacies to decline to provide a drug for less than the acquisition cost of the drug; requires pharmacy benefit managers provide a process for pharmacies to appeal cost decisions.
HD1308 - An Act providing for diabetes management in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL 71:54B relative to the administration of medications in school settings by establishing that the school nurse or physician may delegate the authority to administer the treatment of low blood sugar and monitor symptoms of students with type 1 diabetes to a trained health assistant. Each student with diabetes is to be placed in a classroom with a health or instructional assistant already supporting other students in this classroom. Requires that all school staff will be trained to administer treatment for low blood sugar and monitoring symptoms yearly.
HD1312 - An Act relative to juror service
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1317 - An Act relative to abortion care for young people
Sponsor: Rep. Dawne Shand (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1361 - An Act relative to the administration of anti-psychotic or other psychotropic substances to nursing home residents
Sponsor: Rep. Sally Kerans (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1362 - An Act relative to creating accessible CNA training
Sponsor: Rep. Tackey Chan (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1364 - An Act establishing guardians as providers of medical care to support the rights of incapacitated persons
Sponsor: Rep. Sally Kerans (D)
Summary: Makes several discrete amendments in the chapter on Medicaid relative to the appointment and use of professional guardians. In particular: Prohibits immediate family members (a spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild or sibling) from being a a “provider” within the meaning of the Medicaid statute; Requires EOHHS to also establish rates for “professional” guardians along with rates of payment for social service programs; Amends provisions currently establishing that no claim for medical care or services is to be reimbursed if any health insurer is already liable for it, with provisions that in the case of a guardian, no claim for care or services shall be reimbursed if any department of the state or federal judiciary is liable for such claim; Adds provisions establishing what evidence a guardian needs to submit to present satisfactory evidence of their qualifications to provide professional services.
HD1368 - An Act relative to emergency stock supply of epinephrine in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Kenneth I. Gordon (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 71 (Public Schools) to require every school to  maintain a stock supply of non-patient specific epinephrine available to all students, including students with individualized health care plans prescribing epinephrine injections, to be administered in the event of an anaphylactic emergency; directs DPH to promulgate regulations requiring school districts to adopt and implement policies pursuant to this Act; identifies several areas to be covered by said regulations; indemnifies a school nurse or other authorized individual who provides, administers, or assists in the administration of epinephrine to a student believed in good faith to be having an anaphylactic reaction from any civil damages for negligence in acts or omissions resulting from the rendering of such treatment; provides that  the cost of supplying nonpatient specific epinephrine to schools pursuant shall be assessed on surcharge payers as defined in GL Chapter 118E (Division of Medical Assistance).
HD1369 - An Act relative to prescription medication re-authorization
Sponsor: Rep. Sally Kerans (D)
Summary: Prohibits licensed health insurers from requesting or requiring annual re-authorizations for prescription drugs prescribed by medical professionals to treat chronic diseases. 
HD1378 - An Act relative to abandoned remains
Sponsor: Rep. Sally Kerans (D)
Summary: Amends GL 38:16 relative to required reports relating to certain controlled substances in the chapter on Medical Examiners and Inquests by adding provisions that require the Chief Medical Officer to accept for temporary storage abandoned remains of persons who have died of natural causes in facilities licensed by DPH, or other non-DPH facilities upon written request of the appropriate facility administrator. “Abandoned” remains are those of a dead body that no one has taken legal authority of for a period of 15 days.
HD1384 - An Act relative to certified medical directors at skilled nursing facilities
Sponsor: Rep. Kenneth I. Gordon (D)
Summary: Requires medical directors of nursing homes to be certified until January 1, 2033; provides guidance on certification process; penalizes medical directors in violation of this section; and directs the department to submit a report with a permanent requirement for medical directors of nursing homes by January 1, 2031.  
HD1393 - An Act expanding access to commuter transit benefits offered by employers
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Owens (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 204 to GL Chapter 149 requiring every employer in the Commonwealth that employs at least 50 people to offer to all its employees that are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement the opportunity to utilize a pre-tax transportation fringe benefit; establishes fines for non-compliance; requires the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development to direct a public multilingual awareness campaign in conjunction with the MBTA that encourages the public to contact employers about such benefits.
HD1410 - An Act relative to fairness in workers' compensation benefits
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: Amends GL 152:27 (Willfull Misconduct of Employee) to include intoxication or unlawful use of a controlled substance in the statute's definition of misconduct, thereby making him ineligible for compensation benefits.
HD1412 - An Act relative to workers' compensation
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1431 - An Act relative to emergency stock epinephrine in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: Amends GL 71:54B to require school districts to allow students to self-administer epinephrine; requires schools to maintain a supply of epinephrine stored in an easily accessible location to be administered in the event of an anaphylactic emergency; directs the department of public health to promulgate regulations governing these provisions and explore avenues to acquire free epinephrine; indemnifies school nurses and other authorized individuals in the administration of epinephrine.
HD1444 - An Act establishing a community health center nurse practitioner residency program
Sponsor: Rep. Mary Keefe (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1449 - An Act to improve Massachusetts home care
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas M. Stanley (D)
Summary: Enacts three new sections into GL Chapter 111 (Public Health) to require licensure for home care agencies; requires certain measures be included in regulations, including background checks, wage and labor compliance, and training requirements; allows for fines for the operation of an unlicensed home care agency or violations of regulations; establishes a home care worker and consumer abuse stakeholder advisory committee and a home care oversight advisory council; articulates the qualifications for members; requires each to review and report on the home care industry and status of home care licensure; applies employer non-discrimination statutes to individuals using a personal care attendant.
HD1455 - An Act relative to civil commitments and the appeal of those commitments
Sponsor: Rep. Amy Mah Sangiolo (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1456 - An Act ensuring access to full spectrum pregnancy care
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1470 - An Act expanding access to mental health services and strengthening risk assessment protocols
Sponsor: Rep. Kathleen LaNatra (D)
Summary: Amends GL 123:12 (Emergency restraint and hospitalization of persons with mental illness) to add licensed mental health counselors to list of licensed persons authorized to order restraint; authorizes all such licensed persons not to order hospitalization but instead to authorize an evaluation of the need for hospitalization.
HD1483 - An Act relative to the promotion of mental health education
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Higgins (D)
Summary: Amends GL 71:3 to require schools to teach mental health education; amends GL 76:1 to require school committees to approve a private school when satisfied that the instruction in all the studies required by law equals in thoroughness, efficiency and progress that of the public schools in the same town, in addition to the incorporation of a mental health education program into the curriculum; prohibits school committees from withholding such approval on account of religious teaching; authorizes cities and towns to appropriate money for conveying pupils to and from any schools approved under this section.
HD1491 - An Act relative to fair educational practices
Sponsor: Rep. John Marsi (R)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 151C (Fair Educational Practices) to add "special medical status" as a protected category under the statute; defines "special medical status" as "the condition of an individual due to a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act or due to the reception or failure to receive any medical treatment whether preventative, curative or palliative.”
HD1492 - An Act relative to evaluations on a retired veteran disability
Sponsor: Rep. Donald Berthiaume Jr. (R)
Summary: Amends GL 32:8 (Evaluation and reexamination of members retired for disability) by exempting authorized veterans retired for disability from further evaluations after their first 5 years.
HD1495 - An Act relative to healthcare proxies
Sponsor: Rep. Donald Berthiaume Jr. (R)
Summary: Amends GL 201D:2 relative to the appointment of health care proxies, by establishing that In the event that a previously designated healthcare agent, healthcare proxy, or alternate is not available, willing, or competent to make decisions, the attending physician may designate another willing physician to make health care treatment decisions as a patient's proxy decision-maker if an enumerated set of criteria are reached; specifies that nothing in the section should be construed as authorizing physician assisted suicide.
HD1500 - An Act relative to trans-inclusive health care access
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Higgins (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1513 - An Act expanding after-death care options
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Higgins (D)
Summary: Amends laws pertaining to burial and cremation of the deceased to additionally authorize alkaline hydrolysis and natural organic reduction upon bodies of the dead; defines alkaline hydrolysis as the reduction of human remains to bone fragments and essential elements in a licensed hydrolysis facility using heat, pressure, water, and base chemical agents; further defines the contained, accelerated conversion of human remains to soil; bans alkaline hydrolysis and natural organic reduction upon the body of a deceased person within 48 hours after death, unless the person died of a contagious or infectious disease.
HD1535 - An Act promoting patient safety and equitable access to care
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Higgins (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 231A to GL Chapter 111 to establish a statewide limit, specific to each hospital unit, for the number of patients a registered nurse can attend to at one time; directs the Attorney General to enforce limits; lists penalties for hospitals in violation of limits; and takes effect within two years of passage. 
HD1550 - An Act relative to a humane response to a mental health crisis
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Higgins (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1551 - An Act modernizing the 6 fundamental rights
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Higgins (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1560 - An Act protecting Norwood healthcare access
Sponsor: Rep. John H. Rogers (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1563 - An Act authorizing the University of Massachusetts Building Authority to purchase and construct a hospital in the town of Norwood to be operated by UMass Memorial Health Care, Inc
Sponsor: Rep. John H. Rogers (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1566 - An Act relative to access to psychiatric collaborative care
Sponsor: Rep. Kathleen LaNatra (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1570 - An Act to provide reproductive health care to incarcerated individuals
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1575 - An Act relative to anesthesiologist assistants
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: Adds six new sections into GL Chapter 112, creating professional licensure for anesthesiologist assistants, allowing for some delegation of responsibilities for anesthesia under the supervision of a fully-licensed anesthesiologist. 
HD1580 - An Act to provide retirement security to care workers
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 106 to GL Chapter 32 directing the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and the Department of Early Education and Care, in consultation with MassHealth, the Personal Care Attendant Workforce Council, 1199SEIU, and SEIU 509, to establish a 403(b) account, or another substantially similar individual retirement account program, for personal care attendants and for family child care providers; designates the Department of Medical Assistance as the employer of personal care attendants, and the Department of Early Education and Care as the employer of family child care providers; regulates implementation of such retirement programs; requires such programs to allow for collective bargaining, minimum employer contributions and employer contribution matching of individual employee contributions, professional management and benefits orientation; requires implementation of such programs within one year.
HD1587 - An Act to prevent medical debt by restoring health safety net eligibility levels
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Worrell (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1610 - An Act relative to noise reduction devices
Sponsor: Rep. Paul K. Frost (R)
Summary: Replaces the current statute punishing the possession, use, sale, offer for sale, transfer or disposal of firearms silencers by up to 2½ years in the House of Correction or five years in state prison, with exemptions for certain law enforcement officers and federally licensed firearms manufacturers , with a new statute that punishes, without any exemptions, the possession of a firearm silencer by a person (1) who is ineligible to obtain a firearms license under Massachusetts statute for various reasons (i.e. criminal record, mental illness, domestic violence, under 21 years old, etc) or (2) while committing a violent crime, felony or crime of violence against a family member or while in possession or or selling a controlled substance, by up to 2½ years in the House of Correction or five years in state prison.
HD1616 - An Act to support quality improvement in nursing homes
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas M. Stanley (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1619 - An Act accelerating wetlands restoration
Sponsor: Rep. Dawne Shand (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1626 - An Act regarding registered nurse first assistants
Sponsor: Rep. David Paul Linsky (D)
Summary: Adds a set of parallel provisions to GL Chapter 176A, Chapter 176B and Chapter 176G relative to Non-Profit Medical Service Corporations, Medical Service Corporations and Health Maintenance Organizations that require that when a health insurance plan provides for payment of 'surgical first' assisting benefits, these are to be construed as providing for the payment of a registered nurse. In addition, the bill requires DPH to prepare a report on care by registered first nurse assistants and their effect on the quality of care for patients.
HD1656 - An Act relative to bodily autonomy and family integrity
Sponsor: Rep. Justin Thurber (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1657 - An Act to ensure access to scalp and facial hair prostheses for children and adults with alopecia areata
Sponsor: Rep. Sally Kerans (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1664 - An Act prohibiting discrimination against adults with disabilities in family and juvenile court proceedings
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1675 - An Act relative to archaic laws
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: Establishes a permanent law revision commission to report at the close of each session of the legislature on defects and anachronisms in the law along with any recommended reforms. Additionally, repeals certain laws governing sexual conduct that have already been ruled unconstitutional by the SJC and removes references to them elsewhere, while striking various archaic terms (“common night walkers,” “sodomy,” etc.); and instead rewrites GL 272:35 (unnatural and lascivious acts) to penalize such acts only when carried out with the intent or a disregard for public exposure. Printed as amended version of SB2551, incorporating the text of a corrective amendment, as well as an amendment repealing GL 272:36 relating to blasphemy.   
HD1681 - An Act providing for greater police transparency
Sponsor: Rep. Russell E. Holmes (D)
Summary: This substantial legislation, comprising 20 sections, proposes multiple amendments to various chapters of the General Laws that in general are intended to provide greater transparency in policing, and substantially increased collection of demographic data in the criminal justice system overall. In particular, the bill: Establishes news standards for “noncustodial questioning,” requiring police officers, inter alia, (i) identify themselves, (ii) provide an explanation of the stop, and (iii) offer a business card to the person at the conclusion of the stop, with limited exceptions; Establishes a permanent task force to investigate demographic statistics of state, county, municipal, and public departments; Mandates diversity in committee-certified academies' staff; Adds implicit bias and inclusion training to law enforcement officer requirements; Requires state, county, municipal, and public departments to have staff reflecting the demographic composition of the Commonwealth; Requires law enforcement agencies to provide various data on publicly accessible websites; Imposes civil liability on anyone for intentionally summoning a law enforcement officer without a valid reason and based on discriminatory beliefs; Introduces proportional placement of non-veteran community members on eligible lists for each veteran placed; Requires police officers and firefighters to complete 10 hours of community service per month within the community; Requires schools to provide student discipline data on publicly accessible websites; Requires the RMV to collect and report data on traffic stops, including racial and gender information; Requires the DOC to provide demographic information on prisoner attendance and correctional officer grievances on publicly accessible websites; Mandates the use of body-worn cameras by officers responding to emergencies, incidents, or altercations within correctional facilities; Expands the authority of the judiciary to collect and review demographic data related to criminal proceedings; Develops a uniform protocol for law enforcement officers to record the race and sex of each officer issuing citations.
HD1683 - An Act reforming juvenile offender law
Sponsor: Rep. Russell E. Holmes (D)
Summary: Amends GL 119:52 to extend the age of delinquent children and youthful offenders to 19; amends GL 119:72B, regarding minors convicted of murder, to apply the existing provisions to youthful offenders age 16 through 19 and direct younger offenders to youth court; enumerates conditions for why offenders incarcerated under the section may be barred programming and treatment; eliminates the existing provision for psychological evaluation of alleged delinquent offenders in GL 123:15; enacts a new section into GL Chapter 123 setting forth procedures specifically for the evaluation of an alleged delinquent offender's competence; provides for dismissal of cases with prejudice and the initiation of civil commitment proceeding if competence is not attain within certain lengths of time for misdemeanors, felonies, and murder; implements a new procedure for granting parole under GL 127:130.
HD1720 - An Act relative to the electrification of new and substantially remodeled or rehabilitated
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 96A to GL Chapter 143 to mandate that all newly constructed or substantially remodeled buildings with a residential dwelling unit use electricity instead of fossil fuels for heating, cooling, cooking, and drying clothes; targets net 0 carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by 2050 for all biolabs and hospitals and outlines policies to reach goal; directs Department of Energy Resources to enforce regulations; takes effect January 1, 2025.
HD1737 - An Act providing a buffer for manufactured home communities
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Hawkins (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1759 - An Act to protect the independence of clinical decision making
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1767 - An Act relative to health care proxies
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Walsh (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1773 - An Act relative to emergency medical services oversight
Sponsor: Rep. Kathleen LaNatra (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL Chapter 111C (Emergency Medical Services System) that modify complaint procedures for emergency medical service providers and explore sustainable funding sources to support emergency medical services infrastructure. In particular: Directs the Council to assist in coordinating the efforts of all persons and agencies in the state concerned with the EMS system and to provide recommendations on developing and implementing changes where needed; Requires DPH to establish and implement procedures for handling complaints against individuals certified, licensed, designated, or otherwise approved under Chapter 111C; Requires that procedures, including complaint forms, are to be made available on the Office of Emergency Services website; Requires DPH will to investigate every complaint received, except those not constituting a violation of the chapter or its regulations; Establishes that complaints may be referred to other appropriate agencies or organizations; Requires DPH, in consultation with regional councils, to study and recommend potential permanent funding sources and mechanisms to support emergency medical services infrastructure; Requires a report with findings and recommendations to be issued to the legislative clerks and the committees on ways and means by December 1, 2025.
HD1776 - An Act relative to direct primary care
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Walsh (D)
Summary: Amends multiple General Laws to prohibit a health insurance carrier from denying payment for any health care service covered under an enrollee’s health plan based solely on the basis that the enrollee’s referral was made by a provider who is not a member of the carrier’s provider network; amends GL 94C:9 (Controlled Substances) to strike language limiting the authority of a nurse to dispense controlled substances; amends GL 94C:19 (Controlled Substances) to add practitioners who dispense controlled substances as persons with responsibility for the proper prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances. 
HD1785 - An Act requiring dignity, privacy, and safety for residents in nursing homes and rest homes
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Walsh (D)
Summary: Requires nursing and rest homes to submit a plan stating how they will treat each of their patients with dignity and prioritize dignity in employee trainings; mandates that plans include how facilities will guarantee single occupancy rooms with individual lavatories for all residents by July 1, 2024; provides guidelines on shared and semi-private rooms; grants residents the option of in-room dining at no additional cost; and penalizes nursing and rest homes in violation of this section. 
HD1788 - An Act requiring clean slate automated record sealing
Sponsor: Rep. Mary Keefe (D)
Summary: Amends GL 276:100A (Sealing of criminal records) and GL276:100B (Sealing of delinquency records) to eliminate current procedure of petition to court to request sealing and instead providing that certain records shall be sealed automatically after the statutory waiting period (7 years for criminal felonies; 3 years for criminal misdemeanors and delinquency records) provided that no new offenses have occurred; exempts certain offenses from automatic sealing process; directs commissioner of probation and commissioner of public safety to develop and implement computer systems for sealing; provides effective date of 18 months after passage.
HD1804 - An Act criminalizing sexual assault of a passenger by a rideshare operator
Sponsor: Rep. William C. Galvin (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1819 - An Act relative to certain employees of the MBTA advisory board
Sponsor: Rep. Tommy Vitolo (D)
Summary: Amends GL c.32 relative to state pensions by adding employees of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Advisory Board to the pension system, so long as they were paid by the Advisory Board and engaged in duties which require that the person’s time be devoted to the service of the Advisory Board in each year during the ordinary working hours of regular and permanent employees.
HD1840 - An Act to ensure safe medication administration
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Donahue (D)
Summary: Amends GL 94C:7 (Controlled Substances Act) to prohibit any person other than a dentist, nurse, physician, podiatrist, perfusionist, optometrist or veterinarian from administering a controlled substance in schedules II, III, IV, V or VI; authorizes self administration, as defined; lists certain exceptions; authorizes students of said professions to administer said controlled substances under the supervision of a licensed practitioner.
HD1842 - An Act aligning disability pensions for violent crimes
Sponsor: Rep. Jessica Giannino (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1843 - An Act relating to Insurance Adjusters
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Cahill (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1854 - An Act requiring coverage of medically necessary oral and dental care for head and neck cancer survivors
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1858 - An Act relative to facilitating the utilization of psychologists on the health care team.
Sponsor: Rep. Greg Schwartz (D)
Summary: Amends GL 112:80B, which regulates nursing, to include psychologists among the professionals who may prescribe treatment for nurses to administer.
HD1860 - An Act providing for pre-service training for members of local boards and commissions
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Flanagan (D)
Summary: Amends multiple General Laws to require the departments of public health, environmental protection and housing and community development to establish, conduct and maintain a free annual program of education for all new members of local boards under their purview; requires such members to complete said training prior to their service on such a board.
HD1866 - An Act requiring the certification of medical directors in skilled nursing facilities
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Ultrino (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1867 - An Act strengthening mental health centers
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1891 - An Act authorizing the appointment or retired police officers as special police officers in the town of Brookline
Sponsor: Rep. Tommy Vitolo (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1894 - An Act relative to employment protections for victims of abusive behavior
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1895 - An Act to facilitate timely access to quality health care by expanding access to patient navigation
Sponsor: Rep. Jessica Giannino (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1900 - An Act for field safety in gas infrastructure
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: Amends GL 164:144 (Uniform Gas Leaks Classification System); reduces time for repair of class 2 gas leaks from 12 months to 6 months after classification; repeals language requiring gas companies to survey project areas for class 3 leaks; additionally requires gas companies to undertake the listed safety precautions prior to undertaking any excavation project, including locating, identifying and marking all gas gates and valves, and verifying that they are cleared, operational and accessible in clear sight at ground level prior to excavations; additionally requires all shut off valves to have a gate box installed; imposes a fine up to $10,000 for failure to comply with such safety precautions; requires maintenance of lists of class 3 leaks that are upgraded to class 1 or 2; requires local distribution companies (LDCs) to inspect areas around road and highway projects. Adds a new Section 115B to GL Chapter 164 directing DPU to establish regulations pertaining to the inspection and repair of piping, including LDC service lines connected to inside meters; adds a new Section 105C requiring gas piping systems to be constructed, operated, and maintained in compliance with federal pipeline safety standards, but additionally allows them to be more stringent; further adds a new Section 105D requiring DPU to improving emergency preparedness and response during emergency situations related to gas transportation or distribution; directs DPU to establish regulations for the evaluation and registration of gas work contractors; requires conducting and publishing a report detailing adherence to safety standards.  Requires gas companies to file plans with DPU to address aging or leaking natural gas infrastructure, the leak rate on the gas company's natural gas infrastructure, reductions of lost and unaccounted for natural gas; requires plans to include timelines; imposes fines up to $200,000 for violation of laws pertaining to excavations; increases individual and aggregate fines imposed for violation of standards related to acceptable performance for emergency preparation and restoration of service by electric and gas distribution companies; repeals language imposing penalties for violation of standards related to the storage and transportation of gas according to federal law, and imposes penalties in amounts up to $500,000 for each violation and up to a maximum of $10,000,000. 
HD1910 - An Act to promote rehabilitation including guaranteed health, treatment, and safety for incarcerated LGBTQI+ people
Sponsor: Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis (D)
Summary: Establishes a position of LGBTQI+ coordinator at each correctional facility and enacts a number of protections for LGBTQI+ prisoners relative to their identity; requires greater disclosure of data collected under the federal Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003; prohibits consensual sex (specifically excluding between a guard and prisoner, which can not be consensual) or displays of affection as a grounds for restrictive housing; requires prisoners have access to HIV medication at no cost.
HD1913 - An Act to address barriers to HIV prevention medication
Sponsor: Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1927 - An Act to improve child and adolescent mental health services
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Summary: Expands coverage of mental health benefits provided under the contributory health insurance system for public employees, or by health insurance companies, non-profit hospital service corporations, medical service corporations and health maintenance organizations, by repealing coverage limited to licensed alcohol and drug counselor I, and including coverage for licensed rehabilitation counselors.
HD1930 - An Act relative to health care proxy storage and activation
Sponsor: Rep. Sally Kerans (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1934 - An Act relative to pupil dental health
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL Chapter 71 (Public Schools) and Chapter 111 (Public Health) requiring that children entering kindergarten must have had an oral health examination in the previous year, or within 30 days of entering kindergarten. The burden is on parent or guardian to present school districts with a certification, although the parent or guardian can refuse to consent; the various public schools must report to the Department of Public Health on the level of compliance, and DPH must make it possible for these schools to report through a website.
HD1939 - An Act regulating the practice and licensure of veterinary technicians
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Hunt (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD1945 - An Act further regulating the rental of motor vehicles
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Summary: Modifies GL 90 (motor vehicles and air craft) by establishing a framework regulating the rental of motor vehicles through rental facilitators; defines rental facilitators as those offering, booking, reserving arranging for, or otherwise facilitating a motor vehicle rental through an internet transaction or other method; subjects rental vehicle transactions to existing requirements, including those pertaining to possession of a license and registration, permissible motor vehicle operation by unlicensed drivers or those subject to interlock device license restrictions, the liability of lessors for parking violations, record keeping, rental agreements based on mileage, rental agreement language, collision damage waivers, and sales disclosures. Authorizes rental facilitators to enter into agreements to provide services at airports at an airport’s request; amends provisions related to the issuance of insurance for peer to peer car sharing programs; repeals language banning special insurance brokers from issuing policies for protection for vehicles used in personal vehicle sharing programs; imposes liability on peer-to-peer car sharing programs for damages to third parties or uninsured motorists; exempts the program from liability if the vehicle owner makes an intentional or fraudulent material misrepresentation or omission to the peer-to-peer car sharing program before the car sharing period in which the loss occurred, or colludes with the driver who fails to return the vehicle; requires peer-to-peer car sharing programs to ensure that both the vehicle owner and driver are insured; regulates allocation of liability between insurance companies; allows insurance companies to exclude coverage of damages related to use of a vehicle in a peer-to-peer car sharing program; details requirements for operation of such peer-to-peer car sharing programs, including requiring drivers to hold a valid drivers license and confirming that vehicles used in such programs do not have safety recalls.
HD1965 - An Act requiring full health insurance coverage for individuals with vitiligo
Sponsor: Rep. Rob Consalvo (D)
Summary: Amends various provisions on health insurance requiring that any health insurance policy, contract, agreement, plan or certificate of insurance must provide coverage for treatment of vitiligo as a chronic autoimmune disease including, but not limited to, mental health treatment in connection with vitiligo. Vitiligo is a chronic, long-lasting autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigment or color. These provisions are to apply to Group Insurance (GL c.32A), Medicaid (GL c.118E), health insurance indemnity plans (GL c.175), Non-profit Hospital Service Corporations (GL c.176A), Medical Service Corporations (GL c.176B), and Health Maintenance Organizations.
HD1974 - An Act relative to insurance coverage of mobile integrated health
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Finn (D)
Summary: Amends multiple General Laws to prohibit health insurance carriers from declining to provide coverage for medical, behavioral or health care services solely on the basis that those services were delivered by a health care provider participating in a mobile integrated health care program approved by the department of public health; requires that medical, behavioral or health care services delivered by way of an approved mobile integrated health care program shall be covered to the same extent as if they were provided in a health care facility and the rates of payments for otherwise covered services shall not be reduced on the grounds that those services were delivered by a provider participating in such a program; further require that deductibles, copayments and coinsurance may not exceed the payments applicable to delivery of the same services within a health care facility. 
HD2015 - An Act relative to wildlife rehabilitators
Sponsor: Rep. James M. Murphy (D)
Summary: Amends GL 112:58 to require wildlife rehabilitators to enter into a signed written agreement with a veterinarian outlining the procedures, services, responsibilities and limitations of their role; and excludes the work of wildlife rehabilitators from the definition of “practicing veterinary medicine,” allowing them to practice without being penalized for engaging in unlicensed veterinary medicine.   
HD2058 - An Act to protect medically fragile children
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2059 - An Act relative to opioid use disorder treatment and rehabilitation coverage
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2071 - An Act relative to state police pensions
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL 32:26 relative to the retirement of officers in Department of State Police, and in particular, retirement when they are physically or mentally incapacitated, to strike out the current provisions that provide separate retirement calculations for officers who became members in service before April 2, 2012.
HD2073 - An Act relative to public health volunteer responders
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: Adds a new section to GL c.111 (Public Health) which requires DPH to establish a registry of volunteer personnel (“the volunteer registry”), comprised of people who are available to provide health and medical services to the public during certain enumerated situations. These include: During a state of emergency or an emergency detrimental to the public health declared by the governor; During a public health incident that the commissioner determines demands an urgent response; Pursuant to a request from a local public health authority, healthcare facility, when local or regional resources have been or are expected to be exhausted; To conduct training and or exercises approved by the Commissioner. DPH is to establish a process to identify and credential personnel in the volunteer registry, which may include a requirement for photographic identification and Criminal Offender Record Information. While activated, the members of the registry are to receive protections under the Tort Claims Act as well as to be eligible for worker's compensation.
HD2079 - An Act relative to clinical laboratories
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Amends GL 111D (Clinical laboratories); eliminates role of advisory committee on clinical laboratories; allows laboratories to categorize certain tests as exempt and to establish minimum qualifications of laboratory personnel.
HD2093 - An Act relative to the well-being of new mothers and infants
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Summary: Amends GL 123:15 (Competence to stand trial) to require that when the competency is doubted of a defendant who had given birth in the last 12 months, they undergo a screening for perinatal psychiatric conditions; amends Section 16 (Hospitalization of persons incompetent to stand trial) to require treatment plans for those hospitalized for perinatal psychiatric conditions be made in consultation with an expert in reproductive psychiatry. Enacts a new section into GL 123 to allow for outpatient treatment for persons hospitalized under Section 16; requires persons found incompetent or not guilty by reason of mental illness, for offenses such as murder or involving bodily harm, be confined in a state hospital for at least 180 days prior to being granted outpatient status; requires notice to the prosecutor, defense counsel, and victim prior to the granting of outpatient status; directs DMH to appoint a community program director to coordinate the process; sets forth further procedure for the granting of outpatient status; limits outpatient status to one year, with a hearing for discharge or renewal; sets forth a procedure fro revocation of the status; requires court approval to re-grant status after revocation; prohibits persons granted outpatient status from leaving the state without written approval from the committing court. Directs state hospitals and treatment facilities to report to the commissioner on the cost of the program by January 1 each year, beginning in 2022; directs the chief justice of the Trial Court to report to the commissioner on reoffense rates under the program on the same schedule; directs DMH to conduct annual evaluations of the program and directs the department to set data gathering standards; immunizes administrators and treatment staff under the program from liability for crimes committed by persons under the program.
HD2117 - An Act advancing health care research and decision-making centered on patients and people with disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 118E (MassHealth) and GL Chapter 6D (Health Policy Commission) to require those agencies to ensure that any portfolio of research and analysis relied upon for determining the value of a healthcare treatment or service impacting enrollee access to healthcare treatments and services meets standards of patient-centeredness; sets criteria for agencies to follow in meeting standards of patient centeredness. 
HD2122 - An Act relative to health equity and community health workers
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2125 - An Act relative to telehealth and digital equity for patients
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2144 - An Act relative to affirming and maintaining equal access to public education for all children
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2148 - An Act reducing emergency department boarding
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2149 - An Act ending unnecessary hospitalizations
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2178 - An Act to strengthen the control of contagious and infectious diseases in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: Authorizes the Commissioner of Public Health to designate contagious and infectious diseases of heightened public health importance; prohibits insurance plans, health coverage, and medical assistance and medical benefit programs from charging cost sharing or requiring utilization review for any health care service for the prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of a disease designated as a contagious or infectious disease of heightened public importance.
HD2183 - An Act relative to the prescription monitoring program
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Directs the Department of Public Health to establish a way to monitor the administration of opioid maintenance treatment in the existing electronic prescription monitoring program under GL 94C:24A, to enable licensed professionals to see prior and current prescriptions; requires all opioid treatment programs to give individuals entering their program a form which provides consent for release of information; requires the form to note that consent is not mandatory for treatment.
HD2184 - An Act regulating body art
Sponsor: Rep. Bruce J. Ayers (D)
Summary: Adds new GL Chapter 111O (Regulation of Body Art), for the purpose of comprehensively regulating the body art industry; defines body piercing as the piercing of any part of the human body, excluding the ear lobe; directs the Department of Public Health to promulgate rules and regulations relating to the licensure and monitoring of persons engaged in body piercing; establishes requirements for practitioner training, operational sanitation requirements, body art facilities standards and consumer disclosures; prohibits tattooing or piercing of persons under the age of 18 without parental consent.
HD2199 - An Act enabling trained school personnel to administer life saving epinephrine treatment
Sponsor: Rep. Bruce J. Ayers (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 54C to GL Chapter 71, entitled 'The Use of Emergency Epinephrine in Schools'; authorizes local school boards and nonpublic accredited schools to adopt and implement policies for the possession and administration of epinephrine by a school nurse or other trained school employee to a student believed to be having an anaphylactic reaction; indemnifies such school employees acting in good faith; authorizes the storage of emergency epinephrine kits maintained by a consultant pharmacist on school property.
HD2209 - An Act relative to sexual assaults by adults in positions of authority or trust
Sponsor: Rep. Leigh Davis (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 13B¾ to GL Chapter 265, defining penalties for sexual assault by mandated reporters or other people in positions of trust, authority or supervision over a child; imposes a term of imprisonment for indecent assault and battery by a person in a position of trust or a mandated reporter, on a child between the ages of 14 and 18, of up to 10 years in a state prison, or up to 2½ years in a house of correction; imposes a mandatory minimum term of ten years in a state prison for indecent assault and battery by a person in a position of trust or a mandated reporter on a child under the age of 14; further details penalties for sexual intercourse or unnatural sexual intercourse with a child between the ages of 16 and 18; prohibits continuing such cases without a finding or placing such cases on file; categorizes children under the age of 18 as unable to consent to any such conduct; regulates statutes of limitations for such offenses.
HD2218 - An Act expanding access to mental health services
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: This omnibus legislation makes numerous amendments to SL 2022:177 (An Act Addressing Barriers to Care for Mental Health). In particular, the bill: Amends various provisions of general that require a health insurance carrier to cover mental health services received prior to the pre-existing 72 hour notification period, and applies this rulle specifically to GIC, Medicaid, non-profit hospital service corporations, medical service corporations, and health maintenance organizations; Adds provisions establishing that a health facility must be licensed by DMH if the facility plans to make a capital expenditure for the development of acute psychiatric services including, inpatient, community based acute treatment, intensive community based acute treatment, partial hospitalization program, and crisis stabilization services; By updating the definition of “Licensed mental health professional” by expanding the definition to various MH providers; By including “addiction medicine” within certain mental health treatment categories; Amends portions of GL Chapter 123 (Mental Health) to authorize licensed physician assistants to render certain services; Establishes a definition for “emergency services programs” to include all programs subject to contract between the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership and provider organizations for the provision of acute care hospital and community-based emergency behavioral health services; Establishes a a task force to evaluate ways to ensure the financial stability of inpatient behavioral health units and facilities; Requires HPC and various other actors to conduct a study and issue a report regarding the design of a behavioral health home hospital program; and Requires DOI to establish regulations that require carriers to reimburse acute care hospitals with emergency departments or satellite emergency facilities for the provision of emergency behavioral health services.
HD2220 - An Act to clarify prescription monitoring program activities
Sponsor: Rep. John Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2250 - An Act transferring Bridgewater State Hospital from the Department of Corrections to the Department of Mental Health
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Amends provisions relative to Bridgewater State Hospital to move the administration of the hospital from the Department of Correction to the Department of Mental Health. In particular, the bill establishes that the Commissioner of DMH is to have the responsibility for the operation and oversight of Bridgewater State Hospital and for providing the medical and mental health treatment for all men sent to that facility; it requires DMH to develop and maintain a division of forensic mental health services to provide forensic services such as court-ordered evaluations of competence to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and aid-in-sentencing, among others. Finally, the bill repeals the section that currently lists Bridgewater State Hospital as one of the institutions of the Department or Correction, and also strikes out references to the Medical Director of Bridgewater State Hospital.NOTE: Please note that Bridgewater State Hospital has a long history of being administered by both the Department of Correction and the Department of Mental Health, often with the different departments having responsibility over different aspects of the hospital, such as treatment and security.
HD2251 - An Act relative to epinephrine injectors
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: Requires the contributory health insurance system for public employees, the division of medical assistance, health insurers, non-profit hospital service corporations, medical service corporations, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for the appropriate weight-based dosage of epinephrine injectors; bans subjecting such benefits to any greater deductible, coinsurance, copayments or out-of-pocket limits than any other benefit covered.
HD2283 - An Act relative to pharmacy benefit managers reimbursements to pharmacies in the Commonwealth
Sponsor: Rep. Alyson Sullivan-Almeida (R)
Summary: Adds a new Section 3C to GL Chapter 176D, governing unfair and deceptive business practices, to regulate the conduct of pharmacy benefit managers; prohibits pharmacy benefit managers reimbursing pharmacies for less than an affiliated pharmacy; allows pharmacies to decline to provide a drug for less than the acquisition cost of the drug; requires pharmacy benefit managers provide a process for pharmacies to appeal cost decisions.
HD2313 - An Act to promote increased access to patient care through equitable reimbursement
Sponsor: Rep. Paul J. Donato (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2321 - An Act relative to absentee voting
Sponsor: Rep. Paul J. Donato (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 54 (Voting) to strike requirement that a disability establishing eligibility to vote absentee must be a physical one.
HD2326 - An Act to protect health care consumers from surprise billing
Sponsor: Rep. Paul J. Donato (D)
Summary: Adds provisions to GL c.111 (Public Health) that prohibit a health care provider from charging, billing or collecting a facility fee except for (1) services provided on a hospital’s campus, (2) services provided at a facility that includes a licensed hospital emergency department; or (3) emergency services provided at a licensed satellite emergency facility.  Establishes that a patient may also not be charged facility fee for a service that may reliably be provided safely and effectively in settings other than hospitals; if a health care provider charges or bills a facility fee for services, the health care provider must provide any patient receiving such service with written notice that such a fee will be charged and may be billed separately; the notice must be given 10 days ahead of an appointment, or if a walk-in, at the time the patient arrives at the facility; a health care provider that violates these provisions may be punished by a fine of up to $1,000 per occurrence, and may be considered, an unfair trade practice under chapter 93A. Further amends GL c. 175H (False Health Care Claims) by prohibiting health care facilities charging an impermissible facility fee or to engage in surprise billing. Amends GL c. 176O (Health Insurance Consumer Protections)  to prohibit a provider from charging for unforeseen out-of-network services beyond the applicable coinsurance, copayment, deductible or other out-of-pocket expense that would be imposed if the service was rendered by a participating provider. 
HD2328 - An Act relative to acute hospital and nursing home governance
Sponsor: Rep. Paul J. Donato (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2329 - An Act to promote high-quality early literacy instruction and improve student outcomes
Sponsor: Rep. Dan Sena (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2335 - An Act relative to patient access to biomarker testing to provide appropriate therapy
Sponsor: Rep. Meghan Kilcoyne (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2338 - An Act relative to medical services
Sponsor: Rep. Meghan Kilcoyne (D)
Summary: Amends GL 111C (Emergency Medical Services System) and 111O (Mobile Integrated Health Care) to transfer both from the supervision of the commissioner of public health to the commissioner of public safety.
HD2347 - An Act relative to preventing the sexual abuse of children and youth
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2353 - An Act providing prescription drug cost reimbursements to elderly governmental retirees
Sponsor: Rep. Alan Silvia (D)
Summary: Amends GL 32A:2, the statute governing definitions for the group or blanket insurance for government employees, to include any retired employee age 70 or older who has been retired for 5 years under the definition of elderly governmental retiree; adds a new Section 10C to GL Chapter 32A to allow certain elderly government retirees to receive reimbursement to reduce the cost of prescription drugs by at least 25%.
HD2359 - An Act to ensure access to prescription medications
Sponsor: Rep. Alan Silvia (D)
Summary: Establishes a new GL 176D:3C, to regulate pharmaceutical drugs, medical products or devices placed on a 'maximum allowable cost list', which imposes a maximum reimbursement rate for pharmacies; requires all drugs placed on a maximum allowable cost list to have at least two therapeutically equivalent, multiple source drugs, or at least one generic drug available; requires removing drugs from the list if they no longer have alternatives; regulate disclosure of list contents and appeals of maximum allowable costs by pharmacies; requires pharmacy benefit managers or other covered entities to increase the maximum allowable cost for all pharmacies if an appeal is successful; requires appeals process information to be available on a secure company website, and to include a phone number for submission of appeals; prohibits pharmacies from disclosing maximum allowable cost information to any third party; directs the Insurance Commissioner to promulgate regulations and grants them authority to audit pharmacy benefits managers' books.
HD2360 - An Act relative to capping earning in retirement
Sponsor: Rep. Alan Silvia (D)
Summary: Amends GL 32:91 (Public employee retirement) to strike 2 limitations on public employee earnings for a person receiving a public employee pension: (1) that those earnings when added to any pension or retirement allowance the person is receiving do not exceed the salary that is being paid for the position from which he was retired or in which his employment was terminated plus $15,000, and (2) that in the first 12 months immediately following the effective date of retirement, the earnings received by any person when added to any pension or retirement allowance the person is receiving shall not exceed the salary that is being paid for the position from which the person was retired or in which the person's employment was terminated.
HD2369 - An Act protecting labor and abolishing barriers to organizing rights
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2387 - An Act to protect a patient’s right to a support person at health care facilities
Sponsor: Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2422 - An Act Updating the Administration of medications in schools statute to include epilepsy
Sponsor: Rep. Joseph McKenna (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2442 - An Act relative to primary enforcement of seatbelt violations
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Hawkins (D)
Summary: Amends GL 90:13A (seat belt use required) to eliminate the requirement that seat belt citations may only be issued if a car is stopped for violation of other motor vehicle laws.
HD2446 - An Act to protect little lungs
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Hawkins (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2453 - An Act regarding families and children in need of assistance
Sponsor: Rep. Rita Mendes (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2470 - An Act to provide paid family and medical leave to all educators
Sponsor: Rep. Vanna Howard (D)
Summary: Amends GL 175M (Paid Family and Medical Leave) to include school districts and education collaboratives; provides that for school districts and education collaboratives the employer's contribution shall be paid from the Fair Share Tax; provides that the taking of leave shall not affect the accrual of creditable service for public retirement purposes; provides that leave benefits shall not be paid during an established and customary vacation period or holiday recess if there is a reasonable assurance that the individual's employment will continue after the recess.
HD2471 - An Act improving access to breast pumps
Sponsor: Rep. Amy Mah Sangiolo (D)
Summary: Amends health insurance chapters of General Laws to require carriers to provide coverage for the rental and usage of a multi-user breast pump by the mother of a newborn infant who is receiving care at an intensive care or special care nursery, or has cardiac, neurological, or oral anomalies that prevent direct feeding at the breast, until such time as the infant is discharged, or until the mother is no longer pumping breastmilk. The multi-user breast pump shall be made available to the user within 24 hours of maternal hospital discharge.
HD2472 - An Act relative to veteran inclusion
Sponsor: Rep. Meghan Kilcoyne (D)
Summary: Amends GL 32:26 (Civil service order list) to designate members of the Massachusetts National Guard or Reserves of the United States Armed Forces with no less than two years of continuous service as holding fourth position on order list.
HD2488 - An Act to enhance child passenger safety
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: Amends GL 90:7AA (Child Passenger Restraints) to require that such restraints comply with US Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Vehicle Standards; further requires that all infants and toddlers under the age of 2 years or weighing less than 30 pounds be restrained in a rear-facing car seat; further requires that all children 2 years or older or who have outgrown their rear-facing car seat by height and weight use a forward facing car seat with a harness up to the maximum height and weight allowed by the child restraint manufacturer.
HD2492 - An Act allowing the administration of antiseizure medication on school busses
Sponsor: Rep. Joseph McKenna (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2493 - An Act providing for safe and consensual sensitive examinations
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2519 - An Act to further define medical necessity determinations
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Kushmerek (D)
Summary: Requires contributory group insurance coverage for public employees (GL Chapter 32A), the Division of Medical Assistance (GL Chapter 118E), health insurance (GL Chapter 175), non-profit hospital service corporations (GL Chapter 176A), medical service corporations (GL Chapter 176B), and health maintenance organizations (GL Chapter 176G) to provide coverage for medically necessary mental health acute treatment for up to 14 days, without requiring a preauthorization prior to obtaining treatment; requires coverage of medically necessary community based acute treatment services for up to 21  days, and medically necessary intensive community based acute treatment services for up to 14 days.
HD2523 - An Act relative to benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine hypnotics
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 94C (Controlled Substances Act) regulating the use of benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine hypnotics; defines benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine hypnotics; directs pharmacists to include a cautionary label on such drugs explaining the risks associated with long-term use; directs the DPH to develop a pamphlet describing such effects; prohibits the refilling of a prescription for less than a ten day supply; adds a new Section 12HH to require practitioners to obtain the patient's informed consent before prescribing such hypnotics; establishes and regulates the membership and operation of a special commission to study protocols to safely discontinue the use of benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine hypnotics and minimize the patient's symptoms of withdrawal.
HD2540 - An Act relative to end of life options
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Summary: Adds a new GL Chapter 201G, entitled the “Massachusetts End of Life Options Act,” establishing a process whereby terminally ill patients can opt to receive “aid in dying” from a physician; authorizes a physician licensed in Massachusetts to prescribe medication, at a terminally ill patient's request, to end that patient's life; sets out various requirements for patients to qualify for this procedure including the capacity to make and communicate medical decisions, an incurable, irreversible disease that will cause death within six months, and an expressed wish to die. Requires the patient to directly communicate to a physician on two occasions, 15 days apart, the patient's request for the life-ending medication; requires the patient to express their wishes both orally and in writing, in a format laid out in the bill; directs the physician to offer the patient an opportunity to rescind their request, and allows patients to reverse their decision at any time and in any manner; requires the patient to undergo counseling in order to determine that the patient is not suffering from a psychiatric or psychological disorder causing impaired judgment, after which the counselor must submit a written report to the attending physician; directs the physician to recommend to the patient that next of kin be contacted; allows for the patient, after all requirements have been met, to receive and then self-administer the medication. Includes various precautions and exemptions to prevent misuse of these provisions; establishes criminal penalties for altering, forging, concealing or destroying a patient's request (or rescission of a request) for medication if done with the intent of causing the patient’s death; clarifies that a patient with a guardian cannot qualify for this procedure, and that age or disability cannot solely qualify a patient for this procedure; allows various medical professionals to refuse to participate in this procedure.
HD2549 - An Act relative to increasing consumer access to licensed rehabilitation counselors
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Hawkins (D)
Summary: https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleII/Chapter12C/Section10
HD2559 - An Act to promote graduate medical education
Sponsor: Rep. Frank A. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2560 - An Act relative to insurance coverage of hearing aids
Sponsor: Rep. Kristin Kassner (D)
Summary: Amends various health insurance provisions to require any policy of accident and sickness insurance which provides for hospital expenses and surgical expenses to provide coverage for hearing aids to the insured, and to any child of the insured who is under 26 years of age. These provisions are set forth in parallel to GL c.32A (Group Insurance), 118E (Medicaid), 175 (Insurance), 176A (Non-profit Hospital Service Corporations), 176B (Medical Service Corporations), and 176G (Health Maintenance Organizations).
HD2578 - An Act establishing a public health option
Sponsor: Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis (D)
Summary: Adds a new GL Chapter 176S entitled 'Public Health Insurance Option' to require the Commonwealth Connector Authority to offer a public health benefits plan - the 'public health insurance option' - to eligible individuals and large groups, to ensure choice, competition, and stability of affordable, high quality coverage throughout Massachusetts. Requires that the public option (a) be made available exclusively through the Commonwealth Connector, alongside health benefit plans receiving the Connector seal of approval, (b) meet all the requirements established for health benefit plans to receive the Commonwealth Connector seal of approval, (c) meet the Connector's standards for minimum creditable coverage; regulates definitions related to the public health option; requires that only Medicaid managed care organizations administer the public option; authorizes the Commonwealth Connector Board to establish the premium rates for the public health insurance option.
HD2587 - An Act to increase health insurer reporting transparency
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2597 - An Act relative to undesignated glucagon rescue therapies in schools
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL c.71 (Public Schools) by adding provisions relative to Undesignated Glucagon Rescue Therapies, which are treatments that do not require reconstitution for the treatment of severe hypoglycemia in a dosage form that can be rapidly administered to the patient in an emergency, as approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In particular: Establishes that a school district can obtain a standing order for ready-to-use undesignated glucagon rescue therapy; Establishes that schools can keep a supply of ready-to-use undesignated glucagon rescue therapy in a secure location accessible to school personnel; Specifies that ready-to-use undesignated glucagon rescue therapies can be used on school property, including the school building, playground, school bus, and during field trips or excursions away from school property; Establishes that after administering undesignated glucagon, the school must call 911 for emergency assistance and inform the school nurse (unless the nurse administered the glucagon), the student's parent or guardian, emergency contact (if known), and healthcare provider about its use; and, Establishes that if a student is injured as a result of the administration of ready-to-use undesignated glucagon rescue therapy prescribed by a licensed healthcare professional and dispensed by a pharmacist to a school, the professional and pharmacist cannot be held responsible unless they issued the prescription with a conscious disregard for safety.
HD2599 - An Act amending the child passenger restraint exemption to include vehicles used in the ride-share industry
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2610 - An Act relative to the treatment of infantile cataracts
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: Amends various provisions of the General Laws to provide that any health insurance policy that covers infantile cataract surgery must also cover aphakic lenses for treatment and rehabilitation as well as provide benefits for prosthetic contact lenses or glasses, as medically required.
HD2620 - An Act relative to modernizing licensure of dietitians and nutritionists
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2621 - An Act relative to the dental licensure compact in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2628 - An Act improving student access to life saving treatments
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: Amends GL 71:54B (Administration of Medicine in School Settings) to direct the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Public Health to promulgate regulations for the emergency administration of glucagon by trained members of the school staff when a nurse is not present to a student exhibiting symptoms of severe hypoglycemia if the parent of guardian has submitted written permission for such emergency treatment; indemnifies school staff members acting in good faith.
HD2632 - An Act increasing access to MassHealth dental providers
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: Adds a section to GL c.118E (Division of Medical Assistance) that requires EOHHS to provide MassHealth supplemental payments to eligible MassHealth-participating dental providers who render covered dental services to an additional ten or greater MassHealth beneficiaries in a given year compared to the number of beneficiaries they provided services to in the prior year.  These supplemental payment are initially to be set at $31 for the first year and are to be distributed to eligible dental providers as a rate add-on for each patient encounter; the payment rates are to be subject to re-evaluation by EOHHS. The supplemental payments will be available to providers located in twenty specific municipalities that are designated by EOHHS as having a high number or proportion of MassHealth enrollees and low rates of utilization of dental services.
HD2645 - An Act relative to personal injury protection, benefits due and payable
Sponsor: Rep. Bruce J. Ayers (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2662 - An Act relative to contributory retirement board elections
Sponsor: Rep. Danielle W. Gregoire (D)
Summary: Amends GL 32 and 34B (Public retirement) to allow a surviving spouse who is receiving a retirement allowance to vote in the election of certain members serving on the board of such contributory retirement system.
HD2665 - An Act to redirect excessive health insurer reserves to support health care safety net programs
Sponsor: Rep. Danielle W. Gregoire (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2666 - An Act relative to determining capacity and invoking the health care proxy
Sponsor: Rep. Danielle W. Gregoire (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2675 - An Act relative to defining "curios and relics"
Sponsor: Rep. David DeCoste (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2678 - An Act to ensure access to medical parole
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2700 - An Act relative to modern family building
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Higgins (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2728 - An Act relative to rate equity for community health centers
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Blais (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2745 - An Act providing for certain health insurance coverage
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Summary: Amends several different provisions of General Law regulating insurance coverage to require that coverage be provided for enteral formula for home use, whether administered orally or via tube feeding, for which a physician has issued a written order. The order must state that the enteral formula is clearly medically necessary and has been proved effective as a disease-specific treatment regimen for those individuals who are or will become malnourished or suffer from disorders, which if left untreated, cause chronic physical or intellectual disability or death. The insurance programs to which these requirements will apply include indemnity plans, hospital service corporations, medical service corporations, health maintenance organizations, and coverage provided through the Group Insurance Commission.
HD2759 - An Act relative to growing resources to optimize the utilization of group therapeutic care
Sponsor: Rep. Jessica Giannino (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2762 - An Act updating terminology and investigative practices related to the protection of persons with disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2803 - An Act relative to Parkinson's Disease disability and death in firefighters
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 32C (Retirement Systems and Pensions) to establish that any condition of impairment caused by Parkinson's Disease resulting in total or partial disability or death will be presumed to have been suffered in the line of duty, unless it is shown by a preponderance of the evidence that non-service connected risk factors or non-service connected accidents or hazards caused the incapacity. These provisions apply to a very specific set of public employees, including to a uniformed member of a paid fire department, or a member of the state police assigned to the fire investigation unit of the Department of Fire Services, or a member of the state police K9 Unit, or to any permanent crash crewman, crash boatman, fire controlman or assistant fire controlman employed at the General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport, members of the 104th fighter wing fire department or members of the Joint Base Cape Cod fire department. The member must have successfully passed a physical examination upon entry into such service in order to be eligible, and must have served in their public-safety related position for at least five years.
HD2814 - An Act relative to providing the next of kin of a state police officer killed in the line of duty with a flag during the memorial service
Sponsor: Rep. Todd M. Smola (R)
Summary: Entitles the next of kin of a member of the State Police who is killed or dies from injuries sustained in the line of duty to a flag of the commonwealth, to be provided during the memorial service.
HD2820 - An Act relative to fentanyl test strips
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Rogers (D)
Summary: Amends GL 94C:1 to exempt fentanyl test strips or other testing equipment from being classified as drug paraphernalia; and adds new section 19E to GL Chapter 94 to exempt, except in cases of gross negligence or misconduct, any individual who provides or administers fentanyl testing equipment to determine whether a substance has fentanyl from being subject to criminal or civil liability or professional disciplinary action as a result of their actions or omissions. 
HD2828 - An Act responding to the threat of invasive species
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Rogers (D)
Summary: Submits a framework for the control and mitigation of invasive species in the commonwealth; establishes and regulate the use of the Invasive Species Trust Fund, for use by the newly created invasive species committee; establishes and regulates the membership and operation of the comprehensive invasive species office within the executive office of energy and environmental affairs; charges the office with controlling invasive species and coordinating land and waterway management efforts across the state; regulates the contents of the statewide strategic management plan relating to early detection and rapid response, control, enforcement, and education of the public with respect to all taxa of invasive species; establishes and regulates the membership and operation of the invasive species advisory committee to provide information, advice and guidance to the invasive species office; directs the committee to undertake the listed responsibilities, including maintain oversight of invasive species, recommend legislation and administrative policies, prioritize remediation activities, and identify and establish new revenue sources for the trust fund.
HD2842 - An Act promoting and enhancing the sustainability of birth centers and the midwifery workforce
Sponsor: Rep. Manny Cruz (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2844 - An Act relative to school site councils and the district parent advisory council
Sponsor: Rep. Manny Cruz (D)
Summary: Adds new Section 59C½ to GL c. 71 (Public Schools) to establish a formal role for various parent advisory councils — including those relating to special education and English language learners — in advising the school committee, including through a biannual presentation; and requires the school committee to support these advisory councils through appropriate funding and training.   
HD2852 - An Act relative to food justice with jobs
Sponsor: Rep. Adrian Madaro (D)
Summary: Establishes and regulates the operation of a local garden agriculture program through the agricultural jobs division; defines the garden agriculture program as one that enables Massachusetts residents to establish small-scale food gardens, that localizes food production to reduce carbon emissions, and that increases Massachusetts residents’ access to locally-grown food with high nutritional value; directs the division to establish a grant program allowing individuals to apply for gardening items, seeds, raised beds, and other tools and equipment; prohibits recipients from using chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer. Additionally, establishes and regulates the operation of a community agriculture program through the agricultural jobs division; defines the community agriculture program as one that enables Massachusetts residents to establish community gardens, and increase Massachusetts residents’ access to locally-grown food with high nutritional value; directs the division to establish a grant program to allow community agriculture cooperatives to purchase land or property to establish a community garden, compensate real estate agents and other professionals in the process of buying such land, purchasing tools and materials for such garden, and other related expenses; regulates the operation of such cooperatives; defines grant amounts for cooperatives based on population size; directs the division to publish community agriculture standards for grant recipients.    
HD2859 - An Act relative to school transportation personnel
Sponsor: Rep. Danielle W. Gregoire (D)
Summary: Amends GL 71:55A relative to sick, injured or incapacitated pupils to extend the “Good Samaritan” principles to school transportation vehicle drivers or monitors; expands the reach of that law from the grounds of a school to school transportation trips.
HD2860 - An Act to improve continuity of care for MassHealth members with chronic conditions
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2862 - An Act to ensure equitable health coverage for children
Sponsor: Rep. David M. Rogers (D)
Summary: Adds a new Section 16E to GL Chapter 118E (Division of Medical Assistance) to establish a program of comprehensive health insurance for children and young adults under the age of 21 who are residents of the Commonwealth and who are not eligible for such benefits under the Social Security Act or the state demonstration project solely due to their immigration status; directs the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to maximize Federal financial participation for said program.
HD2882 - An Act relative to athletic training
Sponsor: Rep. Sally Kerans (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2884 - An Act relative to culturally competent and effective health care
Sponsor: Rep. Chynah Tyler (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2886 - An Act relative to the transfer of the Victim Compensation Fund
Sponsor: Rep. Kathleen LaNatra (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2889 - An Act relative to the Massachusetts lead law and promoting equal access to lead-free housing
Sponsor: Rep. David LeBoeuf (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2900 - An Act expanding licensure opportunity for school counselors
Sponsor: Rep. Ryan Hamilton (D)
Summary: Amends GL 112:165 relative to marriage and family therapists, rehabilitation counselors, mental health counselors, educational psychologists, applied behavior analysts and assistant applied behavior analysts, supervised mental health counselors, to establish that school counselors may sit for the written or oral examination for licensure as a mental health counselor; credits graduate course credits earned toward licensure as a school counselor and experience as a counselor in a school setting toward the requirements for licensure as a mental health counselor. New draft of SB210. The new draft makes grammatical and technical corrections to the previous bill, and establishes that a maximum 100 hours may be completed in a school setting as a school counselor licensed by DESE.
HD2930 - An Act prohibiting discrimination against 340b drug discount program participants
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Cahill (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2956 - An Act relative to safer schools
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: Amends GL 71:37P (School resource officers) to provide that  the guiding principle for involving a school resource officer in a school-related matter is whether student behavior rises to the level of criminal conduct that poses real and substantial harm or threat of harm to the physical or psychological well-being of other students, school personnel, or members of the community or real and substantial harm or threat of harm to the property of the school, and that the school resource officer’s response to the school-related matter is to be guided by the techniques required for certification as a school resource officer under GL 6:116H; requires that the department of elementary and secondary education approve the hiring of school resource officers; eliminates language giving the chief of police authority over operating procedures for school resource officers; changes date for superintendents to file reports relating to school resource officers from August 1 to July 16 and adds to those reporting requirements; requires the board of elementary and secondary education, subject to appropriation, to make one- or two-year grants to public school districts and/or individual public schools, including regional school districts and charter schools, for the cost of implementing holistic school health and safety practices that do not include law enforcement presence.
HD2958 - An Act to protect survivors of spousal abuse from alimony liability
Sponsor: Rep. Patricia Duffy (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2966 - An Act replacing archaic and stigmatizing language for substance use
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2969 - An Act establishing the program of all-inclusive care for the elderly
Sponsor: Rep. Adrian Madaro (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2974 - An Act to provide paid family and medical leave to educators and municipal employees
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Connolly (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2988 - An Act enhancing post-pregnancy mental health care
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD2989 - An Act enhancing access to abortion
Sponsor: Rep. Sally Kerans (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3000 - An Act relative to chaperones for medical exams
Sponsor: Rep. Jennifer B. Armini (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3004 - An Act to protect victims of stalking in violation of harassment prevention orders
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Hogan (D)
Summary: Adds new sections to the General Laws relative to small claims, civil cases in general, and summary process, to require any party who obtains a judgment for money damages must file a notice of satisfaction within 60 days after full satisfaction of such a judgment; holds any person who fails to do so to the judgment debtor liable for costs and attorney fees that were reasonably incurred in proving the judgment was satisfied; does not apply to a judgment that has been satisfied by levy of execution.
HD3039 - An Act Ensuring confidentiality for emergency service providers
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3051 - An Act regulating the sale of hemp products to protect public health and support farmers
Sponsor: Rep. James Arena-DeRosa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3053 - An Act relative to traffic regulation using road safety cameras
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Owens (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3058 - An Act establishing parking cash-out
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Owens (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3072 - An Act to establish commonsense permitting reforms for businesses and landowners
Sponsor: Rep. Kevin G. Honan (D)
Summary: Amends various provisions of GL Chapter 40A (Zoning), to dictate that special permits should run with the land rather than be personal to the applicant; sets out formal criteria to be considered when decisions are made by the permit granting authority relative to applications for variances; adds new sections to create a procedure for a separate site plan review by the planning board and enumerates the process for successfully completing such review; prohibits the exaction of monetary value for completing any of the processes contained within this bill.
HD3083 - An Act to protect victims of stalking in violation of harassment prevention orders
Sponsor: Rep. David T. Vieira (R)
Summary: Adds new sections to the General Laws relative to small claims, civil cases in general, and summary process, to require any party who obtains a judgment for money damages must file a notice of satisfaction within 60 days after full satisfaction of such a judgment; holds any person who fails to do so to the judgment debtor liable for costs and attorney fees that were reasonably incurred in proving the judgment was satisfied; does not apply to a judgment that has been satisfied by levy of execution.
HD3094 - An Act to address medical debt through hospital financial assistance reform
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3095 - An Act improving access to infertility treatment
Sponsor: Rep. Kevin G. Honan (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3101 - An Act relative to training of mandated reporters
Sponsor: Rep. Carole Fiola (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3103 - An Act to protect children from adults in positions of authority or trust
Sponsor: Rep. Carole Fiola (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3104 - An Act preserving access to treatment for patients with serious mental illnesses
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3123 - An Act to support the transition to adult services for persons with disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. Mark J. Cusack (D)
Summary: Requires the use of transition services from school to the post-school adult environment for persons with disabilities, to be provided by the schools in close coordination with the Bureau of Transition Planning of the Executive Office of Health and Human Services. To facilitate this coordination, with the consent of the parents or a child who has reached the age of majority, the child's school committee, with no less than 21 calendar days' notice, must invite to the child's IEP meeting a representative of the Bureau and of any participating adult service agency identified by the Bureau that is known by the school to be responsible for services pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 1414(d)(1)(D) to facilitate transition planning. Habilitative services, provided during the transition, are to include, when necessary, instruction in independent living skills and functional life skills, independent or supportive housing, preparation for postsecondary education, preparation for individualized and integrated competitive or supported employment, and training in self-advocacy. In addition and subject to appropriation, the Department of Developmental Services is to develop and administer a discretionary demonstration program to provide, as part of a pilot project, services which are parallel in scope to programs of community intellectual disability services that already exist. EOHHS is also required to file certain reports. Finally, a number of references to 'disabled person' are updated to 'person with a disability' in various provisions of General Law.
HD3143 - An Act relative to public safety personnel
Sponsor: Rep. Mark J. Cusack (D)
Summary: Amends GL 32:91 to exempt all retirees in Group IV from limits on post-retirement work as a contractor for a public entity and to exempt any Group IV retiree from limits on post-retirement income if they serve as Secretary or Undersecretary of Public Safety and Security or work for the Municipal Police Training Committee or Fire Services Academy.
HD3147 - An Act strengthening oversight of health care facility spending
Sponsor: Rep. Mark J. Cusack (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3174 - An Act to establish the Leslie law
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Worrell (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3205 - An Act relative to work hours for state retirees
Sponsor: Rep. David Robertson (D)
Summary: Amends GL 32:91 (Payment of pensioners for services after retirement) to increase the maximum permissible hours that may be worked by a retired public employee in service to the commonwealth, a county, city, town, district or authority from 1,200 to 1,400.   
HD3209 - An Act to ensure senior care organization quality and accountability
Sponsor: Rep. David Robertson (D)
Summary: Establishes a framework for a comprehensive statewide policy on recovering municipal costs for digital infrastructure in public rights of way, including regulation of use of such digital infrastructure by streaming entertainment services; directs the commonwealth to regulate the commercial sale of streaming digital entertainment services, and recover municipal costs of use of public rights of way by such services; requires such services to pay a cost recovery assessment of five percent of gross revenues to the commonwealth; regulates submission of bi-annual financial statements, and calculation of penalties for failure to submit the calculated assessment; establishes and regulates the use of the streaming entertainment fund for deposit of such assessments; requires distribution of 1/5 of the fund to the general fund, 2/5 to municipalities and 2/5 to community media centers; authorizes municipalities to establish separate accounts for the deposit of such funds.  
HD3224 - An Act removing barriers to the expungement of records
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3226 - An Act to advance health equity
Sponsor: Rep. Bud Williams (D)
Summary: This omnibus DEI legislation establishes a new Executive Office of Equity under the Governor's Cabinet, led by a Secretary of Equity, to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion across state government. It mandates incorporating health equity into the Health Policy Commission and the Center for Health Information and Analysis and certain other health related agencies. In particular, among other things: Sets primary care and behavioral health expenditure targets. Evaluates legislative impacts on healthcare costs biennially. Creates a special commission to address health inequities with measurable benchmarks. Establishes an Advisory Board with diverse representation. Requires annual reports on equity objectives and outcomes. Establishes a Health Equity Zone Trust Fund for areas with documented health disparities. Amends recruitment initiatives to support individuals from priority populations. Requires health equity training for healthcare licensees. Establishes programs for individuals ineligible for Medicaid due to immigration status. Please note that HD3226 and SD1202 are identical, but HD138, although very similar, is not.
HD3230 - An Act requiring licensed gun owners to submit a yearly affidavit
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Amends GL 140:129B (firearm identification cards) and GL 140:131 (licenses to carry firearms) by requiring license holders and cardholders to file annual affidavits with the issuing authority stating that they have not not lost a firearm or had a firearm stolen from their possession since their last renewal or issuance; imposes a fine between $500 and $1,000 and/or a term of imprisonment between 6 months and two years for failure to file the annual affidavit. 
HD3233 - An Act relative to assessing the feasibility of in-state drug manufacturing
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3239 - An Act to improve access and care coordination for people with pain
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3242 - An Act to implement recommendations of the Commission on structural racism in the parole process
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3243 - An Act authorizing the voluntary disavowal of eligibility to purchase a firearm
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: Establishes a protocol allowing individuals suffering from depression to voluntarily disavow their eligibility to purchase a firearm; directs the commissioner of the department of criminal justice information services to establish a list of individuals who disavow their eligibility to purchase a firearm, and to place them on a list after they file a form submitting a request to do so; directs the department to establish the form for the voluntary disavowal, and to make it available on their webpage; authorizes the revocation of gun dealer licenses for selling a firearm to anyone on the list; requires distribution of the form to hospitals and emergency facilities; requires clinicians to offer the list to patients who voluntarily present themselves and who appear to be suffering from depression; authorizes removal of names from the list upon petition.
HD3248 - An Act to promote Yes in My Back Yard
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3266 - An Act petitioning for an emergency restraint bill
Sponsor: Rep. Donald Berthiaume Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3286 - An Act to improve transparency in alleged police misconduct
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher M. Markey (D)
Summary: Amends GL 38:8 (medical examiners and inquests), by regulating inquests for inquests involving law enforcement officers; authorizes the attorney general, district attorneys, police chiefs, executives of a city, or select boards of a town to request inquests where there is reasonable suspicion that a law enforcement officer, within their respective jurisdiction engaged in illegal conduct that caused serious bodily injury to another; requires such inquests to be conducted by attorney general or the district attorney; establishes rights for persons subject to inquests, including the right to be present, to be represented by counsel, to present or examine witnesses and to examine the resulting report; prohibits dismissal of indictments or suppression of evidence if such rights aren’t exercised or preserved; defines a complainant, as well as the parents, guardian or next of kin of the person whose death or serious bodily injury is the subject of the inquest as interested persons who may be present at the inquest. 
HD3289 - An Act relative to supported decision making
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher M. Markey (D)
Summary: Amends the Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code (GL Chapter 190B) by adding a new section 5-508, the Supported Decision-Making Agreement Act, the purpose of which is to create a process by which adults with disabilities who need assistance with decisions may choose to make and communicate decisions; regulates the process by which an adult with a disability can voluntarily enter into a supported-decision making agreement with another adult who can provide assistance in making decisions with the disabled adult’s consent; regulates terms and limitations of such agreements, and allows a disabled person to revoke the agreement at any time; allows the disabled person to enter into separate health care proxies and durable powers of attorney. Amends GL 6A:16, by directing the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to establish training programs on supported decision making, to be provided to both supporters and principals; amends GL 71:3, by requiring notification of any student on an IEP for whom adult guardianship is being considered of the availability of supported decision making as an alternative to adult guardianship.
HD3291 - An Act to protect the citizens of the Commonwealth from drunk drivers
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher M. Markey (D)
Summary: Rewrites and restructures language from over 20 sections of GL Chapter 90 addressing the definition of and penalties for various motor vehicle offenses; specific topics addressed include, but are not limited to operation of motor vehicles after suspension or revocation of a license; driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances; cell phone usage while operating a motor vehicle resulting in injury; leaving the scene of an accident; implied consent to breath or blood tests while operating a motor vehicle; ignition interlock devices; motor vehicle forfeitures due to operating under the influence; aggravated OUI; child endangerment due to driving under the influence; bodily injury resulting from driving under the influence; misdemeanor motor vehicle homicide; manslaughter by motor vehicle; use of a motor vehicle without authority; use of a motor vehicle for street racing; and others; additionally bans operating a vessel on the water while under the influence.
HD3306 - An Act protecting first responders and enhancing access to behavioral health centers
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3340 - An Act relative to non-medical switching
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: Establishes new general laws related to health insurance coverage (GL 175:230), non-profit hospital service corporations (GL 176A:38), medical service corporations (GL 176B:2) and health maintenance organizations (GL 176G:33) which ban nonmedical switching of covered prescription drugs for individuals who are medically stable on drugs that were previously covered and that were prescribed within the last six months; further prohibits changing maximum coverage of benefits, increased cost sharing, or moving the covered individual to a more restrictive tier; requires health care carriers, health plans, or utilizations review organizations to provide covered individuals with access to a clear and convenient process to request a coverage exemption determination, and to provide a response to exemption requests within 72 hours of receipt; further requires a 24 hour response in exigent circumstances. 
HD3342 - An Act relative to seeds
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: Amends GL Chapter 94C (Controlled Substances Act), Chapter 94G (Regulation of the Use and Distribution of Marijuana Not Medically Prescribed), and Chapter 94I (Medical Use of Marijuana) by striking any reference to the “seeds” of the plants from the definition of marijuana.
HD3350 - An Act concerning the Massachusetts probation service
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: Makes technical amendments across the General Laws by replacing the probation department with the Massachusetts Probation Service.
HD3362 - An Act relative to dental service quotes
Sponsor: Rep. Marc T. Lombardo (R)
Summary: Establishes a new GL 111:228 1/2, requiring dental services providers to give quotes for costs associated with dental services upon patient request and before performing such services; a patients or prospective patients to waive quote requirements for individual treatments included as part of a series or continued course of treatment; allows patients to file complaints with the board of registration in dentistry if the provider fails to provide a quote; directs the board to file a written report with the attorney general upon a finding of services that were not medically necessary.
HD3366 - An Act relative to child fatality review
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Finn (D)
Summary: Adds new provisions to GL Chapter 18C (Office of the Child Advocate) that establishes a state child fatality review team and local child fatality review teams to address preventable child fatalities and near fatalities. In particular: The State Child Fatality Review Team is to include the Child Advocate, Commissioner of Public Health, Chief Medical Examiner, and other enumerated officials. The team is to provide recommendations and reports on findings to the government and the public. The Local Child Fatality Review Teams are to be comprised of the various district attorneys, the chief medical examiner in each county, and representatives from various other departments with designated expertise. The aim is to coordinate data collection, promote cooperation among agencies, understand local child fatality causes, and advise the state team on relevant changes. Information shared among the teams is confidential, subject to exemptions from disclosure. Members cannot be questioned in legal proceedings regarding team discussions. Information, documents, and records of the teams are not subject to subpoena or introduction as evidence, ensuring confidentiality. The bill also repeals GL 38:2 which currently regulates state and local multidisciplinary child fatality review teams. Finally, amends GL 38:3 relative to the duty of various persons to report on the death of a person to the Chief Medical Examiner, or to designated medical examiners, by including the State Child Fatality Review Team in the case of the death of a child.
HD3383 - An Act to remove barriers to patient care
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Donahue (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3384 - An Act relative to health care worker and first responder safety
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Donahue (D)
Summary: Amends provisions of GL 111:70F relative to HIV testing; entitles first responders, including healthcare providers, police officers, fire officials, prison guards, or other public officers acting in the line of duty, who come into contact with blood or other bodily fluids, to HIV test results, regardless of whether the patient or tested person provides consent.
HD3389 - An Act relative to peer-to-peer car sharing
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Finn (D)
Summary: Enacts in a new Chapter 90K into the General Laws entitled Personal Vehicle Sharing Companies. “Peer-to-peer car sharing” is defined as the authorized use of a vehicle by an individual other than the vehicle’s owner through a peer-to-peer car sharing program (but not including rental car activity). Companies that provide these services include Turo and GetAround, as well as GoMore, SnappCar and HiyaCar in Europe. The chapter establishes the following: That peer-to-peer car sharing programs are required to assume liability for bodily injury, property damage, and other specified losses during the car sharing period, unless certain conditions, like intentional misrepresentation, are met; That insurance coverage is mandated during each car sharing period, with specific requirements for coverage amounts; That peer-to-peer car sharing programs must inform shared vehicle owners about potential violations of contracts with lienholders when using vehicles with liens; That authorized insurers may exclude coverage for various claims under a shared vehicle owner's insurance policy;  That peer-to-peer car sharing programs must collect and retain records related to vehicle use for a specified time, providing access to shared vehicle owners and insurers for claim investigations; That peer-to-peer car sharing programs and shared vehicle owners are exempt from vicarious liability based on vehicle ownership, following federal and state laws; That clear and conspicuous notices must be provided to shared vehicle owners and drivers regarding indemnification, limitations of insurance coverage, rates, fees, and other relevant information; That peer-to-peer car sharing programs must ensure that drivers hold valid licenses and maintain records of driver information; The Commissioner of Insurance will have the authority to promulgate rules to enforce the new chapter.
HD3398 - An Act regarding consistent care for addiction rooted in evidence
Sponsor: Rep. Mindy Domb (D)
Summary: Amends several sections of GL Chapter 127 (Prisons); provides new definition for "medication for addiction treatment"; requires that newly-admitted prisoners be given a physical examination within 24 hours of admission which includes examination for addiction; requires all correctional facilities to offer medication for addiction treatment; requires the establishment of a medically appropriate re-entry treatment plan for the detainee or prisoner in a state or county facility within 120 days of expected discharge; imposes reporting requirements on state and county corrections officers; requires assessments of all prisoners in state and county correctional facilities within 30 days of passage of legislation; repeals 2018 session law on medication-assisted treatment.    
HD3403 - An Act to increase access to nurse-midwifery services
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3404 - An Act to protect qualified Medicare beneficiaries from improper billing
Sponsor: Rep. Steven Ultrino (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3406 - An Act improving access to post acute services
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas M. Stanley (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3407 - An Act relative to supported decision-making agreements for certain adults
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3429 - An Act relative to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Finn (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3451 - An Act to facilitate climate resiliency
Sponsor: Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3452 - An Act relative to benefits for teachers
Sponsor: Rep. Alice Hanlon Peisch (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3456 - An Act supporting family caregivers
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Kushmerek (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3459 - An Act relative to the dental licensure compact in Massachusetts
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Philips (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3463 - An Act relative to primary care access
Sponsor: Rep. Greg Schwartz (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3497 - An Act to finance the Betsy Lehman Center’s statewide provider health care safety education pilot program
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3499 - An Act to promote continuity of health coverage for children
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3503 - An Act alleviating the burden of medical debt for patients and families
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3521 - An Act establishing a prescription drug rebate program for seniors
Sponsor: Rep. Nicholas A. Boldyga (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3541 - An Act relative to electronic defensive devices
Sponsor: Rep. Colleen M. Garry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3559 - An Act concerning the safety of autistic and alzheimer individuals
Sponsor: Rep. Colleen M. Garry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3570 - An Act including Krabbe Disease in newborn screening
Sponsor: Rep. Colleen M. Garry (D)
Summary: Amends the provisions of GL 6A:18AA and the requirement that EOHHS develop a secure common application portal for individuals to simultaneously apply for state-administered needs-based benefits and services, by adding veteran’s benefits to the type of benefits which must be included in the portal.
HD3581 - An Act enabling physician assistants to authorize psychiatric holds and ensure adequate training on their use
Sponsor: Rep. Kate Donaghue (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3583 - An Act to ensure affordable prescription medications through accountability standards
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3591 - An Act establishing tax credits for health care preceptorship
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Reid (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3592 - An Act to protect 340B providers
Sponsor: Rep. Sean Reid (D)
Summary: Amends GL 32A, 175, 176A, 176G, 176I (Health insurance carriers) to prohibit a health insurance issuer, pharmacy benefit manager, or other third party payor from (1) reimbursing a 340B entity for 340B drugs at a rate lower than that paid for the same drug to entities that are not 340B entities or lower reimbursement for a claim on the basis that the claim is for a 340B drug, or (2) imposing any terms on any 340B entity with respect to any of a list of items that differ from such terms applied to non-340B entities on the basis that the entity participates in the federal 340B drug discount program or that a drug is a 340B drug.
HD3606 - An Act establishing employee screening requirements in schools to prevent child sexual abuse
Sponsor: Rep. Natalie Blais (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3612 - An Act relative to restricted vital records
Sponsor: Rep. Michael J. Moran (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3617 - An Act relative to wheelchair repair requirements and consumer protection
Sponsor: Rep. James J. O'Day (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3627 - An Act relative to toxic air contaminant reduction
Sponsor: Rep. Jessica Giannino (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3633 - An Act relative to the protection of medical exemptions for immunizations for school attendance
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Soter (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3642 - An Act establishing a public health option
Sponsor: Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3654 - An Act relative to gender identity in insurance
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3661 - An Act relative to Massachusetts primary care for you
Sponsor: Rep. Rich Haggerty (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3666 - An Act to exempt the Executive Director of the Municipal Police Training Committee from earnings limitations
Sponsor: Rep. Rich Haggerty (D)
Summary: Amends the provisions of GL 6A:18AA and the requirement that EOHHS develop a secure common application portal for individuals to simultaneously apply for state-administered needs-based benefits and services, by adding veteran’s benefits to the type of benefits which must be included in the portal.
HD3701 - An Act relative to colon cancer screening
Sponsor: Rep. James Arciero (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3727 - An Act relative to payments in lieu of taxation by organizations exempt from the property tax
Sponsor: Rep. Erika Uyterhoeven (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3734 - An Act relative to the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder
Sponsor: Rep. John J. Mahoney (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3750 - An Act relative to AI health communications and informed patient consent
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3763 - An Act relative to MassHealth managed care pharmacy benefit reimbursement rates
Sponsor: Rep. Paul McMurtry (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3775 - An Act relative to routine childhood immunizations
Sponsor: Rep. Andres Vargas (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3778 - An Act enhancing child welfare protections
Sponsor: Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3780 - An Act to provide continuum of care for severe mental illness
Sponsor: Rep. Bradley H. Jones, Jr. (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3787 - An Act to improve outcomes for persons with limb loss and limb difference
Sponsor: Rep. Carlos Gonzalez (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3789 - An Act relative to bereavement leave for the loss of a child
Sponsor: Rep. James Arciero (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3834 - An Act relative to teacher preparation and student literacy
Sponsor: Rep. Alice Hanlon Peisch (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3877 - An Act to address the financial sustainability of the Health Safety Net
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Cahill (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3884 - An Act relative to IUD pain management coverage
Sponsor: Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3896 - An Act providing for insurance coverage for vision screening for children
Sponsor: Rep. Bridget Plouffe (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3898 - An Act relative to the definition of disclosure, apology and early offer programs
Sponsor: Rep. Bridget Plouffe (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3927 - An Act to protect MassHealth applicants facing undue hardship
Sponsor: Rep. Bridget Plouffe (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3949 - An Act relative to self-defense sprays
Sponsor: Rep. David Muradian (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3957 - An Act requiring reimbursement for the costs of providing competent interpreter services
Sponsor: Rep. Bridget Plouffe (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3966 - An Act relative to the exposure of public safety officials to HIV
Sponsor: Rep. Bridget Plouffe (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3980 - An Act relative to autopsy reports by the medical examiner
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3983 - An Act to improve care and prepare for the new era of Alzheimer’s and dementia
Sponsor: Rep. Danielle W. Gregoire (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD3984 - An Act creating higher education opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and other developmental disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Kushmerek (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4001 - An Act relative to the licensure of behavior analysts
Sponsor: Rep. Tackey Chan (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4030 - An Act to further enhance rate review examinations conducted by the health care access bureau within the division of insurance
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4031 - An Act establishing a division of health insurance
Sponsor: Rep. John Lawn, Jr. (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4091 - An Act ensuring access to addiction services
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4096 - An Act relative to animal telehealth
Sponsor: Rep. Mark J. Cusack (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4116 - An Act to streamline patient disclosure requirements
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Day (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4131 - An Act protecting the rights of older adults and people with disabilities
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey Turco (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4134 - An Act promoting infection prevention and privacy for residents of nursing homes
Sponsor: Rep. Jeffrey Turco (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4148 - An Act improving the health insurance prior authorization process
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4149 - An Act to increase access to nurse-midwifery services
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4170 - An Act providing for the allowance of early evidence kits
Sponsor: Rep. Sam Montaño (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4178 - An Act creating parity for mental and behavioral health services
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4191 - An Act to protect correctional officers
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Soter (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4212 - An Act relative to preventing overdose deaths and increasing access to treatment
Sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Decker (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4233 - An Act relative to insurance coverage for new treatment
Sponsor: Rep. John Gaskey (R)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4248 - An Act to ensure efficient and effective implementation of the roadmap for behavioral health reform
Sponsor: Rep. Christine Barber (D)
Summary: No summary available yet.
HD4360 - An Act empowering municipalities and local governments
Sponsor: Governor Maura Healey (D)
Summary: This legislative proposal covers various amendments and provisions affecting public health, municipal operations, taxation, public meetings, procurement, and other local government functions. Key changes include: Public Health Council: Adjusts its composition, requiring one member to be appointed by the governor from a list nominated by the Coalition for Local Public Health. Open Meeting Law: Defines “adequate, alternative means of public access” and allows remote participation for public body meetings while ensuring accessibility. Procurement Thresholds: Increases thresholds for competitive bids, reverse auctions, and sole-source procurements to $100,000, and exempts specific services and contracts from procurement laws. Public Retirement and Employment: Provides temporary provisions for hiring retirees for critical shortage positions and addresses retiree salary and benefits. Municipal Flexibility: Allows expanded borrowing for real estate and waterways improvements. Permits establishment of cooperative agreements for regional boards of assessors. Authorizes additional uses for revolving funds and enterprise fund accounts. Provides flexibility in tax exemptions for seniors, veterans, and public safety workers. Taxation Updates: Simplifies tax assessment processes for utility companies. Clarifies exemptions and abatements for property taxes, including for trusts and fiduciaries. Authorizes municipalities to increase motor vehicle excise taxes and local excise rates for rooms and meals. Public Utilities: Amends provisions on replacement of electric poles, double poles, and underground infrastructure taxation. Cybersecurity and Reporting: Requires municipalities to report known cybersecurity incidents to a central state office. Fentanyl Test Strips: Exempts fentanyl test strips from classification as drug paraphernalia and provides liability protections for their use. Education and Transportation: Repeals restrictions on funding for school transportation and adjusts procedures for regional school district finances. Local Governance and Administrative Changes: Combines certain municipal positions, extends terms for town administrators, and updates financial reporting. Creates provisions for managing gifts, grants, and election-related funds. Effective Dates and Repeals: Several provisions are set for future enactment or repeal, including tax changes and critical shortage hiring policies.
HD4382 - An Act relative to travel insurance
Sponsor: Rep. Tackey Chan (D)
Summary: Establishes and regulates a framework for the sale of travel insurance; defines travel insurance as covering personal risks incident to planned travel, including interruption or cancellation of a trip or event, loss of baggage or personal effects, damages to accommodations or rental vehicles, and sickness, accident, disability or death occurring during travel; requires and regulates the licensing of entities issuing travel insurance; defines travel insurance policies as inland marine insurance, except for policies that provide coverage for sickness, accident, disability, or death occurring during travel; regulates sales and marketing practices for such policies. (NOTE: substantially influenced by the NAID Travel Insurance Model Act)